李洪华 郑宜璇
摘 要:臺湾作家琦君出生于江南,成长于江南,她的文学创作是从中国的地域文化与传统文化的土壤中所生发出来的。永嘉独特的风物民俗与其所附着的离恨乡愁,是琦君创作中“永嘉路径”的彰显;哀而不伤、温柔敦厚的文风,含蓄蕴藉、细腻节制的笔法,则是琦君在中国传统文化的浸润中所继承的“古典”传统。在二者的融汇之下,共同构筑了琦君细腻、温婉、隐秀的美学风格。
中图分类号:I206 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-0677(2024)1-0049-06
Chi Chuns Writing in Local as well as
Traditional Perspectives
Li Honghua and Zheng Yixuan
Abstract: Chi Chun, a Taiwanese writer, was born and bred in River South whose literary creation was generated from traditional Chinese culture and the soil of regional culture. The unique folk customs of Yongjia, along with its homesickness and rancour, are what makes her Yongjia Path prominent in her writing. A tender, subtle and restrained style in which one is sad but not hurt, is what Chi Chun inherits from the classical tradition of the traditional Chinese culture that shes deeply involved in. These, when combined, make up her aesthetic style of exquisiteness, gentleness and hidden beauty.
Keywords: Chi Chuns writing, the Yongjia Path, traditional culture, tender and kind, sad but not hurt