A Dialogue about Innovation in Global Economy Governance in Chongqing


重庆与世界 2017年11期

□ Article/ Journalist Zeng Rui Tr. by Chen Yupeng

A Dialogue about Innovation in Global Economy Governance in Chongqing

□ Article/ Journalist Zeng Rui Tr. by Chen Yupeng

The CPC in Dialogue with the World 2016: over 300 delegates from more than 50 countries attended.Besides releasing 29 specific documents, including G20 Leaders’ Communique, Hangzhou Summit, the G20 Hangzhou Summit held in the early autumn of 2016 pointed the world economy to the right direction,and drew the world’s attention to the significant role that the rising China is playing in global economy recovery. To emphasize on the accomplishments of G20 Hangzhou Summit, and show the world what China and its ruling political party, Communist Party of China, have done and propose for global governance,the CPC in Dialogue with the World 2016 was held in Chongqing during October 14 and 15, which is the highest-level international conference that Chongqing has held in recent years.

Liu Yunshan, member of the Politburo Standing Committee and First-ranked Secretary of the Central Secretariat of the CPC,attended the opening ceremony of the CPC in Dialogue with the World 2016, and addressed on what political parties can do to contribute to global economy governance. Sun Zhengcai,member of the Politburo of the CPC, Communist Party Secretary of Chongqing, also attended and spoke at the opening ceremony.Other leaders who spoke at the opening ceremony include Miyegombyn Enkhbold, Chairman of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party, Chairman of the State Great Khural, Chynybai Tursunbekov, major leader of the Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan, Speaker of the Kyrgyzstan Parliament, Gwede Mantashe, Secretary General of African National Congress, and Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister of France. Over 300 representatives from more than 50 countries and 70 political parties, think tanks and research institutes attended the dialogue.About 20 symposiums and social events, and over 30 bilateral activities were organized during the dialogue, with over 170 journalists reporting. Regarding the theme “Innovation in Global Economy Governance: Political Parties’ Actions and Propositions”,participants of the dialogue engaged in honest and profound conversations where they exchanged ideas and sought common ground while respecting each other’s differences, as a result of which, the dialogue proved to be a great success and Chongqing Initiative (《重庆倡议》) was released. Other events held during the dialogue include Wisdom Talks, Political Parties Dialogue,Economists Round Table, the 2nd China-Africa Political Theoretical Seminar and the Dialogue between CPC and Political Parties of Mekong River Countries.

This grand dialogue connecting between the past and the future had won applauds from all participants:

Tursunbekov congratulated China on successfully hosting the G20 Hangzhou Summit, and said that participants of the dialogue had reached a consensus on President Xi Jinping’s propositions on global governance, and Kyrgyzstan fully supports China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”. “The dialogue provided a great opportunity for us to discuss the world’s economic development, approaches to innovations in global economy governance, and how to cope with problems of the world economy.”

“We must realize that economy and politics and inseparable before we devote to economic development. I’m glad that we could learn from CPC’s experience on promoting economic development through this dialogue”, said Mantashe.

Bronisław Komorowski, former President of Poland, said that global governance is an important task of the whole world. The dialogue provided a platform for different countries to exchange ideas and experience, which helps to further our understanding of this issue and will bene fi t future policy-making.

Edward Miliband, former leader of the British Labour Party, believes that the dialogue provided a great opportunity for different countries to face the same problem together. “We were able to exchange ideas and discuss problems, so I think it’s a great opportunity.”

Farkhad Kuanganov, Secretary of Nur Otan Democratic People’s Party, the ruling political party in Kazakhstan, said that Kazakhstan sees the dialogue as the continuation of the G20 Hangzhou Summit, as it helps to realize the agreements reached during the summit. “Political parties may not directly participate in global governance, but political parties, especially ruling parties, are the mainstay of domestic researches and planning. Judging from this,political parties can actually contribute a lot to global governance.”Apart from hosting a successful dialogue, Chongqing also left a great impression on its guests. President Komorowski saw Chongqing as a symbol of China’s rapid development. An Egyptian statesman thanked the organizing committee of for choosing Chongqing as the city to host the dialogue, and said that Chongqing’s economic development and beautiful scenery is quite outstanding.

