

疯狂英语·初中版 2024年3期


( 一)

Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a novel that1._________ (publish) in 1865 by Lewis Carroll. The book presentsthe adventures of a little girl 2._________has fallen down a rabbithole to a fantasy world populated by all sorts of peculiar creatures.

3._________(initial), the book wasnt very popular and itgenerally got bad reviews, but by the end of the 19th century, itstarted to be highly-regarded and recognized as one of the mostvaluable stories of all time.

4.________July 1862, Lewis Carroll rowed in a boat on a small river in Oxford,England, with a friend and the three daughters of Henry Liddell, 5._________professorat Oxford University. During the trip, Lewis 6.________(tell) the children a storyabout featuring Alice, a bored, young girl, looking to break the monotony ofeveryday life. The children enjoyed the story very much and one of them, AliceLiddell, asked Lewis to write the story down for her. Two years later, Lewis gaveAlice the manuscript of Alices Adventures in Wonderland with the followingdedication( 獻词) 7.________(write) on the first page: “A Christmas Gift to aDear Child in Memory of a Summers Day.”

Over the years, the book became very popular 8.__________it wasrepublished several times. It has received several big-screen, stage and9.__________(music) adaptations, and it was even published in comic book formon six occasions. The character of Alice, a young girl going on a fantasy quest,has inspired several other 10.__________(character) in world literature and film,who pay homage to the original story.

( 二)

Romeo and Juliet is a play 1._________(write) by the English playwrightWilliam Shakespeare. It was published for the 2.________(one) time in 1595.

Romeo and Juliet is probably the 3.________(famous) love story ofall time. It is a tragic tale depicting the forbidden love shared by two younglovers coming from two feuding families. The story is, along with Hamlet,Shakespeares most popular and 4.__________(frequent) performed play.Romeo and Juliet 5.________(regard) by many experts as a great example ofShakespeares early dramatic skill.

The play is set in the Italian city Verona 6.________two noble families,the Montagues and the Capulets, have been sworn enemies for years on end. Anunlikely turn of events results in Romeo (the son of Montague) and Juliet(Capulets daughter) falling in love 7._______getting married in secret.

What ensues is a typical Shakespearean tragedy in which social norms,honor and pride irreversibly affect Romeo and Juliets love story. The playsprologue calls the two protagonists “star-crossed lovers”, a most fittingdescription of their story—one in which the Universe seems to conspire againstthem.

8._______the play draws lots of elements from classical Greek tragedies,William Shakespeares take on the theme of forbidden love is 9.________unique,masterful piece of literature. This fact is proven by its endurance in the publicsconscience and by its numerous adaptations, spanning over four centuries.

For the purpose of intelligibility, Romeo and Juliet will be presented in asimplified, mostly-narrative version and not in its original, 10.________(tradition)play form.

( 三)

Oscar Wilde is a highly important person when it 1._______(come) to theEnglish language and literature. This Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and essayistwas born 2.________the 16th of October 1854 in Dublin, Ireland. He was raisedin a wealthy family by highly intellectual parents.

From early childhood, he was 3.________excellent student, fluent inFrench and German besides having enough knowledge of Italian and Ancient Greek. As a 4.________(write), he 5._______(leave) a very important mark inthe world literature. His incredibly witty plays such as The Importance of BeingEarnest, An Ideal Husband, etc. are still being performed all around the world.His only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, is one of the 6._________(important)Victorian literary pieces. He also wrote short stories, essays and poems. Mostof 7._________(he) themes are focused on criticism of the Victorian society,false manners and hypocrisy, marriage, moral values, etc.

The Victorian era is named after the British Queen Victoria8._______reigned from 1837 to 1901. At that time, the Industrial Revolutionand technology inventions made Britain prosperous.

However, there were many problems, such 9.__________social injustice,child labor, big difference between mens and womens 10.__________(right),etc. Those are also the issues depicted in the literature of this era.

The most important Victorian literary form is the novel, and some of themost important writers are Oscar Wilde, Lewis Carroll, and Charles Dickens.


(一)1.was published;2.who/that;3.Initially;4.In; 5.a; 6.told; 7.written; 8.and;9.musical; 10.characters

(二)1.written;2.first;3.most famous;4.frequently; regarded;6.where;7.and;8.Although/Though;9.a;10.traditional

(三)1.comes;2.on;;4.writer;5.left;6.most important;7.his;8.who/that;;10.rights


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