谢鹏 蔚露 王红宁 林琭 牛自勉
摘 要:【目的】對比不同产区玉露香梨的品质差异,探讨地理气候条件对玉露香梨品质的影响,为优质产区的划分提供依据。【方法】选取山西隰县、汾西县、芮城县,北京海淀区,新疆农33团共5个产区的玉露香梨为试验材料,测定果皮[色度、花色苷含量、叶绿素含量等]以及果肉[硬度、可溶性固形物含量(SSC)、总可溶性糖含量(TSSC)、可滴定酸含量(TAC)等]的品质指标,并进行相关分析。【结果】(1)山西隰县、汾西县及新疆农33团3个产区海拔较高、昼夜温差较大,玉露香梨的果皮花色苷含量、果肉SSC及TSSC均显著高于低海拔产区山西芮城县及北京海淀区;而果皮叶绿素含量则显著低于低海拔产区。(2)通过对玉露香梨品质指标的聚类分析与主成分分析,产区划分结果与上述测评结果基本一致。【结论】当我国玉露香梨北方产区所在地海拔900~1100 m、昼夜温差13~15 ℃时,其优良品质特征能得到充分体现,研究结果可为我国玉露香梨产区优化布局提供重要参考。
中图分类号:S661.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2023)11-2371-10
Comprehensive analysis on the fruit quality of Yuluxiang pear in different production areas
XIE Peng1, YU Lu1, WANG Hongning2, LIN Lu1, NIU Zimian1*
(1College of Horticulture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China; 2Institute of Pomology, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 In order to determine the suitability of geological locations and climatic conditions for production of Yuluxiang pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehder ‘Yuluxiang) with excellent fruit quality, we measured the fruit quality components such as fruit color, contents of anthocyanin and chlorophyll, firmness, soluble solid content (SSC), total soluble sugar content (TSSC) and titratable acid content (TAC) of Yuluxiang fruit from five locations with different geographical and climatic conditions in northern China. 【Methods】 The five locations for Yuluxiang pear production included Xi County, Fenxi County and Ruicheng County in Shanxi Province, Haidian District in Beijing and the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment in Xinjiang were selected as experimental sites. A representative orchard in each of these sites was then selected for the experiment from 2020 to 2022. Climatic and geographical conditions including average altitude, average annual temperature, average diurnal temperature difference during the fruit color development, average annual sunshine duration and frost-free period were investigated in each of these orchards. The experimental Yuluxiang pear trees in each of these orchards were 8 to 10 years old and the tree canopy was in the free-spindle shape. All the orchards were with loam soil and manual fertilizer applied annually in the fall, and managed under the common production practice. There were 3 trees in the experimental unit in each orchard. Four representative fruit at harvest maturity were collected at a height of 1.0-2.5 m in the outer canopy from each of the trees to measure the fruit quality components. The experiment was replicated 3 times in each orchard. Fruit color was measured using the photoshop CS6 to read the Lab color degree (L*, a*, b*) on the fruit photograph and the h°= arccot (a*/b*)×180/π was used for the hue. Anthocyanin in the fruit peel was extracted using the HCl method and chlorophylls were extracted in 80% acetone. Ratio of the anthocyanin content to chlorophyll content was then determined. Fruit firmness in the flesh was determined using a FT327 pressure tester and the soluble solid content was measured with a PAL-1 reflectormeter. Total soluble sugar content and titratable acid content were determined using the anthrone colorimetry and the acid-base titration methods, respectively. Ratio of the sugar to acid was then calculated. Statistical software DPS7.05 was used for ANOVA, regression, cluster, and principal component analyses of the resulting data. 【Results】 Compared to those from Ruicheng County and Haidian District orchards, pear fruits from Xi County, Fenxi County and the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment orchards looked more shiny with greater redness and yellowness in the surface, and in addition, the fruit anthocyanin contents were over 2-fold higher and the chlorophyll contents were 12%-21% lower. The fruit firmness from the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment was the highest among those from all the five experimental orchards. The soluble solid content of fruit from the five experimental orchards were in the following order: the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment (14.4%)>Fenxi County (12.2%)>Xi County (12.1%)>Ruicheng County (10.9%)>Haidian District (10.6%). Total soluble sugar content of fruit from the 5 experimental orchards was in the order of the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment (12.2 g·100 g-1)>Xi County (10.4 g·100 g-1)>Fenxi County (10.3 g·100 g-1)>Ruicheng County (9.1 g·100 g-1)>Haidian District (8.6 g·100 g-1). Fruit titratable acid content from the Xi County and Fenxi County orchards were 7%-10% greater than those from the rest of the orchards. The fruit redness was positively correlated with the altitude of the orchard-site, average diurnal temperature difference during the fruit color development, and average annual temperature. Fruit SSC or TSSC were positively correlated with the average diurnal temperature difference during the fruit-color development and average annual sunshine duration. Cluster analysis revealed that fruits from Xi County and Fenxi County orchards were in the same cluster with greater level of SSC, TSSC and TAC, and reduced firmness. Fruits from the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment orchards were also in the same cluster but with less TAC. Fruits from orchards in Ruicheng County and Haidian District were in the same cluster with lower level of SSC and TSSC. 【Conclusion】 When the average altitude of the production orchard was in the range of 900-1100 m, and the average diurnal temperature difference was from 13 to 15 ℃, the excellent fruit quality of Yuluxiang pear was fully reached, whereas in the orchards with an average altitude below 400 m above sea-level, it was not suitable for production of this pear cultivar. Therefore, geographical and climatic conditions determined the suitability of the production of high-quality Yuluxiang pear.
Key words: Pear; Yuluxiang; Production area; Quality
收稿日期:2023-05-16 接受日期:2023-08-18
*通信作者Author for correspondence. Tel:15333666970,E-mail:zmniu@126.com
玉露香(Pyrus bretschneideri ‘Yuluxiang)为山西农业大学(山西省农业科学院)选育审定的优良中晚熟梨新品种,近年来在山西、河北、新疆等地栽培面积逐年扩大,逐步成为现代梨果产业布局和品种更新的主导品种[1]。各地研究结果表明,一方面,标准的玉露香梨果实具有果皮薄、肉质细腻、口感甜香、品质优良[2]等特点,受到了国内外水果市场的普遍认可;另一方面,该品种的树体生长和果实发育易受产地栽培技术、环境条件及气候因素的影响,导致不同产区生产的果实质量参差不齐,一定程度上影响了新品种的标准化生产和市场营销,成为该品种推广应用的限制因子。因此,探明影响玉露香梨果实品质发育的主要气候环境条件,建立以优质生产为目的的标准化栽培技术模式和品质评价体系,是目前我国玉露香梨优质高效生产面临的主要研究任务。
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验地与材料
于2020—2022年玉露香梨果实成熟期,分别从表1所示的5个产区定点试验果园采集果实样品。试验树为自由纺锤形,树龄8~10年,采集位置为距离地面高度1.0~2.5 m、距离叶幕外围水平距离0~0.5 cm。3株试验树为一个小区,3次重复,每小区采果12个,每株果树分别从树冠东西南北4个方位随机采果,小区中每一方位采集果实3个。试验果实的坐果部位为2年生短果枝,其结果母枝为45~60 cm的长果枝,枝龄3~4年。各地调查果园质地为壤砂土,每年秋季施用生物有机肥,地面全园自然生草,土壤肥力中等。
1.2 测定指标与方法
1.2.1 果色指标 拍摄果实照片并用photoshopCS6拾色器采集颜色信息,参考Iglesias等[21]的方法,读取Lab色度值(L*、a*、b*),通过h°=arccot(a*/b*)×180/π计算色度角并作色相示意图。参照仝月澳等[22]的方法测定花色苷和叶绿素含量(以鲜质量计),并计算花色苷含量/叶绿素含量。
1.2.2 果肉品质指标 各指标取果实阴阳面均值。使用FT327硬度计测定硬度;使用PAL-1折光仪测定可溶性固形物含量(SSC);采用蒽酮比色法[23]测定总可溶性糖含量(TSSC);采用酸碱滴定法[24]测定可滴定酸含量(TAC);糖酸比=TSSC×10/TAC。
1.2.3 数据分析 采用Excel 2019整理试验数据并作图,采用DPS7.05统计软件对数据进行方差分析、相关性分析、聚类分析和主成分分析。
2 结果与分析
2.1 不同产区玉露香梨果色指标比较
果皮花色苷含量(w,后同)由高到低依次为隰县(10.83 μg·g-1)、汾西县(9.98 μg·g-1)、农33团(9.21 μg·g-1)、芮城县(5.22 μg·g-1)、海淀区(3.38 μg·g-1),且两两呈显著差异(图1-C)。由图1-D可知,隰县、汾西县、农33团的果皮叶绿素含量分别为70.63、72.66、71.76 μg·g-1,显著低于芮城县(83.01 μg·g-1)与海淀区(89.46 μg·g-1)。果皮花色苷含量/叶绿素含量也是隰县(0.15)、汾西县(0.14)、农33团(0.13)显著高于芮城县(0.06)与海淀区(0.04)(图1-E)。
2.2 不同产区玉露香梨果肉品质指标比较
由图2可知,农33团的玉露香梨果肉硬度(8.0 kg·cm-2)最高,显著高于其他产区,其次为海淀区(7.6 kg·cm-2),显著高于剩余3个产区(均为7.2 kg·cm-2)(图2-A)。农33团的SSC(14.4%)与TSSC(12.2 g·100 g-1)最高,显著高于隰县与汾西县,这二者又显著高于芮城县与海淀区(图2-B~C)。由图2-D可知,隰县(0.821 g·kg-1)与汾西县(0.823 g·kg-1)玉露香梨果肉TAC显著高于其他3个产区(0.746~0.768 g·kg-1)。糖酸比由高到低依次为农33团(164)、隰县(127)、汾西县(125)、芮城县(121)、海淀区(112)(图2-E),差异显著性与SSC和TSSC一致。
2.3 各产区玉露香梨品质指标的相关性分析、聚类分析、主成分分析
3 讨 论
花色苷积累是梨果皮红色产生的原因[25],玉露香梨为果面黄绿色、阳面有红晕或暗红色条纹的梨品种[26]。本研究中,5个产区玉露香梨果色均集中在色相图88°~95°的黄色区间,3个高海拔产区的h°较低,说明果色偏红。除了基因调节外,梨果皮中花青素的生物合成还受到环境因素和农业措施的影响[27]。在巴西,海拔较高(1100 m)的Bahia生产的葡萄的花青素含量高于海拔较低(350 m)的Pernambuco[28];张晓晓等[29]对不同种植地区蓝莓的研究发现,果实中总花色苷含量与海拔呈显著正相关,均与本研究中产区海拔与玉露香梨a*及花色苷含量呈显著正相关的结果相似。低温诱导花青素合成,而高温则会抑制[30]。且在一定范围内,日温越高,光合越强,夜温越低,呼吸消耗越少,从而积累更多碳水化合物,为次生代谢产物的合成提供了必要能源和前体物质[31]。本研究中产区年均温与玉露香梨红色着色及花色苷含量呈显著负相关,而着色期平均昼夜温差与果肉SSC及TSSC含量均呈显著或极显著正相关,可能是上述机制的体现。一般来说,海拔高、紫外线强度高,一年中平均气温适中,昼夜温差大,利于红皮梨果皮着色[32]。因此,本研究中不同产区玉露香梨果皮花色苷积累及红晕形成的差异可能是多种环境因素共同作用的结果。
YIN等[33]对葡萄的研究发现,高海拔与行间朝向引起的中尺度与小尺度的气候变化不仅可以影响花色苷的合成,同时也能影响果实中蔗糖的代谢。以往的研究中梨果实品质评价的指标通常包括单果质量、果形指数、硬度,以及可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、有机酸、维生素C、多酚、黄酮、挥发性物质含量等[34-36],笔者的研究则主要以可溶性固形物和总可溶性糖含量作为评价梨果实品质的主要指标。以往关于不同产地梨果实SSC及TSSC含量的研究,除了玉露香梨[37]外,还有库尔勒香梨[38]、砂梨[39]等,结果不尽相同。笔者研究发现,高海拔产区隰县、汾西县、农33团的玉露香梨果肉SSC、TSSC含量较高,而低海拔产区芮城县与海淀区较低。海拔与果肉SSC、TSSC含量间均未呈现出显著的相关性,但若在计算相关系数时不包含农33团的数据,则相关系数分别可达0.963 4与0.984 4,均具有显著的正相关性(数据未发表)。白天植物以光合作用为主,温度高有利于果实积累更多的有机物质,而夜间植物以呼吸作用为主,温度降低可以减少物质的消耗,有利于干物质积累[40],这一机制可以通过本研究中着色期平均昼夜温差分别与果肉SSC、TSSC含量呈显著与极显著正相关体现出来。光照可促进叶片光合产物向果实的输入和分配,从而提高果实可溶性固形物含量[41],本研究中年均照时与玉露香梨果肉SSC、TSSC含量呈显著正相关可能与这一机制有关。以往研究也表明,产地气温日较差及年日照时数均与苹果梨含糖量呈幂函数正相关[42]。
果面色泽是果实外观的重要体现,对果实的商品价值和市场竞争力具有重要的意义[43]。结合果肉及果色指标对不同玉露香梨产区进行区划的研究在国内尚未见报道。笔者根据玉露香梨关键品质指标SSC与TSSC含量,参考果色指标,并结合数理统计分析,将本研究中5个产区大致分为2类:海拔900~1100 m,着色期昼夜温差13~15 ℃,果实品质特点为高可溶性固形物及高糖的隰县、汾西县、农33团,其中农33团又可归为硬度与可溶性固形物和糖含量更高的一个亚类;另一类是海拔400 m以下,可溶性固形物及糖含量相对较低的芮城县与海淀区。
4 结 论
对我国北方5个不同产区玉露香梨果实品质的综合分析表明,在果园海拔900~1100 m、着色期昼夜温差13~15 ℃时,玉露香梨的果面红晕及果实可溶性固形物与糖含量较高,综合品质优良,在本研究中可划分为优质产区;而在海拔400 m以下产区果实综合品质得不到充分体现,可划分为品质相对欠佳产区。因此,探讨果园地理和气候因子与果实品质的关系,对玉露香梨新品种适地栽培有重要意义。
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