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中国国际中文教育基金会 Chinese International Education Foundation
2023 年世界中文大会“孔子学院的未来发展”论坛在京举办
The Future Development of Confucius Institute Forum of the 2023 World ChineseLanguage Conference Opens in Beijing
2023 年12 月7—8 日,世界中文大会期间,由中国国际中文教育基金会主办的“孔子学院的未来发展”论坛在北京国家会议中心举行。孔子学院中外合作机构代表、孔子学院中外方院长、企业代表、媒体代表、中外来宾千余人齐聚一堂,共同探讨孔子学院的未来发展。
During the World Chinese LanguageConference held on December 7—8, 2023,the Chinese International EducationFoundation (CIEF) hosted the FutureDevelopment of Confucius InstituteForum at the China National ConventionCenter in Beijing. The event attractedover a thousand participants, includingrepresentatives of partner institutionsof Confucius Institutes, Chinese andforeign directors of Confucius Institutes,corporate delegates, members of themedia, and guests from around theglobe. Together, they explored anddiscussed the future development ofConfucius Institutes.
Ma Jianfei, Director General of the Center for LanguageEducation and Cooperation (CLEC), attended the forumand delivered a speech. He emphasized that ConfuciusInstitutes, being the world’s largest platform for mutualexchange and cooperation, belong to and serve theentire world. They play a crucial role in fostering practicalconnections between Chinese and international education,academia, and culture. This commitment to openness ineducation aligns with the growing necessity to enhanceinternational understanding and encourage cross-culturalexchange. The forum was moderated by Zhang Junli,Deputy Secretary-General of CIEF.
In his welcoming address, Duan Peng, the newlyappointed Vice President of CIEF and President of BeijingLanguage and Culture University (BLCU), emphasizedthat Confucius Institutes not only offer Chinese languageeducation worldwide but also serve as a platform for peoplefrom diverse backgrounds to explore Chinese culture andcultivate international friendships. Looking ahead, CIEF iscommited to collaborating with a wide range of Chineseand international institutions, as well as external partners,to enhance the global presence and innovative initiativesof Confucius Institutes. Tony Browne, a senior consultanton Confucius Institute global development and formerNew Zealand Ambassador to China, underscored theimportance for many universities to consider establishingnew Confucius Institutes or renewing their cooperationagreements, because gaining a deeper understandingof China aligns with the current interests of numerouscountries. Representing the student community, UzodinmaChinenye Gerlof, a doctoral student from Nigeria at BeijingForeign Studies University, shared his own learningexperience at the Confucius Institute. He stressed thatChinese, as a pivotal international language, plays acrucial role in bridging mutual understanding amongnations and peoples and fostering peaceful development.
Zhao Lingshan, Vice President and Secretary-Generalof CIEF, reflected on the evolution of the ConfuciusInstitute brand over the years in his speech. He describedthe Confucius Institutes as a project that embodies the“Chinese initiative, global response, and a win-winsolution for the world.” The development of this brandis firmly rooted in international relationships, extensiveorganizational collaboration, the delivery of high-qualitycontent, and real practical needs. It plays a fundamental,all-encompassing, and pioneering role in promotingeducational cooperation and exchange between China andforeign nations. Presently, the Confucius Institutes haveexpanded their reach into academic education, traditionalChinese medicine education, agricultural education, railwaymechanical and electrical engineering education, andvarious other fields and achieved synergistic development.
Secretary-General Zhao Lingshan emphasized thatwhile the development and operation of ConfuciusInstitutes hold a promising future, they also confrontsignificant challenges. Addressing these challengesrequires the collective wisdom and close cooperation ofall stakeholders involved, starting with language learning,and using cultural integration to foster closer people-topeopleties. It is important to consider how to preserve anddevelop this brand during its ongoing development.
The forum included three sub-forums, each focusingon a specific theme. Sub-forum 1, titled “EnhancingConnectivity to Promote Coordinated Development ofConfucius Institutes,” emphasized the importance ofexploring new avenues for collaboration while respectingthe unique characteristics and needs of different regions, aswell as fostering cross-cultural understanding. Sub-forum 2,“Digital Development and Resource Sharing of ConfuciusInstitutes,” highlighted the critical role that digital solutionsplay in the ongoing development of Confucius Institutes.Sub-forum 3, “Enhancing Characteristic Developmentto Increase Influence of the Confucius Institute Brand,”addressed the new branding challenges facing ConfuciusInstitutes. A total of 27 experts and scholars from 15 differentcountries shared their experiences related to these topics,providing valuable insights for the future development ofConfucius Institutes.