

医学信息 2024年18期

摘要:目的" 比较核酸及四种血清学抗体检测方法在肺炎支原体感染诊断中的应用价值。方法" 收集淄博市第一医院2021年11月10日-12月22日收治的呼吸道感染患儿159例,分别采集咽拭子和血清样本,咽拭子样本应用PCR法检测肺炎支原体核酸,血清样本分别用磁微粒化学发光法、酶联免疫法、间接免疫荧光法和被动凝集法检测肺炎支原体IgM抗体。比较5种检测方法的灵敏度、特异度以及与临床诊断方法的一致性,分析核酸法与血清学方法的一致性,另通过颗粒凝集方法比较4种血清学抗体检测的一致性。最后,比较不同病程间5种检测方法的检出率。结果" 以临床诊断为标准,确诊MP感染127例,非MP感染32例。DNA检测与临床诊断一致性较好。4种血清学方法中CLIA灵敏度及特异性均高于ELISA;IFA检测灵敏度较好,但特异性较差;PA灵敏度和特异性取决于判断标准,其中PA抗体滴度≥1∶160为判断标准时,其检测灵敏度最低,特异性最高。4种血清学检测与DNA检测的一致性较差,其中FA与DNA检测的一致性处于微弱程度,其余3种方法学与DNA检测的一致性处于弱程度。不同滴度的PA阳性标本中,随着PA抗体滴度升高,ELISA和CLIA检出率逐步升高,与PA相关性较好,但PA与IFA相关性较差。DNA检出率随发病天数增多呈下降趋势,血清学检出率随发病天数增多呈先升后降趋势。结论" 核酸法检测肺炎支原体的灵敏度和特异性高,病程早期其灵敏度优于血清学检测,而在病程中后期间免疫荧光法优于核酸法,两种方法学可相互补充。


中图分类号:R725.6" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "文献标识码:A" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " nbsp; "DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2024.18.036


Abstract:Objective" To compare the application value of nucleic acid and four serological antibody detection methods in the diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection.Methods" A total of 159 children with respiratory tract infection admitted to Zibo First Hospital from November 10 to December 22, 2021 were collected. Throat swabs and serum samples were collected respectively. Throat swab samples were detected by PCR for Mycoplasma pneumoniae nucleic acid. Serum samples were detected by chemiluminescence immunoassay method, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, indirect immunofluorescence method and passive agglutination method for Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM antibody. The sensitivity, specificity and consistency with clinical diagnostic methods of the five detection methods were compared. The consistency between nucleic acid method and serological method was analyzed. The consistency of the four serological antibody detections was compared by particle agglutination method. Finally, the detection rates of the five detection methods were compared among different course of disease.Results" With clinical diagnosis as the standard, 127 cases of MP infection and 32 cases of non-MP infection were diagnosed. The consistency between DNA detection and clinical diagnosis was good. The sensitivity and specificity of CLIA were higher than those of ELISA. The sensitivity of IFA was good, but the specificity was poor. The sensitivity and specificity of PA depended on the criteria. When the titer of PA antibody ≥1∶160 was the criterion, the detection sensitivity was the lowest and the specificity was the highest. The consistency between the four serological tests and DNA detection was poor, among which the consistency between FA and DNA detection was weak, and the consistency between the other three methods and DNA detection was weak. In PA positive samples with different titers, the detection rates of ELISA and CLIA gradually increased with the increase of PA antibody titers, and the correlation with PA was good, but the correlation between PA and IFA was poor. The detection rate of DNA decreased with the increase of the number of days of onset, and the serological detection rate increased first and then decreased with the increase of the number of days of onset.Conclusion" The sensitivity and specificity of nucleic acid method in the detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae are high, the sensitivity is better than that of serological detection in the early stage of the disease, while the indirect immunofluorescence method is better than the nucleic acid method in the middle and later stages of the disease, the two methods can complement each other.

Key words:Mycoplasma pneumoniae;Nucleic acid method;Chemiluminescence immunoassay method;Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay;Indirect immunofluorescence method;Passive agglutination method

肺炎支原体(mycoplasma pneumoniae,MP)大小介于细菌和病毒之间,经飞沫传播,是引起儿童无症状性、轻度或少数严重上呼吸道和下呼吸道感染的常见病原体。据报道[1-3],肺炎支原体感染占所有儿童肺炎病例的10%~40%。患儿感染MP后的临床症状与其他呼吸道感染症状极其相似,难以区分。实验室常见检测方法有分离培养、抗原检测、分子检测和血清学检测。《儿童肺炎支原体呼吸道感染实验室诊断中国专家共识》[4]中推荐的一级方法是核酸RNA检测和血清学抗体检测。目前临床实验室开展的血清学抗体检测方法有被动凝集法(passive agglutination, PA)、酶联免疫法(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA)、间接免疫荧光(indirect immunofluorescence assay, IFA)和磁微粒化学发光法(chemiluminescence immunoassay, CLIA)。本研究应用核酸(DNA检测)和四种血清学方法检测儿童呼吸道感染患者MP感染状况,对方法学进行比较,探讨不同检测方法在MP感染中的诊断价值,现报道如下。


1.1一般资料" 选取淄博市第一医院2021年11月10日-12月22日收治的呼吸道感染患儿159例。纳入标准:就诊患儿主要临床特征为发热、干咳、咽喉肿痛;入院后采用5种方法检测MP;病史信息完善。排除标准:自身免疫性疾病、重要脏器功能受损、先天畸形等。本研究通过淄博市第一医院伦理委员会审核,患儿监护人知情同意并签署知情同意书。


1.2.1 DNA检测" 应用上海之江生物肺炎支原体及肺炎衣原体核酸联合检测试剂盒,采用ABI7500荧光定量PCR仪进行检测,FAM荧光通道检测肺炎支原体,Ct值≤38判断为阳性。

1.2.2 PA" 应用赛乐迪亚-麦克Ⅱ肺炎支原体抗体检测试剂盒,日本富士瑞必欧株式会社生产。说明书推荐抗体效价>40判定为阳性。根据《儿童肺炎支原体呼吸道感染实验室诊断中国专家共识》,以抗体效价≥160判为急性感染。

1.2.3 ELISA" 应用肺炎支原体抗体IgM检测试剂盒,以色列Savyon Diagnostics公司生产。采用间接法检测血清中的IgM抗体,样本浓度值>20 BU/ml判定为阳性,<10 BU/ml判定为阴性,10~20 BU/ml判为临界值,本研究中将临界值结果按照阳性统计。

1.2.4 IFA" 应用呼吸道病原体谱抗体IgM检测试剂盒,欧蒙医学实验诊断股份公司生产。抗肺炎支原体抗体阳性,主要在感染细胞胞浆内产生颗粒到粗的滴状荧光。

1.2.5 CLIA" 应用肺炎支原体抗体IgM检测试剂盒,采用安图生物全自动免疫检验分析仪AutoLumo A2000检测。采用间接法检测血清中的IgM抗体,S/CO值≥1.0判定为阳性,<1.0判定为阴性。

1.3统计学方法" 采用SPSS 22.0统计学软件进行数据分析。方法间的一致性用Kappa值表示,Kappa值<0表示一致性强度极差,0~0.2表示一致性微弱,0.21~0.40表示一致性弱,0.41~0.60表示一致性中等,0.61~0.8表示一致性较好,>0.81表示几乎完全一致。4种血清学之间的相关性及5种方法学和病程的关系使用GraphPad Prism 8作图。


2.1临床资料统计" 选取呼吸道感染患儿159例,确诊MP感染127例,非MP感染32例。其中,男86例,女73例;年龄7个月~12岁,平均年龄(6.18±2.65)岁;发病0~7 d 124例,发病8~14 d 25例,发病15~30 d 10例。所有患者入院时分别采集1份咽拭子和1份血清样本,样本采集及保存严格按照厂家试剂说明书要求执行。

2.2核酸及4种血清学方法灵敏度、特异性比较及一致性分析" DNA检测与临床诊断一致性较好。4种血清学方法中CLIA灵敏度及特异性均高于ELISA;IFA检测灵敏度较好,但特异性较差;PA灵敏度和特异性取决于判断标准,PA抗体滴度≥1∶160为判断标准时其检测灵敏度最低,特异性最高,见表1。

2.3核酸与4种血清学方法检测结果一致性比较" 4种血清学检测与DNA检测的一致性较差,其中FA与DNA检测的一致性处于微弱程度,其余3种方法学与DNA检测的一致性处于弱程度,见表2。不同滴度的PA阳性标本中,随着PA抗体滴度升高,ELISA和CLIA检出率逐步升高,与PA相关性较好,但PA与IFA相关性较差,见表3。

2.4核酸与4种血清学方法与病程的关系" DNA检测检出率随发病天数增多呈下降趋势,4种血清学检出率随发病天数增多呈先升后降趋势,见表4。






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