摘 要:【目的】研究不同粒级春小麦品种间、粒级间种子活力的差异。
中图分类号:S512.1+2 ""文献标志码:A ""文章编号:1001-4330(2024)08-1883-05
0 引 言
1 材料与方法
1.1 材 料
选用2023年新疆农业科学院奇台麦类试验站当季种植并收获的4个不同春小麦参试品种为新春29号(B1)、新春34号(B2)、新春11号(B3)、新春30号(B4)作为供试材料。用圆孔筛将不同品种的春小麦种子分为大粒(A1)和小粒(A2)两级,筛孔孔径分别为3.0~3.5、2.0~2.5 mm。
1.2 方 法
1.2.1 试验设计
按照种子检验规程[12]进行种子室内发芽试验,用蒸馏水冲洗干净已消毒的种子,置于标准发芽盒内,发芽盒底部放有2层含饱和水分的滤纸,将100粒种子放在滤纸上,腹沟向下,种胚朝上。重复4次,将各处理放入20℃光照培养箱中发芽,逐日统计正常发芽的种子数,第4 d开始记录正常发芽种子数,第7 d记录正常发芽种子总数。
1.2.2 测定指标 幼苗鲜重
用天平称取每个重复幼苗的重量(mg),计算单株的平均值。 幼苗干重
发芽率(%)=7 d内正常发芽种子数/供试种子数×100%;活力指数Ⅰ(C1)=发芽率×幼苗鲜重;活力指数Ⅱ(C2)=发芽率×幼苗干重;活力指数Ⅲ(C3)=发芽率×幼苗长度。
1.3 数据处理
2 结果与分析
2.1 不同春小麦品种间种子活力差异比较
2.2 不同春小麦品种不同粒级种子活力差异比较
2.3 不同春小麦品种不同粒级种子农艺性状的差异
3 讨 论
植物重要特性之一就是种子体积的大小[14],大粒种子的幼苗在早期通常表现出比小粒种子幼苗大的生长趋势,大粒种子还可能有较强的抗逆性、抗旱能力等 [15、16],但小种子的幼苗只要在适宜的环境下,其幼苗体自身能够经过自我调节的方式消除幼苗早期生长所带来的差异,进而达到与大粒种子类似的生长状况[15]。近些年,在研究种子萌发、产量质量、幼苗质量等对种子大小、重量关系的报道很多,研究结果显示,在不同植物中,发芽等因素对种子大小和质量的影响不尽相同[17]。研究中,相同品种体积大、千粒重高的种子其活力表现出较高的趋势;不同品种间种子体积、千粒重与活力大小并无明显的趋势。主要是由其种子内的初始物质含量决定的[18],由于较大种子产生的幼苗活力旺盛,能更好地应付不同的环境变化和危险事件的发生,如竞争、干旱、遮荫和落叶等[19]。
4 结 论
4.1 在3种不同的活力指数计算方式下,新春29号均呈较优趋势,而其他3个品种的各项指标均未呈较一致的趋势性。
4.2 比较春小麦不同品种的种子活力高低不仅要依据所采用的种子活力指数计算方式,而且要根据其农艺性状或生理生化特性进行综合判定;同一品种春小麦种子,体积大、千粒重高则表现出较高的活力,不同品种种子体积的大小和千粒重的高低与种子活力高低并无明显的关系。
4.3 种子活力是一个较复杂的生理指标,仅用单一的方法进行测定其结果可能有一定规律性,而用不同的测定方法,其结果将存在差异。
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Comparative on the vigor differences of spring wheat
seeds of different sizes
LIU Xuhuan1, YU Shan2, LIU Yue2, SHI Shubing2
(1. Association of Science and Technology of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830052, China;2.Graduate School, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China)
Abstract:【Objective】 Study on the differences in seed vitality between different grain sizes of spring wheat varieties and grainsizes.
【Methods】 The purpose of the study is to determine the differ by using 3 kinds of calculation methods on varieties and sizes spring wheat.
【Results】 The results showed that when using different calculation methods for the calculation of different varieties of seed vigor, the results were very significantly different; The ranking of seed vigor size was also inconsistent between different varieties; In addition, when the calculation methods were used to calculate the seed vigor, differences were shown between large seeds and small ones in different varieties. Therefore, the comparison of seed vigor of different spring wheat varieties should not be only based on the calculation method of seed vigor index, but also according to the comprehensive agronomic characters and physiological and biochemical characteristics to make the judgment.
【Conclusion】 Spring wheat seeds of the same variety which have large size and high 1000 grain weight show high vigor. There is no obvious relationship between the seed size and 1000 seed weight of different varieties and the seed vigor, so the seed vigor cannot be determined by a single index. The same varieties, large size or high grain spring wheat seeds, its energy is higher, different varieties, the size of the volume and level of high and low and seed vigor and has no obvious relation, so we can't just rely on a single index to determining the seed vigor
Key words:spring wheat; seed sizes; seed vigor
Fund projects:The University R amp; D Program Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region “Research and Demonstration of the Key Technology of High-Vigor Seed in Spring Wheat(XJEDU20211011)
Correspondence author:SHI Shubing(1966-),male,from Shandong, professor,Doctoral supervisor,research direction: the research of high-yield cultivation of wheat, (E-mail)shbshi@sina.com