程丹丹 李畅通 冯孝周 刘梦妍
中图分类号:O 175.25文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-988Ⅹ(2024)02-0006-08
Existence of solutions to Leslie-Gower models with Allee effect and B-D terms
CHENG Dan-dan,LI Chang-tong,FENG Xiao-zhou,LIU Meng-yan
Abstract:The properties of a class of positive solutions to the improved Leslie-Gower model with B-D reaction terms and Allee effects were studied.Firstly,the maxima principle and the super-sub solution method were used to make a priori estimate for the positive solution of the model,and the asymptotic stability of the normal number solution is obtained by using the linearization operator.Secondly,the Poincare inequality was used to prove the non-existence of non-normal positive solutions.In addition,the Leray-Schauder degree theory was used to clarify the sufficient conditions for the existence of non-constant positive solutions.Finally,numerical simulation was used to verify the stability of the constant solution and the effect of the Allee effect constant on the population density of prey and predator.
Key words:Allee effect;asymptotic stability;Leslie-Gower model;degree theory;numerical simulation
0 引言
其中,u,v分别为食饵种群和捕食者种群数量;b代表食饵的种内竞争,a1,a2表示对应物种的平均减少率的最大值;r1,r2分别为食饵与捕食者的自然增长率;k1,k2分别衡量环境对食饵和捕食者的保护程度.1975年,Beddington[16]和Deangelis等[17]提出了B-D功能反应项αx/(a+bx+cy),相较于Holling Ⅱ型功能反应项,它在分母上加了一项cy来模拟捕食者之间的相互影响.2014年,Yu[18]将B-D项和改进的Leslie-Gower模型结合,得到模型
1 正解的先验估计和稳定性
引理1 设h*>0,则一定存在常数T1=T1(Γ,h*)>0,使得当d1,d2≥h*时,模型(2)的任意正解(u,v)均满足
5 结论
本文讨论了具有B-D项和Allee 效应的改进的Leslie-Gower 模型.首先利用最大值原理得到了正解的先验估计,再利用线性化算子得出了正常数解的渐近稳定性.进一步,利用Poincare不等式证明了非常数正解的不存在性,并给出了非常数正解存在的充分条件.最后对模型进行了数值模拟,验证了理论分析的正确性.
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(责任编辑 马宇鸿)