Study on the Simplified Pruning Ways of Different Cotton Varieties
LI Dongyun(Liaocheng City Promotion Center foe New Crop Variety, Liaocheng, Shandong 252000)
Abstract[Objective] The aim was to study different pruning ways of 3 pestresistant cottons planted in western Shandong, and provide a basis for cotton simplified cultivation of this area. [Method] The trial pestresistant cottons were Lumianyan 28, K638 and K 836, resp. and Lumianyan 28 was taken as CK. There pruning ways were designed, which were no pruning(namely no pruning except for topping, and remaining leaf and branch top and burdensome buds), careful pruning(namely according to the normal precision management, removing leaf and branch, burdensome buds, invalid flower buds, but remaining the leaf of main stem), rough pruning(namely removing all branches and leaves below fruit setting branch at about June 10, after that no pruning except for topping), resp.. [Result] The rough pruning of Lumianyan 28 and K638 not only guaranteed high seed cotton yield and lint yield and good fiber quality, but also reduced the labor in field effectively, so the farmer pure income was the highest under the actual situation of labor price higher and higher; The seed cotton yield, lint yield and fiber quality of K836 had less difference among 3 pruning treatments, but the peat control effect of no pruning in field was worse than than of rough pruning, increased the labor in a certain, so it was suggested to priority to rough pruning way. [Conclusion] Under the middle level soil fertilizer of western Shandong, that Lumianyan 28 and K638 roughly pruning and K836 roughly pruning or no pruning reduce the labor in cotton field effectively, and obtain the highest pure income.
Key wordsPestresistant cotton; Pruning way; Prue income
作者简介李冬云(1970- ),女,山东聊城人,农艺师,从事作物新品种栽培与推广研究。
2.2不同整枝方式对抗虫棉农艺性状及纤维品质的影響由表2可知,3个品种不同处理单株棉柴干重由精整枝到粗整枝到不整枝依次递减;K638、K836各处理的单株棉柴干重低于对照鲁棉研28。 烂铃率3个品种均表现为不整枝处理明显偏高。断裂比强度3个品种均表现为不整枝处理明显偏高,其他各项指标均变化较小。
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