摘 "要:为了提高永磁同步电机的控制性能,改善对于电机的控制方法,针对永磁同步电机的积分滑模控制进行研究,首先提出积分滑模控制在运行中遭遇未知干扰后易产生转速超调的问题,然后通过定义自调节的积分初值来消除运行过程中因积分累积所产生的超调,改善转速超调问题。其次为了提高滑模控制在电机的整个运动的全局阶段的收敛性,提出基于预测在线寻优的时变滑模控制,通过预测控制变量来选出当前时刻的最优滑模面,使得状态变量可以更快收敛到滑模面,进一步降低转速误差,提高系统的控制精度与控制速度。最后建立扩张状态观测器来观测系统的未知干扰,对控制器进行补偿,提高整个控制系统的鲁棒性,并且通过仿真和实验验证了所提出方法的有效性。
中图分类号:TM341 " " " " " "文献标志码:A " " " " "文章编号:1007 -449X(2024)07-0000-00
Time-varying sliding mode control of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on improved integral sliding mode
CHENG Yong, LI Siqing,LI Senhao
(College of Electrical and Control Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710600, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the control performance of permanent magnet synchronous motor and improve the control method of the motor, the integrated sliding mode control of permanent magnet synchronous motor is studied. Firstly, the problem that the integrated sliding mode control is easy to produce speed overshoot after encountering unknown interference during operation is proposed. Then, the overshoot caused by integral accumulation during operation is eliminated by defining the initial integral value of self-regulation. Improved the problem speed overshoot. Secondly, in order to improve the convergence of sliding mode control in the global stage of the whole stage of the motor operating, a time-varying sliding mode control based on predictive control that optimized online is proposed. The optimal sliding mode surface at the current moment is selected through predictive control variables, so that the state variables can converge to the sliding mode surface faster, further reduce the speed error, and improve the control accuracy and control speed of the system. Finally, an extended state observer is built to observe the unknown interference of the system, compensate the controller, and improve the robustness of the whole control system. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulation and experiment.
Keywords:permanent magnet synchronous motor; integral sliding mode; time-varying sliding mode; global convergence; extended state observer; model prediction
0 引 "言
在新能源大力发展的背景下,效率高、结构简单、高功率密度的永磁同步电机(permanent magnet synchronous motor,PMSM)已经在交通运输、航天航空和机器人等方面获得了广泛的应用[1-2],其控制方法也成为了电气、机械等行业的研究热点。在对于永磁同步电机的双闭环控制当中,比例积分(proportional integral,PI)控制是目前最为广泛的转速环控制方法,其实现简单,不依赖于系统的精确模型,对系统参数不敏感,但在高精度控制场合下,PI控制难以实现理想的控制性能[3]。在进一步的研究当中,有学者提出基于模型的模型预测控制,对系统建立状态方程,并进行离散化,即可得到在当前控制周期的预测值,通过价值函数对预测变量进行评定,最终得到最优的控制方案。模型预测控制的在线寻优使得控制系统具有更好的动态性能,但是其对控制模型的参数准确性有很高的要求,当控制系统的参数发生失配时,控制性能也会下降[4]。文献[5]将电流的预测值和实际采样值的差值作为补偿因子,补偿预测误差,实现了鲁棒型的模型电流预测控制。文献[6]将模型的参数不确定性建模,并通过超局部模型建立控制器,降低了预测控制对参数失配的敏感性。此外,在对于模型预测控制在电流环的应用中也引入了多矢量控制技术的概念,文献[7]提出三矢量的模型预测电流控制,使得合成的期望电压矢量可以覆盖任意方向,任意幅值。
首先对传统积分滑模控制进行分析,提出积分型滑模控制在运行过程中遭遇未知干扰后易发生超调的问题,对此设计了可自调节的积分初值,消除在启动和突加负载之后的超调现象。然后结合预测控制可在线寻优的特点,对不同滑模面系数下所产生的控制输出进行寻优,通过价值函数评定出当前控制周期下的最优滑模面,实现了时变积分滑模控制(time-varying integral sliding mode control,TISMC)。最后通过建立扩张状态观测器,对未知干扰进行观测并补偿到控制器中,降低滑模控制对高增益的依赖性。
1 传统积分滑模控制设计
1.1 永磁同步电机模型
4 "仿真分析
5 "实验验证
6 "结 "论
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