

果树学报 2023年11期

孙燕霞 赵玲玲 刘大亮 张学勇 杜晓云 宋来庆 刘学卿 程志娟 唐岩

摘    要:煙香翠为晚熟黄绿色苹果新品种,是2003年从韩国引进的中熟苹果品种红露的实生后代,果实生育期为162~168 d。该品种果实近圆形,果个较轻,平均单果质量118.3 g,成熟时果皮呈黄绿色,表面光滑,果肉黄白色,去皮硬度9.0 kg·cm-2,口感脆甜、肉质细腻,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为17.50%,可滴定酸含量为0.28%,可溶性糖含量为13.85%,维生素C含量为23.50 mg?kg-1。适应性强、丰产性好、适宜免套袋栽培,山东、新疆、云南等苹果适栽区均可栽培,盛果期每公顷产量2.28 t。


中图分类号:S661.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2023)11-2477-05

Breeding of a new late-maturing and yellow-green apple variety Yanxiangcui

SUN Yanxia1, ZHAO Lingling1, LIU Daliang1, ZHANG Xueyong1, DU Xiaoyun1, SONG Laiqing1, LIU Xueqing1, CHENG Zhijuan2, TANG Yan1*

(1Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yantai 265500, Shandong, China; 2College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, Shandong, China)

Abstract: Yanxiangcui is a new late-ripening and yellowish green apple variety, formerly named as HL105. It was the seed of Hongro introduced from Korean in the autumn of 2003. In the spring of 2005, strong seedlings were selected and planted. HL105 was selected as an excellent individual after fruiting of the seedlings in 2009. In the next year, it was selected into the selection nursery. In 2014, a large number of fruits were produced and the fruit properties were stable. The tree vigor of this variety is medium-strong, the tree posture is open, the annual branches are brown with a few hairs, the average length and thickness are 87.00 cm and 0.53 cm respectively, and the internode length is 3.2 cm. It is easy to initiate flower buds. The leaf is oval, with an average length of 9.5 cm and a width of 5.8 cm. The petiole is 3.0 cm long. The leaf surface is wavy and the leaf margin is sharp-serrated. The bud is pink, the corolla diameter is about 4.8 cm, the petals are oblong and the edges of the petals are separated. The fruit of Yanxiangcui is nearly round and the weight of single fruit is 118.3 g. The fruit surface is smooth and waxy without rust, fruit edges and powder, the fruit spot is medium-large and dense, the sepals are persistent and retrorse, the fruit top is flat, and the fruit surface is yellow green at maturity. The flesh is light yellow, crisp and sweet in taste, delicate in meat quality, and the fresh quality is excellent. The fruit hardness with peel is 10.00 kg·cm-2, the soluble solidis content is 17.50%, the soluble sugar content is 13.85%, the titratable acid content is 0.28% and the vitamin C content is 23.50 mg·kg-1. It was registered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in 2022 and officially named Yanxiangcui. In Yantai, Yanxiangcui sprouts flower buds in mid March, leaves sprout in mid April, blooms start in late April, and fruit development period lasts about 165 days. The fruit matures in early October and belongs to the late maturing variety. The leaves fall in the first ten days of November, and the entire growing period is about 210 days. Through SSR molecular marker analysis, it was found that Yanxiangcui was different from existing green apple germplasm, and was indeed a new yellow-green apple germplasm. The combination of resistance identification and field experiment observation showed that the tobacco-fragrant-jade variety has high resistance to branch ring rot, rot and rust, moderate sensitivity to anthracnose leaf blight, good winter cold resistance, and moderate frost resistance during flowering, making it suitable for spring planting in Shandong, Xinjiang, Yunnan and other places. The yield per hectare during the full fruit period can reach 2.28 tons. In newly planted orchards, we can choose suitable rootstocks based on the depth of the soil layer, with tree shapes of high spindle or free spindle system. In terms of pest management, as this variety is suitable for bagging-free cultivation, the physical and biological pest control measures should also be combined to achieve the goal of producing good fruit besides conventional chemical control.

Key words: Apple; New variety; Yanxiangcui; Late-ripening; Bagging free

收稿日期:2023-07-04 接受日期:2023-08-02



*通信作者 Author for correspondence. Tel:13583589733,

苹果与葡萄、柑橘、香蕉并称世界四大水果,是一种老少皆宜的全营养保健型水果[1]。苹果产业是富民产业,苹果种植区的多数县域把推进苹果产业高质量发展作为现实乡村振兴的产业基础。2021年全国苹果种植面积208万hm2,总产量3934万t,苹果生产总成本平均为每666.7 m2约5000元[2],比2020年上升2.77%。因此,对标高质量发展内涵,急需选育适宜轻简高效栽培的优质苹果新品种来充实我国苹果品种市场,在降低生产成本的同时提升消费者对于苹果市场的信心。

1 选育过程


2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征

烟香翠树姿开张,树势强,1年生枝向阳面褐色,有少量茸毛;叶片平均长9.5 cm,宽5.8 cm,叶柄长3.0 cm,叶面呈波浪形,叶缘锐锯齿;花蕾粉红色,花瓣卵圆形,离生,花冠直径4.8 cm左右。

2.2 果实经济性状

烟香翠的果实近圆形,果个较小,平均单果质量118.3 g(表1),果形指数为0.92;果面平滑无锈,无果棱和果粉,有蜡质,果点中大、中密,萼片宿存,反卷,果顶平,萼洼深度中等、广狭度中等,梗洼深、广狭度中等,成熟期果面为黄绿色;果肉淡黄色,口感脆甜、肉质细腻,鲜食品质上乘,果实的可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为17.50%,去皮硬度

9.00 kg·cm-2,可滴定酸含量为0.28%,可溶性糖含量为13.85%,维生素C含量为23.50 mg·kg-1;五心室,心室闭合。

2.3 生长结果习性

烟香翠的幼树生长旺盛,1年生枝平均长度和粗度分别为87.00 cm和0.53 cm,节间长度为3.2 cm。易形成花芽,以中、短果枝结果为主,坐果率高,无采前落果现象,可替代嘎拉作为富士、维纳斯黄金、鲁丽、瑞雪等品种的授粉树进行搭配种植,5年生乔化树每公顷产量2.28 t。

2.4 物候期

在山东烟台地区,烟香翠于3月14日花芽萌动,4月10日叶芽萌动,4月13日花序露出,4月21日花序伸长,4月24日花序分离,4月26日至4月29日初花期,果实发育期165 d左右,10月上旬成熟,属晚熟品种,营养生长期为210 d左右。

2.5 抗逆性


2.6 分子鉴定


3 栽培技術要点

3.1 苗木繁育与建园,整形修剪

烟香翠适宜在山东、云南、陕西、新疆等苹果适栽区栽培,水肥条件较差的丘陵、山地果园可采用八棱海棠、平邑甜茶等乔砧宽行栽培,定植株行距(2.0~2.5)m×(4.0~4.5)m;土层厚度在60 cm以上、水肥条件较好的果园可采用M9、M26等矮砧栽培,定植株行距(1.2~1.5)m×(4.0~4.5)m。建园时采用起垄栽培,树形采用自由纺锤形或高纺锤形,行间人工种植长柔毛野豌豆,可显著提高土壤有机质含量,保水保肥。

3.2 果实、肥水管理


3.3 病虫害防治


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