

金刚石与磨料磨具工程 2024年4期

摘要 分别采用Ti/碳黑/diamond和Ti/碳黑/PTFE/diamond粉体为原料,通过热爆反应在金刚石颗粒表面形成以TiC为主的涂层,研究原料中金刚石含量及添加PTFE对金刚石表面TiC涂层的影响。结果表明:2种体系的原料热爆反应后基体的组成为TiC。Ti/碳黑/diamond体系中,当原料中金刚石质量分数为10%~30%时,反应后的金刚石表面均实现良好的TiC涂层涂覆。在Ti/碳黑/PTFE/diamond体系中,当原料中添加质量分数为3%的PTFE并减少原料中碳黑的质量分数时,可明显促进金刚石表面的TiC涂覆;且当原料中金刚石质量分数为80%~90%时,仍可使金刚石颗粒表面实现良好的TiC涂覆。

关键词 Ti-TiC涂层;金刚石;热爆反应;PTFE

中图分类号 TQ164 文献标志码 A

文章编号 1006-852X(2024)04-0463-07

DOI码 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0170

收稿日期 2023-08-25 修回日期 2023-10-24







实验原料为碳黑粉(纯度gt;99.0%,平均颗粒粒径为30 nm),Ti粉(纯度gt;99.0%,平均粒径为53 μm),金刚石颗粒(HD级别,纯度gt;99.0%,平均粒径为500μm),PTFE(纯度gt;99.0%,平均颗粒粒径为3 μm)。


(1)Ti与碳黑的摩尔比为1∶1,称量后球磨2.0 h,使之混合均匀。

(2)将混合后的粉料与质量分数分别为10%、20%、30%和40%的金刚石手工混合0.5 h,以使金刚石与粉料混合均匀。


(4)在Ti/碳黑/diamond原料中添加质量分数为3%的PTFE,试样的装样方法如图2b所示,即把原料粉末放入石墨坩埚中,后将石墨坩埚放入管式炉(SK3-5-12-6型)中加热以诱发热爆反应。其加热方法如下:通入高纯Ar(纯度为99.99%,流量为100 mL/min)以排除管内空气并对试样进行保护,设定升温速率为20℃/min,从室温加热到800℃,再保温1 min,后自然冷却至室温。

(5)热爆反应后,将反应后的混合物通过F100筛网(筛网网孔尺寸为150 mm)把金刚石颗粒与结合剂粉末分离出来。

金刚石颗粒的光学照片用数码显微镜(徐州乐越安全科技有限公司,Z01-5型)拍摄。热爆样品中结合剂与金刚石颗粒的物相用转靶X射线多晶衍射仪(日本理学公司,Rigaku UltimaⅣ型)分析,分析时扫描速度为10°/min,扫描范围(2θ)为20°~70°或20°~60°。用德国蔡司公司的ZEISS SUPRA 55型扫描电子显微镜(结合能谱仪)观察金刚石颗粒表面的显微形貌,观察时用导电胶黏附金刚石颗粒并将其放置于试样台上。










图6为不同金刚石质量分数下试样中分离出来的 金刚石颗粒的外观。由图6可知:当原料中金刚石的质量分数≤60%时,金刚石颗粒表面得到了良好的镀覆处理;当金刚石质量分数达到80%时,一些金刚石颗粒表面出现漏镀现象。显然,添加PTFE可显著促进金刚石表面的镀覆。




其中:(C 2 F 4)n为PTFE分子式,T ad为反应的绝热温度,为反应焓变。

当温度达到500℃时,Ti和PTFE开始发生反应,生成TiF 3和C。研究表明,式(2)的激活能为364 kJ/mol[19],且式(2)的热爆临界反应温度为1527℃[13]。因此,添加微量的PTFE,利用其和Ti反应释放的大量能量,就足以诱发Ti和C的反应,从而引发式(2)的自发反应。










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Rapid formation of TiC coating on diamond surface through thermal explosion reaction

SHI Dongli,MA Yao,LI Tao

(Zhengzhou Bolisen New Material Technology Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450001,China)

Abstract Objectives:Coating treatment on the surface of diamond particles is an important technique to effectively overcome the problem of difficult bonding between diamond and substrate,and the thermal explosion reaction is acom-mon surface coating technique for diamond particles.However,this technology has disadvantages such as difficulty in separating diamonds from the product and alow proportion of diamonds,which increases its complexity and production costs,greatly limiting the promotion and application of this technology.This article aims to introduce polytetrafluoro-ethylene(PTFE)into thermal explosion reaction technology to form acoating mainly composed of TiC on the surface of diamond particles.It is expected to optimize the coating preparation process and promote the popularization and applica-tion of thermal explosion reaction technology in the field of diamond plating,so as to improve the wear resistance and service life of the diamond tools.Methods:Using two raw material systems,Ti/carbon black/diamond and Ti/carbon black/PTFE/diamond powders,the thermal explosion reaction of Ti/carbon black/diamond is induced by the chemical furnace method,and the intense chemical reaction between PTFE and titanium at low temperature ensures that the Ti/carbon black/PTFE/diamond system directly undergoes athermal explosion reaction.At the same time,the TiC coat-ing can be generated on the surface of diamond particles by adjusting the ratio of raw materials and triggering the thermal explosion reaction under high temperature conditions.The macroscopic morphology of diamond particles be-fore and after coating is observed and compared by optical microscope to roughly infer the plating condition,and the phase compositions of the coating were analyzed by X-ray diffraction.Then the scanning electron microscope and the energy dispersive spectroscopy are used to observe the surface morphology of diamond particles,determine the element-al compositions,and infer the surface reaction state.Results:The thermal explosion reaction of both raw material sys-tems can form aTiC coating on the surface of diamond.The main phase of the binder reaction product is TiC,and the main phases of the coating on the surface of diamond particles are TiC and Ti.But for the Ti/carbon black/diamond sys-tem,the chemical furnace method is needed to induce athermal explosion reaction.When the diamond mass fraction in the raw material is 30%or lower,the TiC coating on the surface of the diamond particles is good.When asmall amount of PTFE is introduced into the Ti/carbon black/diamond system,the reaction between Ti and PTFE releases alarge amount of heat,which induces the thermal explosion reaction between Ti and carbon black and synthesizes TiC,and fi-nally forms aTiC coating on the surface of diamond particles.In addition,the system does not need the chemical fur-nace method to detonate.When the diamond mass fraction in the raw material is less than or equal to 60%,the diamond particle surface coated with TiC coating is good.At the same time,appropriately reducing the content of carbon black in the raw materials can enable diamond to obtain agood TiC coating on its surface even when the mass fraction of dia-mond is 90%or higher.Conclusions:TiC coatings are prepared on the surface of diamond particles using thermal ex-plosion reaction technology,and the important effects of raw material compositions and PTFE additives on the forma-tion of diamond particles'surface coating are revealed.Adding an appropriate amount of PTFE can directly induce the thermal explosion reaction,which greatly promotes the increase of the proportion of diamond in the raw material,and effectively improves the formation quality of the coating.This can greatly save binder powder,thereby reducing produc-tion costs,while obtaining loose powder products that are easy to separate from diamonds.In addition,drawing on the work of this study,other carbide materials(such as SiC)can be analogously extended for coating on the surface of dia-mond particles,thereby promoting the promotion and the application of thermal explosion reactions in diamond coating.

Key words Ti-TiC coating;diamond;thermal explosion;PTFE

