摘要:目的" 探究心脏磁共振(CMR)参数列线图模型对扩张型心肌病(DCM)老年患者主要不良心血管事件(MACE)的预测价值。方法" 回顾性分析2017年7月~2020年7月在武汉科技大学附属孝感医院接受CMR检查的DCM老年患者173例,将患者按6:4的比例随机分为训练集(n=104)及测试集(n=69)。通过LASSO回归及多因素Cox回归筛选潜在预测因子,以此构建DCM患者MACE列线图预测模型。通过校准曲线、ROC曲线、决策曲线分析法、Kaplan-Meier生存分析对列线图模型进行评估及验证。结果" 中位随访时间为 29.7(16.4,45.4)月。随访结束时,59例(34.1%)患者发生MACE。LASSO回归及交叉验证筛选出9个潜在预测因子。多因素Cox回归分析结果显示,纽约心功能分级III~IV级、N末端-脑钠肽前体、β受体阻断药、CMR晚期钆增强、左心室整体纵向应变是DCM患者发生MACE风险因子,并以此构建列线图预测模型。在训练集和测试集中,校准图显示列线图预测1年、3年生存率与实际生存率一致性较好。训练集1年、3年生存预测ROC曲线下面积分别为0.850(95% CI:0.748~0.953)、0.853(95% CI:0.797~0.909),测试集1年、3年生存预测ROC曲线下面积分别为0.858(95% CI:0.758~0.959)、0.887(95% CI:0.816~0.958)。决策曲线分析结果显示列线图模型的临床净获益率较高。Kaplan-Meier生存分析结果示,预测模型高风险组患者较低风险组生存概率降低(Plt;0.05)。结论" 本研究通过临床和CMR特征参数构建了DCM老年患者MACE发生列线图预测模型,该模型具有较好校准度、区分度及临床应用价值。
Predictive value of cardiac magnetic resonance parametric nomogram models for adverse cardiovascular events in elderly patients with dilated cardiomyopathy
WANG Ling, LU Guowei, ZHANG Hong, YIN Chengjun, CHEN Feng, TIAN Ronghua
Department of Radiology, Xiaogan Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and Technology / Xiaogan Central Hospital, Xiaogan 432000, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the predictive value of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) parametric nomogram modeling for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in elderly patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Methods A total of 173 elderly patients with DCM who underwent CMR at Xiaogan Hospital of Wuhan University of Science and Technology from July 2017 to July 2020 were retrospectively analyzed, and they were randomly divided into a training set (n=104) and a test set (n=69) in a ratio of 6:4. Potential predictors were screened by Lasso regression and multifactorial Cox regression, and the MACE nomogram prediction model for DCM patients was constructed with these factors. The nomogram model was evaluated and validated by calibration curve, ROC curve, decision curve analysis, and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Results The median follow-up was 29.7 (16.4, 45.4) months. At the end of follow-up, MACE occurred in 59 (34.1%) patients. A total of 9 potential predictors were screened by LASSO regression and cross-validation. The results of multifactorial Cox regression analysis showed that NYHA class III-IV, N-terminal-brain natriuretic peptide precursor, beta-blocker, CMR late gadolinium enhancement, and overall longitudinal strain of the left ventricle were risk factors for the development of MACE in patients with DCM, and a nomogram prediction model was constructed with these indicators. In the training and test sets, the calibration plots showed that the nomogram predicted 1-year and 3-year survival in good agreement with the actual survival. The area under the ROC curve for 1-year and 3-year survival prediction in the training set was 0.850 (95% CI: 0.748-0.953) and 0.853 (95% CI: 0.797-0.909), respectively, and that for 1-year and 3-year survival prediction in the test set was 0.858 (95% CI: 0.758-0.959) and 0.887 (95% CI: 0.816-0.958), respectively. The results of the decision curve analysis showed that the nomogram model had a higher net clinical benefit rate. The results of Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that patients in the high-risk group of the predictive model had a reduced probability of survival compared with the low-risk group (Plt;0.05). Conclusion In this study, we constructed a nomogram prediction model for the occurrence of MACE in elderly patients with DCM by clinical and CMR characteristic parameters, which has good calibration, differentiation and clinical application value.
Keywords: cardiac magnetic resonance; nomogram; dilated cardiomyopathy; late gadolinium enhancement
作者简介:王" 玲,主管技师,E-mail: wl13789969611@163.com
通信作者:田荣华,主任医师,E-mail: tianrh9999@163.com
1" 资料与方法
1.1" 一般资料
1.2" CMR检查
CMR成像检查使用3.0T磁共振仪(西门子)进行。使用平衡稳态自由进动序列获得心脏长轴(四腔心、两腔心及三腔心)及左室短轴位电影图像。在注射钆对比剂(0.2 mmol/kg)10~15 min后,使用反转恢复快速梯度回波序列进行LGE成像,扫描位置及层面同电影序列。图像采集后上传至工作站,在短轴和长轴电影图像中半自动描记舒张末期左心室心内膜和心外膜边界并进行人工校正,采用CVI42离线后处理图像分析软件,由2位中级以上职称且具有CMR诊断经验的放射科医师分析图像,以盲法独立进行,分析心功能及心肌应变参数,包括左心房内径(LAD)、左心室内径(LVD)、LVEF、左心室舒张末期容积指数(LVEDVI)、左心室收缩末期容积指数(LVESVI)、左心室质量指数(LVMI)、二尖瓣反流、三尖瓣反流、左心室整体纵向应变(LVGLS)、左心室整体周向应变(LVGCS)、左心室整体径向应变(LVGRS)等。LGE定义为在同一短轴平面上异常心肌信号强度增加2倍标准差以上。
1.3" 数据收集及随访
1.4" 统计学分析
2" 结果
2.1" DCM患者临床、CMR基线特征及随访结果
中位随访时间为 29.7(16.4,45.4)月。随访结束时,59例(34.1%)患者发生MACE,其中心源性死亡28例(16.2%),行置入式心脏转复除颤器治疗9例(5.2%),因心力衰竭和持续心房颤动再次住院47例(27.2%)。训练集与测试集患者临床特征及CMR特征的差异无统计学意义(Pgt;0.05,表1)。DCM患者CMR图像(图1)。
2.2" LASSO回归及多因素Cox回归分析
通过LASSO回归及交叉验证筛选出9个潜在预测因子,包括NYHA III~IV级、呼吸困难、NT-proBNP、β-受体阻滞剂、LAD、LVESVI、LVEF、LGE和LV-GLS(图2)。多因素Cox回归分析结果显示,NYHA III~IV级、NT-ProBNP、β受体阻断药、LGE、LVGLS是DCM患者发生MACE的风险因子(表2)。
2.3" CMR参数列线图模型的构建
采用多因素Cox回归分析筛选出的因子NYHA III-IV级、NT-ProBNP、β受体阻断药、LGE、LVGLS构建列线图模型(图3)。
2.4" 列线图模型的评估及验证
2.5" Kaplan-Meier生存分析
3" 讨论
本研究DCM患者的MACE发生率34.1%,高于Pagano等[8]的报道,这可能是因为DCM患者的预后较差,还可能因为研究对象是老年患者,因此MACE可能被夸大。本研究发现,NYHA III~IV级、NT-ProBNP、β受体阻断药、LGE、LVGLS是DCM患者发生MACE的预后因子。LGE-CMR是无创检测心肌纤维化的金标准,纤维化是室性心律失常的基础[9]。有研究报道LGE是DCM患者室性心律失常或猝死的重要预测因子[10]。也有研究表明,LGE除LVEF外,还对全因死亡率及心脏猝死具有预后价值[11]。CMR-FT是临床测量左心室纵向应变的可靠方法[12]。LV-GLS可测量心肌变形,因此与传统的容积成像参数(如LVEF)相比能更好地反映整体和区域心室功能[13]。一项多中心研究发现GLS是预测射血分数保留患者死亡率的独立因子,与常见的临床及影像学预后因素相比具有增量预后价值[14]。
NT-proBNP是识别心衰高危患者及预测预后的有力生物标志物[15-16]。研究表明,NT-proBNP与CMR成像检测到的心肌纤维化之间存在显著关联,这一发现验证了心肌纤维化与心肌病中循环NT-proBNP水平相关或为其关键因素的假设[17]。本研究也证实了NT-proBNP对DCM患者MACE的独立预测价值,这与既往研究[18]结果一致。β受体阻滞剂是DCM预防心律失常的基础药物[19]。有学者探究了β-受体阻滞剂对恢复期 DCM的影响,发现无β-受体阻滞剂组LVEF下降的频率更高[20],这表明β-受体阻滞剂可能防止左心室收缩功能的恶化。研究表明,NYHA II~III级对心衰不良预后的预测不佳,对不同功能障碍患者的区分度也很低[21-22]。因此,本研究使用NYHA III~IV级来预测DCM的MACE。
综上所述,本研究通过LASSO回归及多因素Cox回归筛选出NYHA III~IV级、NT-ProBNP、β受体阻断药、LGE、LVGLS 5个预测因子,并以此构建了DCM老年患者MACE发生列线图预测模型,并利用训练集及测试集数据对预测模型进行评估和验证,表明该预测模型的一致性及准确性均较好,且具有较好的临床应用价值。但本研究仍存在一定的局限性:本研究属于单中心的回顾性研究,存在一定的选择偏倚和信息偏倚;构建的列线图预测模型缺乏外部数据验证,可能会导致模型的过度拟合,降低预测模型外推的代表性。今后应进一步联合多中心开展前瞻性研究,并对预测模型进行内外部验证,以提高预测模型的准确性和代表性。
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