《孔子学院》由中国国际中文教育基金会主办、上海外国语大学协办,拥有标准国际连续出版物刊号(ISSN)和中国国内统一刊号(CN),本刊为双月刊,有中英、中法、中西、中俄、中德、中意、中葡、中阿、中泰、中韩、中日11 个中外文对照版,面向全球发行。
《孔子学院》设有“ 文化视窗” “ 汉语学习” “ 当代中国” 和“ 孔院链接” 栏目。“ 文化視窗” 着重介绍中国不同地区风俗民情、特色文化和非遗(物质)文化传承等;“ 当代中国” 旨在展示当地的最新发展,呈现中国百姓的日常生活、流行与时尚。2024 年拟依序介绍山东省、湖北省、浙江省、甘肃省、内蒙古自治区和福建省。“ 汉语学习” 关注国际中文教与学的方方面面;“ 孔院链接” 以汉语教师和学习者为主,聆听他们汉语教与学的故事。
1. 文稿完整,包括题目、正文、署名和作者简介及联系方式。
2. 文字简洁,突出叙事性、趣味性和文化性,字数以800 - 2500 为宜,中文、外文、中外文对照皆可。
3. 欢迎提供配图和图片说明,图片大小不低于3MB,分辨率为300dpi 以上,单独以附件形式发送。
4. 咨询、投稿邮箱:ci.journal@ci.cn。编辑部将在收稿10 个工作日内予以回复。免责声明:投稿稿件要求原创、首发,稿件中不得含有任何违法内容,不得侵犯他人名誉权、隐私权、商业秘密等合法权益,否则引发的法律责任由投稿人承担。一经投稿,即视为作者同意将作品多语种的修改权、复制权、汇编权、翻译权、信息网络传播权及电子数码产品版权等著作权(署名权、保护作品完整权除外)在全球范围内转让给编辑部。
Confucius Institute is a bimonthly journal published jointly by the Chinese International Education Foundation (CIEF)and Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) for global distribution. Each issue comes in 11 bilingual editions,including Chinese-English, Chinese-French, Chinese-Spanish, Chinese-Russian, Chinese-German, Chinese-Italian,Chinese-Portuguese, Chinese-Arabic, Chinese-Thai, Chinese-Korean, and Chinese-Japanese.
We run regular columns — “Cultural Horizons” “Learning Chinese” “China Now” and “Confucius Institute Links” —in each issue. “Cultural Horizons” introduces the customs, cultures, and intangible cultural heritages of diverse Chineseregions. “China Now” showcases the latest developments in China, portraying the lives, trends, and fashions of the Chinesepeople. In 2024, we will sequentially highlight Shandong Province, Hubei Province, Zhejiang Province, Gansu Province,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and Fujian Province. “Learning Chinese” covers various aspects of internationalChinese language education. “Confucius Institute Links” features stories of Chinese language teachers and learners inteaching and learning the language.
Manuscript guidelines
1. Your manuscript must contain a title, main body, the contributor’s full name, a brief biography, and contactinformation.
2. Maintain clarity in your manuscript, emphasizing narrative, interest, and cultural elements.
3. The language of writing can be either Chinese, your native language, or both, with a word count between 800 and 2,500words.
4. We encourage the inclusion of supplementary photos with captions. Each photo should not be less than 3 MB in sizeand must have a resolution above 300dpi. Please upload photo files separately along with your manuscript.
5. Submit your contribution to ci.journal@ci.cn. We will respond to your email within 10 working days upon receival.
6. For additional information, feel free to contact us at ci.journal@ci.cn.
Submission disclaimer
1. Submitted articles must be original and unpublished.
2. The content must not include any illegal material or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, including but not limited toreputation rights, privacy rights, and trade secrets. In the event of legal responsibilities arising, the submitter will bear the consequences.
3. Upon submission, except rights of attribution and the right to protect the integrity of the work, the author agrees to transfer the global rightsof the work, including but not limited to the right to modify, reproduce, compile, translate, disseminate, and publish the work in any digital formwithin the journal’s global distribution network.
Editorial Department of Confucius Institute
- “ 四廊一线”游山东 “ Four Corridors and One Route for Cultural Experience” in Shandong Province
- 山东青州龙兴寺遗址出土窖藏佛教造像赏析 Buddhist Sculptures from Longxing Temple in Qingzhou
- 潍坊风筝:放飞想象 Weifang Kites: Setting Imagination Alight
- 青岛的啤酒文化 The Beer Culture of Qingdao
- 博山琉璃:一炉窑火映千年 Boshan Coloured Glaze: A Thousand Years of Art in Furnace Flame
- 美国中文教师谈本土教师的培养与培训 Chinese Language Educators on the Cultivation and Training of Local Teachers in the United States