Practice Makes Perfect熟能生巧
During the Northern Song Dynasty, there lived an 1)accomplishedarcher. As he was doing his daily practice one day, a big crowd gatheredaround him, and cheered each time he hit his target. This made himfeel pleased with himself, but among the crowd stood an old oilpeddler who merely nodded. The archer asked the old oil peddler,“What do you think of my archery?” The old man answered, “Nothingspecial. Youve become skilled through regular practice. Thatsall.” The archer was 2)unconvinced. 3)Thereupon, the old manput a gourd bottle on the ground and covered its mouth witha copper cash. He then scooped a ladle of oil from his4)jar, held it high in the air and poured it into thegourd. The crowd watched in amazementas the thread of oil fell from the ladlethrough the hole at the center ofthe coin into the gourd. Theold man said, “This isnothing special. Itssomething I cand o b e c a u s eIve practicedevery day.”
北宋時期,有个技艺高超的射手。一天,他在练习射箭,引来了一大群人围观。每次他射中目标,人群就为他欢呼,这令他很得意。但是,人群中有个年长的卖油翁只是点点头。他问卖油翁:“你认为我的技术如何?”卖油翁回答“: 没什么特别的,你只不过是反复练习,所以手法熟练罢了。”射手听后很不服气。于是,卖油翁把一个葫芦放在地上,并在葫芦口上放了一枚铜钱,然后从缸里舀起一勺油,从高处往葫芦里倒。只见油就像线一样从铜钱中间的小孔里落进葫芦里,围观者都惊呆了。卖油翁说:“这没什么特别的,只不过是天天练的结果。”
1) accomplished adj. 熟练的;技艺高超的
2) unconvinced adj. 不信服的
3) thereupon adv. 随即;立即
4) jar n. 缸;坛子
Fill in the blanks:
1. As the archer_______ (do) his daily practice one day, a big crowd gathered around him.
2. The crowd watched in_______ (amaze).
Know More
The idiom tells us that to achieve perfection inany skill, we need thousands of times of practice.Only through repeated practice can we improve ourskills and reach the top.
参考答案:1.was doing2.amazement