

英语世界 2025年2期


1. 资格


他只是一个助理教授,恐怕还没有资格担任这个职位。As an assistant professor, he may not be qualified for this position.

根据公司规定,我出差是没有资格坐头等舱的。Per company policy, I am not eligible for flying first class on business trips.

有五年工龄的员工有资格享受两周带薪休假。Employees with five years of service are entitled to two weeks of paid vacation.

他药检没有通过,组委会因此取消了他参加比赛的资格。The organizing committee disqualified him from the competition because of a positive drug test.


就算你是班上学习第一名,也没有资格这样教训我。Sure, you are the top student, but you have no right to lecture me like this.

他只是一个刚进厂的小员工,还没有资格对老板的决定提出质疑。As a junior employee, he is in no place to question the manager’s decisions.

我可能没有资格提要求,那么我能对这个项目提点想法吗?It may be above my station to ask, but can I share an idea about the project?

我们过去五年的大单子里有一半都是他做的,你有什么资格质疑他的成绩?He pulled through half of the big deals in the last five years. Who are you to argue with his track record?

你又没有跟我们熬夜赶项目,你没有资格喊累。You are in no position to complain about being tired since you were not there with us toiling all night on the project.

她怎么教育孩子,你没有资格说三道四,你自己都没生过孩子。You have no standing to criticize her parenting choices when you’ve never had a child yourself.


2. 条件


这项政策全面实施的条件还不成熟,先在一些行业搞试点。As conditions for the full implementation of the policy are not yet ripe, it will be piloted in a few industries first.

建这么大一座桥,我们还不具备条件。We do not have the capacity to build such a massive bridge.

这个学校条件好,师资力量雄厚,生源质量优等。This is a top-notch school with well-trained faculty and a highly selective student body.

设计搞出来了,先找几个条件比较好的厂做做看。With the design finalized, we’ll now seek out a few well-established manufacturers to produce the prototypes.

在城乡一体化上下功夫, 发展农村经济, 改善农村生活条件, 使村民离土不离乡。More efforts will be made to foster development in both the urban and rural areas so that the rural economy thrives and life improves, bringing the villagers more locally-based economic opportunities beyond agriculture.

农村振兴的一个重要方面是大力改善农村中小学的办学条件。An essential part of rural revitalization is a substantial improvement of the infrastructure and resources of elementary and secondary schools.



学习成绩优异是获得奖学金的条件之一。Academic performance is a key criterion for scholarship eligibility.

只要你答应帮我这个忙,我什么条件都可以答应你。You will have everything you ask for if you agree to help me on this one.

他们提出了一系列条件,要求我们必须接受。They have made a list of requests that we must meet.

这所大学今年的招生条件尤其严格。This university has become exceptionally selective this year.


3. 态度

“态度”也是一个常用词,而且与attitude 高度对应。《现代汉语词典》(第7版)对“态度”的解释是:人的举止神情;对于事情的看法和采取的行动。由此可见,“态度”也有不止一个方面的意思,在翻译中需要注意。

他在工作中总是耍态度。He carries an attitude at work.

她对长辈非常尊重,态度谦卑。She looks very respectful and humble before her elders.

这家餐馆菜品还不错,不过服务态度需要改进。The food here is decent, but the service leaves something to be desired.

这位同学的态度很积极,对学习充满热情。This is an enthusiastic student with a strong passion for learning.

她对这件事的态度很冷漠,似乎一点都不关心。She seems totally detached, not showing the least interest in the matter.

一个人的态度决定他的高度。One’s perspectives will determine how far he/she goes.

通过这场讨论,我想我知道你关于这个问题的态度了。I think I know where you are coming from on this issue, after what we went through in the discussion.

这两个学校他还不知道该上哪一个,准备问问父亲的态度。He plans to ask his father for advice on the two schools since he can’t make up his mind as which to go to.

他们对这件事保持中立的态度。They are taking a neutral position on this issue.

李主任在项目上还是下这个问题上,含糊其辞,态度模糊。Director Li has been evasive about the future of the project, not giving a clear indication if he will give it a greenlight or scrap it.

上述例句中,有的反映了“态度”的第一个意思,有的则是第二个意思,具体的翻译没有全部采用attitude这个词,而是根据语境判断具体的意思,采用了灵活的译法。特别是在第二个意思方面,用到具体的语境中,还有perspective、position、advice 的意思。

4. 立场

《现代汉语词典》(第7版)对“立场”也给出了两个基本的释义:一是“认识和处理问题时所处的地位和所抱的态度”;二是“特指政治立场”。对“立场”的翻译,很多情况下用position 是可以的,但根据具体语境也可以灵活处理。看看下面的例句:

在这个问题上尽管受到压力,他仍然坚持自己的立场。He stood his ground on this issue in spite of the pressure.

代表团认为有必要在联合国大会上表达对这个问题的立场。This delegation believes it necessary to state its position on this issue at the General Assembly.

他在环境问题方面立场鲜明。He is an unequivocal advocate of environmental issues.

你的立场不一样,说话自然不一样。You are seeing things from a different perspective, that’s why you are saying things differently.

对局势片面的了解和认识使他们采取了极端的立场。They went to the extreme on the issue due to limited knowledge and understanding of the situation.

钱和效率是他所持的立场,而不是法律或真理。What he believes in is money and efficiency, not necessarily law or truth.

为了凸显反对立场, 在野党决定抵制这个议案。The opposition party decided to boycott the bill as a way to demonstrate their objection.

在这场变革中,他立场坚定,坚决地支持创新。As a strong advocate of change, he gave his unwavering support to innovation.

挑战和困难肯定会有的,但是只要我们坚定立场,就能够克服困难,实现我们的目标。We’re bound to face challenges and obstacles along the way, but if we stay focused and committed, we can overcome all the difficulties and achieve our goals.

她在这场危机中立场坚定,备受尊重。She was widely respected for the leadership and responsibility she exhibited during the crisis.

根据词典的解释,“立场”有“态度”的意思,反之,“态度”也有“立场”的意思,这两个词是近义词。因此“立场”在不同的语境中可以从不同的角度理解,包括position、 stance、principles、belief、perspective等等。最后两个例句中的“坚定立场”和“立场坚定”表达的是“立场”的第二个意思,含义有点笼统,不针对某个具体问题,而是描述在一定的环境或场景下总的态度或采取的行动,可以根据语境进行不同的处理。当然,理解的角度是关键,例如最后一句的“立场坚定”就是从勇于承担责任,敢于应对挑战的角度理解的,可以说是各种可能的角度之一。


* 美国明德大学蒙特雷国际研究学院高级翻译学院荣休教授,本刊顾问。


第二道 川菜资格人