智慧农业 Smart Farming
毛鑫鑫 Mao Xinxin
For many, farming is viewed as a life of “hardlabor against the backdrop of the yellow earth and therelentless sun.” Yet, in modern times, the image of toilhas transformed dramatically, especially for vegetablefarmers like Cui Jiangyuan from Shouguang City,Shandong Province.
With just a mobile app, Cui can monitor hisvegetables’ growth in greenhouses from anywhere. Afew taps allow him to adjust environment parameterslike temperature, irrigation, fertilizer application, andventilation, to the needs of his crops and seasonaldemands. He is astonished by the efficiency, musing,“Now, with my smartphone, a potent agriculturaltool, I am no longer ‘confined’ to the fields. I canoversee the vegetables growing while enjoyingtea at home. Functions like ‘remote watering’ and‘automated pest control’ have replaced the hard laborwith the hum of machinery.” This leap into “cloudfarming,” powered by the Internet of Things andcutting-edge devices, has led to precise and efficientagriculture for many. It has increased yields, ensuredquality, and boosted farmers’ earnings.
寿光市被誉为“ 中国蔬菜之乡”, 蔬菜的智能化种植在这里已经成为常态。仅这样一座城市就建有17.3万个蔬菜大棚, 年种植蔬菜面积60万亩, 年产量450万吨, 产品不仅供给中国市场, 还远销海外。
Shouguang, dubbed the “Vegetable Capital ofChina,” has wholeheartedly adopted this intelligentapproach. The city now operates 173,000 vegetablegreenhouses covering 99,000 acres, producing anastounding 4.5 million tons of vegetables annually.These aren’t just feeding China but also gracingdining tables worldwide.
Shandong is renowned for its agriculturalexcellence, as captured in a local saying that extols theunique flavors of its regional produce: from Yantai’sapples and Laiyang’s pears to Weixian’s radishes, Jinan’ssweet potatoes, Zhangqiu’s scallions, Mingshui’s rice,Laoling’s jujubes, and Feicheng’s peaches. Situated ina temperate monsoon climate zone with both coastalareas and access to the Yellow River, Shandong enjoysdistinct four seasons, varied terrains, and a blend ofclimatic benefits from the north, south, coast, andinland. This geographical advantage, coupled with thefusion of technology, has made farming increasinglysmart and positioned Shandong at the forefront ofChina’s production of grains, cotton, oilseeds, fruits,vegetables, tea, meat, eggs, dairy, and seafood.
这是2022 年的一组数据,充分显示出山东农业的实力:
These 2022 figures vividly demonstrate the strength of Shandong’s agricultural sector:
全省粮食总产1 108 亿斤,占中国粮食产量总值的1/12 ;
The province’s grain production soared to 110.8 billion catties, accounting for one-twelfth ofChina’s total grain output.
蔬菜总产9 045 万吨,占中国蔬菜产量总值的1/9 ;
Vegetable production totaled 90.45 million tons, contributing one-ninth to China’s totalvegetable production.
肉蛋奶总产1 580 万吨,占中国肉蛋奶产量总值的1/10,稳居首位;
Leading the country, its meat, egg, and dairy sectors produced 15.8 million tons, taking up onetenthof China’s production in these categories.
水果總产3 095 万吨,占中国水果产量总值的1/10 ;
Fruit yields reached 30.95 million tons, comprising one-tenth of the national fruit output.
水产品总产882 万吨,占中国水产品产量总值的1/8 左右;
The aquatic sector produced 8.82 million tons of seafood, around one-eighth of China’s total.
213%农产品出口总额达到1 394 亿元,占中国农产品出口总值的21.3%,连续24年稳居第一。
Agricultural exports were valued at 139.4 billion RMB, representing 21.3% of China’s total andsecuring the top spot for the 24th year in a row.
高品质,离不开好品种Quality agriculture thriveson exceptional crop varieties
山东在培育优良品种方面投入了巨大的人力、物力和财力,近年研发了济麦系列、山农系列、烟农系列、登海系列等一大批高产稳产品种。其中,“济麦22”连续九年种植面积中国最大,累计推广面积三亿多亩;“登海玉米”曾连续七次创中国夏玉米高产纪录,两次创世界夏玉米高产纪录;“齐黄34”(大豆品种)亩产353.45 公斤,创中国夏大豆高产纪录……
Shandong has invested substantial human resources,materials, and financial resources in developing excellentcrop varieties. In recent years, a range of high-yieldingwheat varieties, including the Jimai series, Shannongseries, Yannong series, and Denghai series, have beensuccessfully developed. Notably, “Jimai 22” has dominatedChina’s wheat cultivation for nine years across more than49.4 million acres. “Denghai maize” has shattered yieldrecords for summer maize in China seven times andtwice internationally. “Qihuang 34,” a soybean breed, hasachieved an unprecedented yield of 2,146 kilograms peracre, a national record for summer soybean production.
高产量,离不开好方法High output relies on effective methods
深耕深松、配方施肥、减垄增地、小麦宽幅精播和“一喷三防”、玉米“一防双减”等绿色高质高效技术已经在山东广泛使用。同时,全面推行农业机械化,以往农民“面朝黄土背朝天”的农耕方式被机器取代,小麦、玉米耕种收综合机械化率分别达99%、96% ;而物联网、云计算、卫星遥感监测、智能环境控制等技术手段也已经广泛运用到农业生产的各个环节。
Shandong has adopted a wide array of eco-friendly, high-yielding, and efficient agricultural practices,including deep plowing, precision fertilization, reduced tillage with larger planting areas, wide-row precisionplanting and other innovative planting and protection strategies for wheat and corn. Meanwhile, the traditionalmanual farming methods have been replaced by complete agricultural mechanization, boasting mechanizationrates of 99% for wheat and 96% for corn. Furthermore, advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things,cloud computing, satellite remote sensing monitoring, and intelligent environmental control have beenintegrated into various aspects of agricultural production.
量大,更要质优Not just quantity, but moreimportantly, quality
為了让各种蔬菜瓜果的生产实现“有标可依”,山东建设了1 300 余家省级农业标准化生产基地。此外,山东还建立了农产品质量安全追溯平台,充分实现产品“来源可溯,去向可查,责任可追”:只要扫描农产品的二维码,就可以找到其生产者、生产地、采摘时间等信息;而28万个生产经营主体的信息在平台上也都可以轻松找到,守信人会得到奖励,失信人则会受到惩戒,通过这种方式营造出诚实守信的良好商业氛围。
To ensure that the production of vegetables andfruits meets high standards, Shandong has establishedover 1,300 provincial-level standardized agriculturalproduction bases. Moreover, a platform to ensurethe traceability of agricultural products has beenput in place, fully embracing the concept of “safeorigin, real-time tracking, and clear accountability.”Consumers can easily access information aboutproducers, production locations, and harvest timesby scanning the QR codes on agricultural products.Furthermore, the platform lists information of280,000 production and business entities. Thosewho uphold trustworthiness are rewarded, whilethose who violate it face consequences. Through thisinitiative, a culture of honesty and integrity has takenroot in the marketplace.
好品山东,端上餐桌Shandong’s culinary delights:from farm to table
Shandong now boasts 81 renowned regionalproducts like Yantai apples and Jinxiang garlic,along with 700 food brands, such as “Longda” lowtemperaturemeat products and “Luhua” premiumpeanut oil. The “Remarkable Shandong” label is appliedto grains, vegetables, fruits, and livestock. Just imaginethe sizzle of Jiaodong cabbage stir-fried in Luhua peanutoil. Pair it with Dezhou roasted chicken and a bowl ofMingshui rice, complemented by a pot of Pingyin rosetea. And don’t forget to enjoy Weifang watermelonradishes for dessert. Thanks to a robust online presenceand efficient logistics, Shandong’s agricultural treasuresare now found on dinner tables across China.
供图/ 张学成 山东画报图片库