他在越南开汉语班 He Opens Chinese Classes in Vietnam


孔子学院 2024年1期

陶知言 Tao Zhiyan

2013 年至2023年, 是共建“一带一路”倡议提出的十年,也是越南留学生陈儒决(TranNho Quyet) 千里求学和回国创业的十年。陈儒决是东北林业大学2013级信息与计算机工程学院硕士研究生、2018级经济管理学院博士研究生,毕业后回国成立了越南时代国际教育公司,致力于推广汉语学习,为越南学生赴华留学深造和“一带一路”建设贡献力量。“来到离家乡如此遥远的中国哈尔滨留学,是我人生中的一个重要挑战,”陈儒决说,“回到越南开办汉语班则是另外一个挑战,人只有在应对挑战的过程中才能激发生命的张力。”

From 2013 to 2023, the ten years since thelaunch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), ChenRujue, whose Vietnamese name is Tran Nho Quyet,made the remarkable transformation from a studentwho traveled thousands of miles to study in Chinainto an entrepreneur in his own country. Chenstarted off in China as a master’s student at theCollege of Information and Computer Engineering(class of 2013) and then pursued a doctoral degreeat the College of Economics and Management (classof 2018) of Northeast Forestry University. Aftergraduation, he returned to Vietnam and establishedthe Vietnam Times International Education Company,dedicated to promoting Chinese language learningand enabling Vietnamese students who want to study in China and to contributingto the BRI. “Coming toHarbin, which is so faraway from my hometown,was a huge challenge in mylife,” Chen said. “OpeningChinese language classesin Vietnam is another one.However, I believe peoplecan only tap into the vitalityof life through challenges.”

“一帶一路”倡议元年,陈儒决留学中国Growing with BRI

2013年,陈儒决来到中国求学,成为东北林业大学招收的第一个国家留学基金委员会(China ScholarshipCouncil,CSC)奖学金硕士留学生。和大多数留学生一样,适应气候和语言是他面临的第一关。陈儒决回忆起初来东北林业大学时的感受:“因为我是中文项目生,国际学院的老师总是告诉我,尽量用汉语与人交流,有助于我快速融入这里。”

In 2013, Chen became the first master’s studenton a China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarshipto be admitted by Northeast Forestry University. Likemost international students, adapting to the local climate and learning Chinese were the first hurdleshe had to overcome. Recalling his initial experienceat Northeast Forestry University, he said, “I was inthe Chinese program. Therefore, my teachers at theInternational School encouraged me to communicatein Chinese as much as possible, which helped meassimilate quickly.”


In July 2016, the Chinese Ministry of Educationlaunched the “Education Activities for Promoting theJoint Construction of the Belt and Road.” Since then,significant progress has been made by China and herpartnership countries in terms of talent cultivation,giving a boost to exchange study programs such asthe one that benefited Chen. After completing hismaster’s degree, Chen decided to pursue a his alma mater on the recommendation of hisadvisor. “I am truly grateful” is what he mentionedthe most during his interview. “China’s study abroadpolicy has given me this precious opportunity, forthat I am grateful. I thank my Chinese teachers andclassmates who always treated me like family, eventhough I came from a distant place. They made mefeel warm.”

让汉语成为实现自我价值的平台From Chinese Learning to Self-Fulfillment


After returning to Vietnam, Chen decided tostart his own business and open Chinese languagetraining classes. “To begin with, the launching of theBRI has made me see the prospects in this industry;in addition, I want to fulfill my commitment tomy teachers, that is, to become a true culturalambassador bridging China and Vietnam.” Chensaid, “I cannot squander what I have learned. I wantto make Chinese learning a way that leads to selffulfillment.”


This idea grew stronger. Soon,Chen established the Vietnam TimesInternational Education Company, and hegave himself a new role as a “promoter ofChinese language.” He not only taught thecourses, but also personally participatedin every step along the way, from theenrollment of students, the evaluation ofteaching effectiveness, and the consultativemeetings with parents. “To work in thisindustry, one must have a sense of awe.Only by personally getting involved canone truly understand its significance,” Chensaid.

公司成立四年来,已经与越南兩所大型国际学校联合开发了高中汉语课程:包括1—12年级的汉语教学计划制订、汉语教材编写、视频学习资料制作等。截至2023年,陈儒决的培训班里有2 000余名越南学生通过了相应等级的HSK考试(汉语水平考试)。与此同时,陈儒决也会鼓励优秀的越南学生申请到中国高等院校攻读学位。这十年里,陈儒决觉得自己就像陀螺一样高速旋转着往前走,也遇到过几次不得不停下来反思的波折。他说:“之所以一直坚持,是源于对汉语教育的热爱。”

Over the past four years since the companywas established, Chen has collaborated withtwo large international schools in Vietnamin developing high school Chinese courses,including the making of Chinese teaching plansfor grades 1—12, Chinese textbook writing, andthe production of video learning materials. By2023, more than 2,000 Vietnamese students inChen’s classes have passed the HSK (ChineseProficiency Test). At the same time, he encouragesoutstanding Vietnamese students to apply forundergraduate programs at Chinese universities.Looking back on these ten years, Chen comparedhimself to a spinning top, moving fast andforward, but also having to stop occasionallybecause of setbacks. He said, “What drives me topersist all along is my love for Chinese teaching.”

陈儒决眼中的“一带一路”倡议BRI in His Eyes

“幸运的是,‘一带一路’倡议在很多方面助推着我前进。中国高校在‘一带一路’国家的人才招收、培养方面的政策, 为我的学生们提供了优质的留学机会,也搭建了很多中越青年开展学术和文化活动交流的平台,这是在海外营造更蓬勃的汉语教育生态最需要的能量。”陈儒决感叹道,“我和同事们感受到‘连接’的重要性——人类的命运是相连的,这件事很难被描述或量化,就像母校的老师给予我的那样,我同样愿意用自己的能力,让中国与越南相连。”

“I am fortunate, because the BRI has beenpushing me forward in many aspects. The policiesof Chinese universities regarding the recruitmentand cultivation of talents from BRI countries haveprovided my students with excellent opportunities tostudy abroad and created platforms for academic andcultural exchanges between Chinese and Vietnameseyouth. This is the energy needed to create a morevibrant Chinese language education ecosystemoverseas,” Chen said. “My colleagues and I feel theimportance of connectivity — the fate of humanity isinterconnected. Although it is difficult to describe orquantify, I have experienced it thanks to my teachersat my alma mater, and I am willing to use my abilitiesto pass it on so as to connect China and Vietnam.”


It is heartening to see that this kind of connectivity,which is backed by rationality, goodwill, and aconstant drive to move forward, is like a roaringbonfire, illuminating the road ahead for everyonealong the BRI route.

供圖/ 陶知言


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