张红牛 龚雪 魏盼 赵松峰
中图分类号:O 562.4文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-988Ⅹ(2024)02-0037-06
Alignment dependence of Rabi-flopping signatures in the below-threshold harmonics from the stretched H2 driven by lasers
ZHANG Hong-niu,GONG Xue,WEI Pan,ZHAO Song-feng
Abstract:We investigated the alignment dependence of Rabi-flopping signatures in the below-threshold harmonic generation from the stretched hydrogen molecules by numerically solving the two-dimensional time-dependent Schrdinger equation of molecules in laser fields.We found that fine sub-peaks near the third order harmonic and these fine sub-peaks can be attributed to Rabi oscillations originated from the strong-coupling between the ground state and the first excited state by using the two-state model.We also found that these fine sub-peaks strongly depend on alignment angles of molecules and gradually disappear as the alignment angle(0°~90°) increases because the coupling strength between these two states decreases with the alignment angle increasing.
Key words:stretched hydrogen molecules;fine sub-peak structures;Rabi-flopping;alignment dependence
2 结果与讨论
图1给出了拉伸氢分子沿线偏振激光场时(即取向角为0°)的谐波谱.计算中,采用的半高全宽为24 fs,激光强度为1×1013W·cm-2,波长为2 000 nm,核间距R=8 a.u..从放大的插图中很清晰地观察到了三次谐波附近的精细次峰结构.这说明在拉伸的二维模型氢分子中同样能产生类似于三维拉伸分子中阈下谐波的精细次峰结构[29,30,38].
圖2分别展示了用求解二维含时薛定谔方程和两态模型所得的基态和第一激发态布局随时间的变化.从图中可以看出,拉伸氢分子的基态和第一激发态之间发生了强耦合的拉比振荡.当分子取向角为0°时,我们计算的跃迁偶极矩x21为3.82,因而拉比频率 ΩR=x21E0为0.065 a.u,对应的耦合参数δ=2ΩR/ω=5.7,表明满足强耦合条件δ1[37].在大核间距下,二维模型氢分子的波函数可近似用基态和第一激发态描述,原因在于其他激发态与这两个态的能级间隔太大.在激光场驱动下,基态中的活性电子首先通过偶极跃迁被激发到场缀饰的第一激发态,然后从激光场中获得能量,最后复合到场缀饰的基态而发射出低能光子.
3 结束语
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(責任编辑 孙对兄)