摘 要:王鼎鈞赴美后的写作一方面指向自己的“中国经验”,表达对故乡兰陵的乡愁美学。他对待故乡的态度是辩证的,既有单纯地对故乡风景和人的怀旧,又有对儒家文化影响下的科举制度、人伦关系的反思,带有国民性反思的况味。另一方面,他也书写自己的“北美经验”。面对东西方文化的冲突,他的散文不断触及新移民华文教育、人际交往差异等问题,体现出对美国多元族裔文化和新教伦理的思考。此外,为了发扬与传播中文写作,王鼎钧还参与并组织纽约的华文文学沙龙“九九读书会”。他接续夏丏尊、叶圣陶的国文教育理念,推动华文写作在美国的发展。
中图分类号:I207.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-0677(2024)1-0070-06
A Literary Heart, Wordless, Vowing to be Connected: On the North American New Migrant WritingWang Ting-chuns Prose
Wu Taisong
Abstract: On one hand, after his arrival in America, Wang Ting-chun wrote about his own Chinese experience,expressing his nostalgic aesthetics about his hometown Lanling. His attitude towards his hometown is dialectical, purely nostalgic about its landscape and people, but also reflective about the civil-service examinations and human relationships under the influence of Confucian culture, with a tinge of national reflection. On the other hand, he also wrote about his North American experience. In the face of conflicts between the East and the West, his prose keeps touching upon such issues as the new migrants Chinese-language education, and differences in human communications, revealing his thoughts on multi-ethnic culture of America and Protestant ethics. In addition, to promote and disseminate writing in Chinese, Wang Ting-chun took part in the organization of Jiujiu Reading Club, a Chinese-language literary saloon in New York. Inheriting the idea of national language education from Xia Mianzun and Ye Shengtao, he pushed the development of Chinese-language writing in the USA.
Keywords: Wang Ting-chun, new migrant writing, Chinese experience, North American experience, Chinese-language literary society