ARCHITECTS: Edge Laboratory for Architectural and Urban Research (Tampere University of Technology) , Laboratory for Explorative Architecture & Design Ltd.
1 坦佩雷理工大学内的龙鳞/Dragon Skin-pavilion at Tampere University of Technology(摄影/Photo: Emmi Keskisarja)
2012年2月15 日至4月23日,龙鳞展厅的第二个原型在2012深圳·香港城市建筑双城双年展上展出。我们从平滑表面到减少几何形变和内表面张力等方面入手,重新设计了这第二个龙鳞。减小后的板片尺寸增加了整体强度,也减少了材料浪费(8×4的木板正好可以制作8块板片)。胶合板壳体在芬兰制作压弯,而后运抵香港最终组装成型。□(叶扬 译)
2 细部/Detail(摄影/Photo: Emmi Keskisarja)
3 细部/Details(摄影/Photos: Erkka Peltonen)
4 细部/Details(摄影/Photos: Erkka Peltonen)
5 细部/Details(摄影/Photos: Erkka Peltonen)
6 细部/Details(摄影/Photos: Erkka Peltonen)
7 曲线网格/Grid to curve
8 曲线网格/Grid to curve
The Dragon Skin Pavilion is an architectural art installation that challenges and explores the spatial,tactile and material possibilities architecture is offered today by revolutions in digital fabrication and manufacturing technology.
The Dragon Skin pavilion was developed during the Material Design and Digital Fabrication workshop, organized by Tampere University of Technology in collaboration with LEAD (Laboratory for Explorative Architecture & Design Ltd.). It was built and designed by students from Tampere University of Technology, University of Oulu and Aalto University as a temporary installation for the Tampere Architectural Week 2011. The goal of the intense workshop was to create in ten days a component based structure from a new material:post-formable Grada plywood (UPM-Kymmene).
The project was built up with the constraints of the fabrication methods, material specifications and temporary nature of the pavilion in mind. It was built out of self-similar, mass-produced wooden components, bent onto one single mold after heating in an industrial oven. As a connection system the design team opted for an easy sliding joint slotconnection between the components which allowed for easy assembly and dismantling as no glues nor screws were needed. A computer model was used to evaluate and extract from a global shape the fabrication drawings for all components optimizing material use, manufacturing and assembly time.The double curved shape is made from 163 bent rectangular panels with similar size and bending radius. The variation follows from slightly differing slot locations and angles, meticulously generated by a 3d master-model. The bending radius is optimized to the material's properties and slots are only placed in the flat parts of the final shells.
A second prototype of the Dragon Skin pavilion is currently exhibited at the prestigious 2012 Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism Architecture from 15 February to 23 April 2012. This second versioned was fully redesigned starting from an equilibrium surface to reduce geometry deformations and internal surface forces.The sizes of the pieces were reduced to increase strength and reduce material waste (an 8×4 sheet produced exactly 8 squares). The plywood shells were manufactured and bent in Finland and shipped to Hong Kong for assembly.□
设计团队/Design Team: Emmi Keskisarja (EDGE),Pekka Tynkkynen (EDGE), Kristof Crolla (LEAD),Sebastien Delagrange (LEAD) with Gilles Retsin, Toni Österlund, Kimmo Ylä-Anttila, Anssi Joutsiniemi
材料工程师/Material Engineers: Juhana Liimatainen and Antti Lankinen
建筑系学生/Students of Architecture: Frank Ho,Anes Jacupovic, Ilkka Lindberg, Milla Vuorinen,Olli Hongisto, Ilkka Ala-Fossi, Maria Laisi, Hannu Saunaluoma, Jyri Tartia, Jonathan Hilden, Aleksi Rastas, Joonas Ala-Karvia, Ville Leivo, Thomas Miyauchi, Tomi Itäniemi, Lilli Mustila, Erkka Peltonen, Markus Heinonen, Saana Koivusalo, Antti Keskinen, Katja Virta, Olli Metso, Anna Hakula, Aija Rimpeläinen
主任/Dean: Stattan Lodenius
赞助商/Sponsors: UPM Kymmene, Tampereen Arkkitehtuuriviikko, Pipu Oy
9 在Grasshopper里创建数字模型/The digital model was created in Grasshopper
10 学生在Pipu公司使用数控切割机/The students got to explore the CNC-cutters at Pipu Oy
11 学生在Pipu公司使用数控切割机/The students got to explore the CNC-cutters at Pipu Oy
12 生产线制作弯曲组件需要工业炉、模具和细致的建筑学学生/The production line needed for the bending of the components consisted of an industrial oven, a mold and meticulous architecture students
14 建造序列/Building sequence
16 面板制作流线/Panel production line
15 连接系统/Connection system
13 模具安装在冲床上,通风口的排扇可以让它冷却/The mold wasused by a lifter. A ventilator was installed in the mold to cool it down(9-13 摄影/Photos: Jyri Tartia, Markus Heinonen, Joonas Ala-Karvia)
18 龙鳞在在2011深圳·香港城市建筑双年展/Dragon Skin-pavilion at the SZHK Architecture biennale in Hong Kong(摄影/Photo: Kevin Ng)
19 龙鳞在在2011深圳·香港城市建筑双年展/Dragon Skin-pavilion at the SZHK Architecture biennale in Hong Kong(摄影/Photo: Pekka Tynkkynen)