“ 四廊一线”游山东 “ Four Corridors and One Route for Cultural Experience” in Shandong Province
王洋帆 Wang Yangfan
Shandong Province, situated on theeastern coast of China, is where the vigorous,sandy currents of the Yellow River merge intothe crystal-clear blue waters of the Bohai Sea,forming a breathtaking scene. This provinceboasts millennium-old ports that bear witnessto the vibrancy of the Beijing-HangzhouGrand Canal, connecting cities like Dezhou,Jining, and Zaozhuang. One can ascend thebeacon towers of the ancient Great Wall ofQi, an architectural marvel linking the YellowRiver to the west and the Yellow Sea to theeast, to enjoy a view of the magnificent riversand mountains on the land of Qilu. Embarkingon a journey aboard the traditional green trainin Jinan and heading east to Jiaozhou providesa taste of the rich history and development ofShandong Province. Furthermore, in QingdaoCity, one can bathe in the gentle sea breeze,savor the refreshing local beer, and relishthe delicious barbecue. The lively pulse ofeveryday life makes this coastal city an idealhaven for relaxation in the hearts of many.
山东省于2023年启动了文化体验廊道建设,推出了沿黄河、沿大运河、沿齐长城、沿黄渤海以及沿胶济铁路线的“四廊一线”文化体验廊道,联通山东省内重点景区、遗址遗迹、古城古镇等,覆盖16 个市、93 个县(市、区)、1 200多个乡镇(街道)、50 000多个村(社区)、7 000 多万人口,打造出“一步一景”的山东立体旅游画卷。
In 2023, Shandong launched the “FourCorridors and One Route for CulturalExperience” program, guiding travelers torenowned tourist destinations, historical sites,and ancient cities and towns. This initiativeconnects more than 70 million people acrossover 50,000 communities, spanning over1,200 townships in 93 counties/districts across16 Shandong cities. Collaboratively, theyshowcase a vibrant tapestry of Shandong fromdiverse perspectives.
Over millennia, the rolling Yellow River inShandong has nurtured a variety of cultures markedby distinctive local characteristics, including Dongyiculture, Dawenkou culture, and Longshan culture. Ithas also witnessed the emergence and developmentof Confucianism, Militarism, and Mohism. TheYellow River Clay Seal, made from the sedimentaryred mud carried by the Yellow River into the sea,is a cultural and artistic treasure unique to thisregion, and has been included in the Catalogueof Representative Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHekou District, Dongying City. The sedimentary clayis also made into black pottery, distinguished by asimple design and deep, pure color. When tapped, itemits a clear chime, marking it as a unique symbolof the Longshan culture. Heze City, known as the“hometown of peonies,” is where the Yellow Riverenters Shandong. It has witnessed the extensivecultivation of cotton in the Yellow River basin sincethe turn of Yuan and Ming dynasties. With largescaleplanting, Heze has become renowned for theproduction of Shandong brocade and embroiderywithin and beyond the region.
Owing to the commitment and innovation of theskilled artisans, the younger generation’s nostalgiafor the traditional culture and efforts to preserveit, as well as the initiation of the cultural tourismproject known as the “Yellow River Grand Fair” byShandong Province, intangible cultural heritage andtraditional handicrafts have found their way into thelives of a broader audience along the Yellow River,perpetuating the rich cultural legacy of Shandong.
In 486 BC, King Fuchai of Wu initiated theconstruction of the Han Canal, stretching fromYangzhou to Huai’an in Jiangsu Province, as partof his strategic endeavor to extend influence in theCentral Plains region. This marked the beginning ofthe Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, evolving overcenturies from the Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty,ultimately becoming what it is today. Linking thesouthern city of Hangzhou to the northern capitalof Beijing, the canal stands as both the longest andone of the earliest canals globally, characterized by itsmost extensive construction efforts.
The “Grand Canal Cultural Experience Corridor”is the section of the Grand Canal in Shandong,featuring the highest elevation, the highest density ofship locks, and the most concentrated achievementsin water conservancy projects along the GrandCanal. Today, people describe this section as anarea with “crystal-clear water and gentle, ripplingwaves,” a testament to the successful ecologicaland environmental management efforts in place.For instance, in the “Source Clean Action,” thegovernment of Zaozhuang proposed the “Zaozhuangstandards,” optimizing the drainage process in urbansewage treatment plants and enhancing water qualityby controlling sewage at its source.
Sailing a boat adorned with fishing lights anddrifting leisurely through the serene waters, andheading south along the Canal, you will be amazedby the lush greenery alongside the banks. The waterquality management efforts have infused a touchof refined beauty into the Shandong section of theCanal, renowned for its fervor and unyielding spirit.
Have you ever heard about the story of LadyMeng Jiang weeping the Great Wall to crumble?Legend has it that Fan Xiliang, Lady Meng Jiang’shusband, was conscripted to build the Great Wall.Unfortunately, he soon died from hunger, cold, andexhaustion, and his body was buried beneath theGreat Wall. Later, Lady Meng Jiang traveled tensof thousands of miles trying to find her husband.Eventually, her tears of grief caused a section of theGreat Wall to collapse, which exposed her husband’sremains. This section is the Qi Great Wall, builtduring the Spring and Autumn Period, connectingLu State to the south and Qi State to the north.
Both the Qi and Qin segments constitute integralcomponents of the Great Wall. While the latter is morerenowned, the former was built much earlier. Today,a well-preserved section of the stone-built Qi GreatWall stands proudly in front of Shizikou Village,located in Zhangqiu, Jinan City. Historically, villagerssought escape from the stones and dust of theirhometown, eager to find employment opportunitiesin larger cities. However, a transformative shifthas occurred: today, the stone-built Great Wallsurrounding the village and the stone houses withinnow attract tourists seeking an authentic experienceof China’s millennia-old and profound culture. Thelocals also organize and host the Great Wall Festivalof Culture and Art. This event perfectly integratestraditional opera and intangible cultural heritageperformances with contemporary pop music,creating a magical scene where people revel inmodern-day parties beneath the ancient Great Wall.
With its coastline accountingfor one-sixth of the national total,Shandong is home to the only coastalcity cluster in eastern China. Citiessuch as Qingdao, Yantai, Weihai,and Rizhao come together to shape acoastal wonderland.
Here is how a perfect day for animmersive cultural experience goes:in the early morning, take a highspeedtrain to Qingdao, feeling thesea breeze and the speed along thecoastal expressway. Afterward, strollthrough the historical buildingsalong Zhongshan Road, feeling thesubtle fragrance of the flowers onthe stone walls. In the afternoon,attend a high-end fashion show seton the Zhan Bridge with HuilanPavi l i on as its backdrop. Thecollision of modern design andclassic architecture produces a charmunique to Qingdao. As eveningapproaches, head to the seaside nightmarket where enthusiastic vendorsgrill a variety of ingredients enjoyingskewered barbecue, indulging inseafood, taking a sip of Qingdao Beer,and letting the gentle, warm coastalbreeze accompany you into the night.
胶济铁路自东向西连接起青岛、潍坊、淄博和济南四座城市,成为贯穿山东的运输“大动脉”。胶济铁路已有百余年历史,最先由德国方面集资修建,是山东的第一条铁路。坐上这“行走百年胶济 · 高铁环游齐鲁”列车,仿佛又回到了从前那个年代——阿胶、苹果、花饽饽等山东特产摆满车厢,非遗传承人的山东快书、胶州八角鼓、蹴鞠、柳琴小戏等特色表演一路随行。
The Jiaozhou-Jinan Railway connects the cities ofQingdao, Weifang, Zibo, and Jinan from east to west,serving as the transportation artery running through theprovince. Initially funded and constructed by the Germansover a century ago, it is the first railway in Shandong.Now, Shandong launched a special traveling routewhere each compartment showcases a different localculture. When you get onboard, it feels like you’ve traveledback in time. There are Shandong specialties such as (donkey-hide gelatin), apples, and (steamed bunsin diverse shapes), along with performances showcasingShandong cultural heritages: Shandong allegro, Jiaozhouoctagonal drum, (ancient football), and Liuqin Opera.
On the Jiaozhou-Jinan Railway, the hospitable peopleof Shandong proudly tell the stories of their hometownusing local specialties and cultural treasures. Throughoutthe journey, the beautiful scenery outside the windowand the wonderful delights inside the train leave a lastingimpression on the travelers.
The “Four Corridors and One Route for Cultural Experience”serves as cultural lifelines in the land of Qilu, bridging the past andpresent to showcase a province with natural beauty and vibrant folkculture. Visitors can fully appreciate the charm of Shandong throughvarious aspects: handicrafts, technology, and the warm hospitality ofthe locals, to name just a few. Their journey in Shandong is bound tobe an unforgettable experience.
供图/ 王义全 马春霞 郭笑 高启民 吉喆 胡德定 刘伟光 郭尧 山东画报图片库