梁冬丽 邓哲雯
摘 要:中国文学传到泰国,以翻译小说《三国演义》而创“三国体”为开始。近代以来,泰国华侨华人接受中国文学的滋养,由阅读自带或贩卖到泰国的中国书籍,逐渐变成阅读汉文报刊上的作品。汉文报刊作为传承中国文学的新载体,为了适应在泰华侨华人阅读的需要,因地制宜,改造了文学传播的形态:使用评论、转写、化用诸多手段,多层次参与中国古代文学作品的义理阐释;新编文本,加上泰语对照,方便阅读;对经典文学加上新释、新解,传达文本精神;揉进异域文化基因,實现在地化。泰国华侨华人以“古”为情感纽带,以“中”为民族自豪,以“祖国”为精神归宿,积极探索中国文学的发展道路。泰国汉文报刊文学,始终秉持“弘扬自由祖国文化,促进中泰两族亲善,沟通中泰文化”的理念。
中图分类号: 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-0677(2024)1-0088-08
On the Transformation, Forms and Cultural Value of the Dissemination of Chinese Literature by Chinese-language Newspapers or Magazines in Thailand
Liang Dongli and Deng Zhewen
Abstract: The transmission of Chinese literature to Thailand began with the translation of The Romance of Three Kingdoms that created the Three Kingdom Style. In modern times, Chinese Thais, in their attempt to be nourished by Chinese literature, first read Chinese books, brought to or bought in Thailand, and then read works published in Chinese-language newspapers or magazines, which, to adapt themselves for the reading needs of Chinese Thais, have changed their ways of dissemination by various means of commentary, trans-writing and huayong(melting), participating in the interpretation of the meaning of ancient Chinese literary works at multiple levels, or edting new texts with comparable Thai texts for ease of reading, or providing new explanations or interpretations of classical literature in order to convey the spirit of the texts, or rubbing in the cultural genes of the foreign culture to realize the localization. Chinese Thais, emotionally tied with the ancientness, are proud of being Chinese as their race, and spiritually return to their motherland, actively exploring the road of development in Chinese literature. Chinese-language newspapers or magazines in Thailand hold steadfastly to the idea of promoting the free motherland culture and furthering the goodwill between China and Thailand, and communications between the two cultures.
Keywords: Chinese-language newspapers or magazines, Chinese literature, transformation, forms, cultural value