“ 神”速高铁 High-Speed Rail: China’s Pulse in the New Epoch


孔子学院 2024年1期

陈氏深 Tran Thi Tham


In 2019, I was a third-year student majoring in Chinese at Hanoi University in Vietnam. I chose tostudy Chinese out of my love for Chinese culture, so I paid extra attention to China’s development andchanges. High-speed rail, considered one of “China’s new four great inventions,” is also one of the best representations of China’s manufacturing capacitiesand Chinese wisdom. There is an old Chinesesaying: “It is better to see something once than tohear about it a hundred times.” Fortunately, I wasselected by my university that year to participatein the summer camp activities hosted by DalianUniversity of Foreign Languages in China. I wasgiven the opportunity to personally experience themagnificence of high-speed rail.

夏令营活动中,主办方安排了北京的行程。我们乘坐的高铁是大连开往北京的G377次列车,从进站到上车,不用托运行李,安检快速顺利,检票也方便快捷,而且票价是400 元,比机票便宜了许多。

During the summer camp activities, theorganizers arranged an itinerary in Beijing for us.The high-speed train we took was G377 from Dalianto Beijing. From entering the station to boarding thetrain, we didn’t have to check in our luggage or gothrough much security. The ticket check was also fastand convenient. Moreover, the ticket price was only400 RMB, much cheaper than a plane ticket.


Sitting on the high-speed train and watchingthe cities and villages flying pastthe window, all the studentsparticipating in the summer campwere thrilled. I held up my phoneto try to record the scenery alongthe way, but could only captureblurry images because the speedwas too high!


High-speed rail, as defined by the InternationalUnion of Railways, refers to newly-built lines withoperational speeds of over 250 kilometers perhour. However, on the high-speed train I rode, thespeedometer frequently showed real-time speeds atover 300 kilometers per hour! Travelling at immensespeed all the way that covered 963 kilometers in lessthan four hours, we safely arrived in Beijing!


The trip to China left a deep impression on me.I marveled at the pace of China’s modernization and development and lost myself in the urban wondersof Beijing and Dalian where traditional and modernelements are interwoven together. But the mostunforgettable thing was China’s high-speed trains,which carry all my good memories of China.

在中国,高铁有它独特的文化情感内涵,一提到高铁,人们或是联想到它贯穿联通的辽阔国土、秀丽山河,使远方近在咫尺的自豪感油然而起;或是回味起它带给异乡打拼的游子的那份安心与笃定,离家有日,归家有期。在我眼中,高铁是中国现代化发展的缩影,高铁的“神”速映射出中国的飞速发展——从1948 年首列绿皮火车,到现在的神速高铁、世界最快的铁路系统。截至2021年底,中国高铁运营里程已突破四万公里,居世界第一。

High-speed rail in China has its own uniquecultural and affective connotations. The mentionof high-speed rail reminds people of the vast andmagnificent territory connected by it, and the factthat long distances are now deemed irrelevant byits speed, which evokes a sense of pride in people.It brings forth a sense of warmth and assurance inmigrant workers, for home will still be reachableno matter how long one has been away. In my eyes,high-speed rail highlights the development of China’smodernization — from the first green cargo trains in1948, to the lightning speed trains and world’s fastestrail system today. By the end of 2021, China’s highspeedrail network has exceeded 40,000 kilometers inoperation, ranking No.1 in the world.


The encounter with China’s high-speed rail has,to a large extent, changed my life’s direction. I wasamazed by its lightning speed and deeply attracted bythe spiritual strength underlying it. I was determinedto further my studies in China after graduationin order to know more about high-speed rail andbetter experience contemporary China realistically,comprehensively and all around.

本科毕业后,我如愿收到了青岛大学国际关系专业硕士研究生的录取通知书。之所以申请到青岛读书,不仅仅是因为这里有美丽迷人的海滨风光和“帆船之都”“啤酒之都”的美誉,更因为这里有声名远播、不断刷新高铁速度的青岛中车四方机车厂——中国高速列车的核心生产基地,中国首列时速200—250公里、300公里、380公里的高速动车都诞生于此。2021年,由中车四方牵头的世界首套、地表最快的时速600 公里高速磁浮交通系统也在青岛成功下线。

After graduating from college, I was admittedto Qingdao University for a Master’s Degree inInternational Relations, as I had wished. I chose tostudy in Qingdao not just because of its stunningcoastal scenery and reputation as the “Sailing Capital”and “Beer Capital,” but more so because it houses therenowned CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd., whichconstantly breaks records of high-speed rail speed.It is the core production base of Chinese high-speedtrains. China’s first high-speed trains with speeds of200—250 km/h, 300 km/h and 380 km/h were bornhere. In 2021, the world’s first maglev transportationsystem with a record high speed of 600 km/h, led byCRRC Sifang, was launched in Qingdao.


High-speed railway lines running all overChina, not only facilitate travel, but also serve asa bridge connecting big and small Chinese citiesand economic belts. They create opportunities forcooperation and bring hopes for development. I thinkhigh-speed rail embodies contemporary China’s spiritof “connectivity, cooperation, sharing,” dedicated topromoting economic growth and improvement ofpeople’s wellbeing over a wider range.


As an international relations postgraduatestudent, I see the importance of “bridges” (highspeedrail) in China’s rapid development. As the “Beltand Road” passes my hometown, I eagerly wish tobecome a part of this “bridge” connecting the world,hoping to make my own modest contribution to thefriendly cooperation between China and Vietnamthrough my research.


I also hope high-speed trains can reach myhometown in the near future!

供图/ 陈氏深 田静


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