ARCHITECTS: ARK-house Architects
这一项目的委托人是芬兰海员协会和芬兰海员勤务机构,两者都具有很长的历史并持续进行着对于各国海员的支援活动。这座建筑非常小心地营造其恰当的宗教氛围,以尊重来自世界各地具有不同的宗教和文化背景的来访者。由于其超越了宗教派别的杰出设计,赫尔辛基所有的主教都同意参加赫尔辛基海员中心于2009年1月举办的开幕典礼。□(李璠 译)
2 总平面/Site plan
3 外景/Exterior view
The plot for the projected Helsinki Seafarers'Centre is situated by the main entrance to the Vuosaari harbour, on the northern corner of the area, and which is presently under construction. In practice the building location is the only point in the whole harbour area that contains any natural forms and elements. As the only public building in the area, its role is to serve as a place of respite;a small multipurpose building for the seamen that arrive at the harbour form afar.
The starting point in a David and Goliath juxtaposition has required a carefully considered architectural strategy. The infinitely small volume of the Seafarers' Centre was in danger of being completely dominated by the crushing hectare-sized steel warehouses, and the artificial landscape of tarmac fields and container seas.As a counter-point, a soft organic form language was chosen for the building, as well as a wood construction. The architecture of the building could be described as contextual in the wide sense of the word: the preserved hillock, with its trees and rocks, is an essential part of the architecture of the building.
The objective in the design of the building has been to create a unique identity, because in the best case scenario the distant traveller can take home a positive memory of something tantalizingly strange yet hospitable. The completely wooden structure and its compact shape are a homage to the building tradition based on the purposefulness of wooden ships and the aesthetics that spring form it, as well as a comment on the ecological challenges of the present. The premises offer both physical and spiritual nourishment:the spiritual word and composure, coffee, a laundry and computers. Particularly important are the cosy atmosphere and the simultaneous experience of familiarity and newness.
The commissioners behind the project are the Finnish Seamen's Mission and the Finnish Seamen's Service, both of which have long traditions and an international history of supporting seafarers.The denominational aspect is brought out in a sensitive way, respectful of the religion and cultural background of each visitor. In the ecumenical spirit,all the bishops of Helsinki have agreed to honour the inauguration of the Helsinki Seafarers' Centre with their presence in January 2009. □(Pentti Kareoja)
4 鸟瞰/Aerial view
5 模型/Model
6 外景/Exterior view
7 平面/Floor plan 1-入口/Entrance 2-门厅/Lobby 3-大厅/Hall 4-商店/Shop 5-厨房/Kitchen 6-图书室/Library 7-办公室/Office 8-储藏室/Storage 9-卫生间/Toilet 10-洗衣房/Laundry 11-更衣室/Changing room 12-淋浴/Shower 13-桑拿房/Sauna 14-机械房/Mechanical space 15-平台/Terrace
8 立面/Elevations
9 立面/Elevations
10 外景/Exterior view
11 内景/Interior views
12 内景/Interior views
建筑师/Architects: Pentti Kareoja, Seung-Ho Lee,Pasi Kinnunen
竣工时间/Year of Completion: 2008
建筑面积/Floor Area: 320m2
业主/Client: Helsinki Seafarers' Centre Oy
室内设计/Interior Designer: Seung-Ho Lee,sisustusarkkitehti
景观设计/Landscaping: Meri Mannerla-Magnusson,maisema-arkkitehti MARK
结构设计/Structural Design: Jorma Eiskonen,Insinööritoimisto Taskinen & Eiskonen Oy
暖通设计/HPAC Design: Sture Karlsson, LVI-insinööritoimisto Karlsson, Karves & Co Oy
电气设计/Electrical Design: Heimo Helme,Insinööritoimisto Risto Mäenpää Oy
摄影/Photos: Jussi Tiainen