Journal of Forestry Research2022年1期
- Mastering the scientific peer review process: tips for young authors from a young senior editor
- Spectroscopic detection of forest diseases: a review (1970-2020)
- Premature losses of leaf area in response to drought and insect herbivory through a leaf lifespan gradient
- Morphological and physiological plasticity response to low nitrogen stress in black cottonwood (Populus deltoides Marsh.)
- Clonal variation in growth, PSII photochemical activity and polar metabolites in Pinus elliottii × P.caribaea
- Polysaccharide, proline, and anti-oxidation enzyme activities of Thailand rosewood (Dalbergia cochinchinensis) seedlings exposed to exponential fertilization
- Contemporary climate influence on variability patterns of Anadenanthera colubrina var.cebil, a key species in seasonally dry tropical forests
- Attributes of stand-age-dependent forest determine technosol fertility of Atlantic forest re-growing on mining tailings in Mariana, Brazil
- Ethylenediurea (EDU) effects on hybrid larch saplings exposed to ambient or elevated ozone over three growing seasons
- Species composition, structure, regeneration and management status of Jorgo-Wato Forest in west Wollega, Ethiopia
- Dynamic response to climate change in the radial growth of Picea schrenkiana in western Tien Shan, China
- Characterizing changes in land cover and forest fragmentation from multitemporal Landsat observations (1993-2018) in the Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Nepal
- Spotting ignition of larch (Larix gmelinii) fuel bed by different firebrands
- Spatio-temporal analysis of forest fire events in the Margalla Hills, Islamabad, Pakistan using socio-economic and environmental variable data with machine learning methods
- A study of emissions and marker gases from smouldering combustion in Larix gmelinii plantations of the Daxing’an Mountains
- Screening of Sapindus germplasm resources in China based on agro-morphological traits
- Using mixed integer programming and airborne laser scanning to generate forest management units
- Measuring loblolly pine crowns with drone imagery through deep learning
- Covariation between plant biodiversity and soil systems in a European beech forest and a black pine plantation: the case of Mount Faito, (Campania, Southern Italy)
- Soil phosphorus fractions and their availability over natural succession from clear-cut of a mixed broadleaved and Korean pine forest in northeast China
- Analysis of spatio-temporal changes in forest biomass in China
- Inclusion of forestry offsets in emission trading schemes: insights from global experts
- Effect of the suppression of BpAP1 on the expression of lignin related genes in birch
- Overexpression of the ThTPS gene enhanced salt and osmotic stress tolerance in Tamarix hispida
- Genotype-environment interaction in Cordia trichotoma (Vell.) Arráb.Ex Steud.progenies in two different soil conditions
- The disease resistance potential of Trichoderma asperellum T-Pa2 isolated from Phellodendron amurense rhizosphere soil
- The distribution patterns and temporal dynamics of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the forests of Jiaohe, Jilin Province, China
- Endangered lowland oak forest steppe remnants keep unique bird species richness in Central Hungary
- The dissemination of relevant information on wildlife utilization and its connection with the illegal trade in wildlife
- A novel NIRS modelling method with OPLS-SPA and MIX-PLS for timber evaluation