

中国当代医药 2014年14期


[摘要] 目的 探讨慢性肾衰竭与血浆胃泌素、胃动素的相关性。 方法 选择本院2013年1~12月收治的90例慢性肾衰竭患者与9例正常健康者,以肾小球滤过率分组并与血浆胃泌素、胃动素进行相关性统计分析。 结果 慢性肾衰竭组测定的血浆胃泌素、胃动素的指标均高于对照组;慢性肾衰竭五组的胃泌素与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);除GFR3、GFR4组胃动素与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其余3组胃动素均差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);GFR1、GFR2、GFR3、GFR4、GFR5组及对照组的GFR与胃泌素呈正相关;GFR1、GFR2、GFR5组及对照组的GFR与胃动素呈正相关,GFR3、GFR4组的GFR与胃动素呈负相关。 结论 肾脏损害可能会导致胃泌素和胃动素的升高,但是并不能证明胃泌素和胃动素的升高就是肾脏损害的严重征兆,胃泌素和胃动素是消化道疾病的测定指标,可以衡量消化系统功能的损害程度,虽然它们的分泌与肾脏损害有一定程度的相关性,但不能单纯用胃泌素与胃动素的测定指标来衡量肾脏实质的损伤。

[关键词] 慢性肾衰竭;胃泌素;胃动素;相关性;指标

[中图分类号] R692.5[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)05(b)-0032-05

Correlation analysis of gastrin and motilin of plasma with chronic renal failure

LIU Yong-Ming1 XU Cui-Ping2▲

1.Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China;2.Department of Gastroenterology,Shanxi Medical University,the First Clinical Hospital,Taiyuan 030001,China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the correlation analysis of gastrin and motilin of plasma with chronic renal failure. Methods 90 cases of chronic renal failure patients and 9 normal healthy were selected in our hospital from January 2013 to December 2013,they were grouped by glomerular filtration rate,and the test parameters of gastrin and motilin of plasma were correlation statistical analyzed. Results The indicators of gastrin and motilin in chronic renal failure group were higher than those of the control group,the gastrin in five chronic renal failure group compared with the control group,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01),the motilin:except GFR3,GFR4 group compared with control group,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01),the rest of the three groups,the difference was no statistically significant (P>0.05).The GFR were positively associated with gastrin in GFR1,GFR2,GFR3,GFR4,GFR5 groups and control group.The GFR were positively associated with motilin in GFR1,GFR2,GFR5 groups and control group,but there were negatively associated with motilin in GFR3,GFR4 groups. Conclusion Kidney damage may ead to elevated gastrin and motilin,but does not prove that the rise of gastrin and motilin is kidney damage serious symptom,but does not prove that the rise of gastrin and motilin is the kidney damage serious symptom,gastrin and motilin is the determination of the digestive tract disease indexes,to measure the digestive system function damage degree,although they secrete has a certain degree of correlation with kidney damage,but you can′t simply use gastrin and motilin measurement indicators to measure renal parenchymal damage.

[Key words] Chronic renal failure;Gastrin;Motilin;Relevance;Index

慢性肾衰竭(chronic renal failure,CRF)是一种常见的临床综合征,可以由各种原因引起的肾脏损害,是一种进行性恶化、肾实质不可逆转的损伤,也是各种肾脏疾病进展的终末结局[1-3]。目前,临床以消化道为首发症状的CRF患者日渐增多,胃泌素(GAS)、胃动素(MOT)是消化道疾病的常见检测指标,而肾脏又是GAS、MOT灭活和消除的主要场所,它们是一种连锁反应关系[4-5],目前临床对CRF的研究报道较多,但是对于CRF患者血浆GAS、MOT测定的相关性分析报道较少,本研究通过回顾本院一年来收治的CRF患者的血浆GAS、MOT变化水平并行相关性分析,以探讨慢性肾衰竭与血浆GAS、MOT的相关性。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 分组方法

以临床入院时所查肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate,GFR)为标准划分,GFR≥90 ml/min为GFR1组;60 ml/min≤GFR<90 ml/min为GFR2组;30 ml/min ≤GFR<60 ml/min为GFR3组;15 ml/min≤GFR<30 ml/min为GFR4组;GFR<15 ml/min为GFR5组;正常健康者为对照组。

1.3 检测方法

受检者均于清晨空腹采血2 ml,注入预先准备的试管中,摇匀后,以3000 r/min离心10 min,取血浆作GAS、MOT酶联免疫法的测定,阴性、阳性对照,1 h孵育后,进行洗板,加相应底物,避光0.5 h进行反应,加终止液完成反应进程,读取数值。试剂盒选用上海抚生生物科技发展有限公司生产的试剂盒(CAS:FS2011)。

1.4 统计学处理

所得数据采用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计学处理,计量资料采用均数±标准差表示,采用t检验,关系测定采用相关回归分析法,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 不同GFR分组与对照组患者GAS 、MOT的比较


表1 不同GFR分组与对照组GAS 、MOT的比较(pg/ml,x±s)


2.2 各组GFR与血浆GAS、MOT的相关性


图1 GFR≥90 ml/min腺素的相关性分析

3 讨论







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[4]Mitsushige S,Yoshio Y.Review of Helicobacter pylori infection and chronic renal failure[J].Ther Apher Dial,2011, 15(1):1-9.

[5]Sirinek KR,Odorisio TM,Gaskill HV,et al.Chronic renal failure:effect of hemodialysis on gastrointestinal hormones[J].Am J Surg,1984,148(6):732-735.

[6]Kao WH,Klag MJ,Meoni LA,et al.Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group. MYH9 is associated with nondiabetic end-stage renal disease in African Americans[J].Nat Genet,2008,40(1):1185-1192.

[7]Freedman BI,Hicks PJ,Bostrom MA,et al.Polymorphisms in the non-muscle myosin heavy chain 9 gene (MYH9)are strongly associated with end-stage renal disease historically attributed to hypertension in African Americans[J].Kidney Int,2009,75(1):736-745.

[8]Genovese G,Friedman DJ,Ross MD,et al.Association of trypanolytic ApoL1 variants with kidney disease in African Americans[J].Science,2010,13,(329):841-845.

[9]Furgala A,Blauk-Kadzielska U,Stojakowska M,et al.Gasttic dysfunction in dialysed patients with chronic renal failure[J].Folia Med Cracov,2012,52(1):39-55.

[10]Donadio C.Effect of glomerular filtration rate impairment on diagnostic performance of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and B-type natriuretic peptide as markers of acute cardiac and renal failure in chronic kidney disease patients[J].Crit Care,2014,18(1):39.

[11]Meijers BK,Van Kerckhoven S,Verbeke K,et al.The uremic retention solute p-cresyl sulfate and markers of endothelial damage[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2009,54(1):891-901.

[12]Lin CJ,Wu CJ,Pan CF,et al.Serum protein-bound uraemic toxins and clinical outcomes in haemodialysis patients[J].Nephrol Dial Transplant,2010;25(1):3693-3700.

[13]Harmar AJ.Clinical endocrinology and metabolism. Receptors for gut peptides[J].Clin Endocrinol Metab,2004, 18(4):463-475.

[14]Lin CJ,Pan CF,Chuang CK,et al.Gastrointestinal-related uremic toxins in peritoneal dialysis: a pilot study with a 5-year follow-up[J].Arch Med Res,2013,44(7):535-541.

[15]Lin CJ,Pan CF,Liu HL,et al.The role of protein-bound uremic toxins on peripheral artery disease and vascular access failure in patients on hemodialysis[J].Atherosclerosis,2012,225(1):173-179.

[16]Lin CJ,Liu HL,Pan CF,et al.Indoxyl sulfate predicts cardiovascular disease and renal function deterioration in advanced chronic kidney disease[J].Arch Med Res,2012, 43(1):451-456.

[17]Kobori H,Nangaku M,Navar GL,et al.The Intrarenal Renin-Angiotensin System: from physiology to the pathobiology of hypertension and kidney disease[J].Pharmacol Rev, 2007,59(3):251-287.

[18]José M López-Novoa,Ana B Rodríguez-Pe?觡a,Alberto Ortiz,et al.Etiopathology of chronic tubular,glomerular and renovascular nephropathies:clinical implications[J].J Transl Med,2011,9(1):13.

[19]Bellomo G,Venanzi S,Verdura C,et al.Association of uric acid with change in kidney function in healthy normotensive individuals[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2010,56(1):264-272.

[20]Zeisberg M,Duffield JS.Resolved:EMT produces fibroblasts in the kidney[J].J Am Soc Nephrol,2010,21(1):1247-1253.


[作者简介] 刘永明(1980-),男,硕士,主管技师,研究方向:消化内科


[5]Sirinek KR,Odorisio TM,Gaskill HV,et al.Chronic renal failure:effect of hemodialysis on gastrointestinal hormones[J].Am J Surg,1984,148(6):732-735.

[6]Kao WH,Klag MJ,Meoni LA,et al.Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group. MYH9 is associated with nondiabetic end-stage renal disease in African Americans[J].Nat Genet,2008,40(1):1185-1192.

[7]Freedman BI,Hicks PJ,Bostrom MA,et al.Polymorphisms in the non-muscle myosin heavy chain 9 gene (MYH9)are strongly associated with end-stage renal disease historically attributed to hypertension in African Americans[J].Kidney Int,2009,75(1):736-745.

[8]Genovese G,Friedman DJ,Ross MD,et al.Association of trypanolytic ApoL1 variants with kidney disease in African Americans[J].Science,2010,13,(329):841-845.

[9]Furgala A,Blauk-Kadzielska U,Stojakowska M,et al.Gasttic dysfunction in dialysed patients with chronic renal failure[J].Folia Med Cracov,2012,52(1):39-55.

[10]Donadio C.Effect of glomerular filtration rate impairment on diagnostic performance of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and B-type natriuretic peptide as markers of acute cardiac and renal failure in chronic kidney disease patients[J].Crit Care,2014,18(1):39.

[11]Meijers BK,Van Kerckhoven S,Verbeke K,et al.The uremic retention solute p-cresyl sulfate and markers of endothelial damage[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2009,54(1):891-901.

[12]Lin CJ,Wu CJ,Pan CF,et al.Serum protein-bound uraemic toxins and clinical outcomes in haemodialysis patients[J].Nephrol Dial Transplant,2010;25(1):3693-3700.

[13]Harmar AJ.Clinical endocrinology and metabolism. Receptors for gut peptides[J].Clin Endocrinol Metab,2004, 18(4):463-475.

[14]Lin CJ,Pan CF,Chuang CK,et al.Gastrointestinal-related uremic toxins in peritoneal dialysis: a pilot study with a 5-year follow-up[J].Arch Med Res,2013,44(7):535-541.

[15]Lin CJ,Pan CF,Liu HL,et al.The role of protein-bound uremic toxins on peripheral artery disease and vascular access failure in patients on hemodialysis[J].Atherosclerosis,2012,225(1):173-179.

[16]Lin CJ,Liu HL,Pan CF,et al.Indoxyl sulfate predicts cardiovascular disease and renal function deterioration in advanced chronic kidney disease[J].Arch Med Res,2012, 43(1):451-456.

[17]Kobori H,Nangaku M,Navar GL,et al.The Intrarenal Renin-Angiotensin System: from physiology to the pathobiology of hypertension and kidney disease[J].Pharmacol Rev, 2007,59(3):251-287.

[18]José M López-Novoa,Ana B Rodríguez-Pe?觡a,Alberto Ortiz,et al.Etiopathology of chronic tubular,glomerular and renovascular nephropathies:clinical implications[J].J Transl Med,2011,9(1):13.

[19]Bellomo G,Venanzi S,Verdura C,et al.Association of uric acid with change in kidney function in healthy normotensive individuals[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2010,56(1):264-272.

[20]Zeisberg M,Duffield JS.Resolved:EMT produces fibroblasts in the kidney[J].J Am Soc Nephrol,2010,21(1):1247-1253.


[作者简介] 刘永明(1980-),男,硕士,主管技师,研究方向:消化内科


[5]Sirinek KR,Odorisio TM,Gaskill HV,et al.Chronic renal failure:effect of hemodialysis on gastrointestinal hormones[J].Am J Surg,1984,148(6):732-735.

[6]Kao WH,Klag MJ,Meoni LA,et al.Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group. MYH9 is associated with nondiabetic end-stage renal disease in African Americans[J].Nat Genet,2008,40(1):1185-1192.

[7]Freedman BI,Hicks PJ,Bostrom MA,et al.Polymorphisms in the non-muscle myosin heavy chain 9 gene (MYH9)are strongly associated with end-stage renal disease historically attributed to hypertension in African Americans[J].Kidney Int,2009,75(1):736-745.

[8]Genovese G,Friedman DJ,Ross MD,et al.Association of trypanolytic ApoL1 variants with kidney disease in African Americans[J].Science,2010,13,(329):841-845.

[9]Furgala A,Blauk-Kadzielska U,Stojakowska M,et al.Gasttic dysfunction in dialysed patients with chronic renal failure[J].Folia Med Cracov,2012,52(1):39-55.

[10]Donadio C.Effect of glomerular filtration rate impairment on diagnostic performance of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and B-type natriuretic peptide as markers of acute cardiac and renal failure in chronic kidney disease patients[J].Crit Care,2014,18(1):39.

[11]Meijers BK,Van Kerckhoven S,Verbeke K,et al.The uremic retention solute p-cresyl sulfate and markers of endothelial damage[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2009,54(1):891-901.

[12]Lin CJ,Wu CJ,Pan CF,et al.Serum protein-bound uraemic toxins and clinical outcomes in haemodialysis patients[J].Nephrol Dial Transplant,2010;25(1):3693-3700.

[13]Harmar AJ.Clinical endocrinology and metabolism. Receptors for gut peptides[J].Clin Endocrinol Metab,2004, 18(4):463-475.

[14]Lin CJ,Pan CF,Chuang CK,et al.Gastrointestinal-related uremic toxins in peritoneal dialysis: a pilot study with a 5-year follow-up[J].Arch Med Res,2013,44(7):535-541.

[15]Lin CJ,Pan CF,Liu HL,et al.The role of protein-bound uremic toxins on peripheral artery disease and vascular access failure in patients on hemodialysis[J].Atherosclerosis,2012,225(1):173-179.

[16]Lin CJ,Liu HL,Pan CF,et al.Indoxyl sulfate predicts cardiovascular disease and renal function deterioration in advanced chronic kidney disease[J].Arch Med Res,2012, 43(1):451-456.

[17]Kobori H,Nangaku M,Navar GL,et al.The Intrarenal Renin-Angiotensin System: from physiology to the pathobiology of hypertension and kidney disease[J].Pharmacol Rev, 2007,59(3):251-287.

[18]José M López-Novoa,Ana B Rodríguez-Pe?觡a,Alberto Ortiz,et al.Etiopathology of chronic tubular,glomerular and renovascular nephropathies:clinical implications[J].J Transl Med,2011,9(1):13.

[19]Bellomo G,Venanzi S,Verdura C,et al.Association of uric acid with change in kidney function in healthy normotensive individuals[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2010,56(1):264-272.

[20]Zeisberg M,Duffield JS.Resolved:EMT produces fibroblasts in the kidney[J].J Am Soc Nephrol,2010,21(1):1247-1253.


[作者简介] 刘永明(1980-),男,硕士,主管技师,研究方向:消化内科



胃泌素-17 无创检测胃部疾病