

丝绸 2023年6期

李炜祥 凌静 王详 吕汪洋 孔祥东

摘要: 蛋白质的二级结构是其发挥生物功能的重要基础结构,因此本文通过单宁酸和丝素蛋白反应,研究不同摩尔浓度的单宁酸对丝素蛋白二级结构的影响。使用紫外可见光吸收光谱(UV-Vis)、荧光发射光谱(FL)和傅里叶红外吸收光谱(FTIR)等表征技术对单宁酸与丝素蛋白的反应产物进行测试,结果表明单宁酸可以影响丝素蛋白的二级构象,并呈现一定的变化趋势。单宁酸摩尔浓度逐渐增加到20 μmol/L时,α螺旋和无规卷曲结构逐渐增多,β折叠结构逐渐减少。单宁酸摩尔浓度继续上升,α螺旋和无规卷曲结构逐渐减少,β折叠结构逐渐增多。

关键词: 丝素蛋白;单宁酸;二级结构;氨基酸残基;紫外可见光吸收光谱;荧光发射光谱;傅里叶红外吸收光谱

中图分类号: TS102.33

文献标志码: A




1 试 验

1.1 试 剂


1.2 方 法

1.2.1 蚕丝脱胶和丝素蛋白的提取

生丝的来源会影响丝素的质量[15],本试验选取人工养殖的桑蚕丝。将家蚕蚕茧放入0.5%的Na2CO3溶液中煮沸30 min用以脱去丝胶;将脱胶后得到的丝素用去离子水清洗,之后80 ℃烘干;然后在质量分数为42%的沸腾CaCl2溶液中溶解10 min;将所得溶液在4 ℃的去离子水中透析3 d,去除盐分;最后将得到的溶液浓缩、离心,4 ℃保存。

1.2.2 單宁酸与丝素蛋白溶液的反应

取一定体积丝素蛋白溶液并将其稀释至2 mg/mL,体积10 mL,保证溶质稀释前后不变,均为20 mg。取出一部分80 μmol/L单宁酸溶液,稀释至60、40、20 μmol/L,体积均为10 mL。向丝素蛋白溶液内缓慢滴加单宁酸溶液,以500 r/min的速度搅拌30 min。此时丝素蛋白质量浓度为1 mg/mL,单宁酸摩尔浓度分别为40、30、20、10 μmol/L。此外,向10 mL的2 mg/mL丝素蛋白溶液加入10 mL去离子水,作为空白对照。反应完成后将反应溶液置于50 mL离心管内,进行冷冻干燥后备用。

1.2.3 紫外可见吸收光谱分析(UV-Vis)

通过UV-2450紫外可见分光光度计(日本岛津公司)进行测试,依次准确移取1.500、1.125、0.750、0.375 mL的80 μmol/L单宁酸溶液和1.500 mL的1 mg/mL丝素蛋白溶液,并加入3 mL比色皿中。使用移液枪吹匀后静置4 min,然后立即进行UV-Vis测试。测量环境恒温恒湿,温度为25 ℃,相对湿度为60%,测试紫外线光波长范围为200~300 nm。

1.2.4 荧光发射光谱分析(FL)

使用F-4500型荧光光度计(日本日立公司)测试样品的荧光光谱,依次准确移取1.500、1.125、0.750、0.375 mL的60 μmol/L的4组单宁酸溶液和1.500的1 mg/mL丝素蛋白溶液至3 mL比色皿。剩余体积用去离子水补充,吹匀后静置4 min,以295 nm为激发波长,激发和发射狭缝均为5 nm,扫描体系在325~400 nm处的荧光光谱。测量环境恒温恒湿,温度为25 ℃,相对湿度为60%。

1.2.5 红外吸收光谱分析(FTIR)

采用iS50傅里叶红外光谱仪(广州尼高力科学仪器有限公司)测试样品的红外光谱,分辨率为4 cm-1,波数为4 000~400 cm-1,扫描次数为64次。将样品研磨成粉末,并与KBr粉末混合压片后进行扫描。测量环境恒温恒湿,温度为25 ℃,相对湿度为60%。

2 结果与分析

2.1 单宁酸与丝素蛋白反应的紫外可见吸收光谱结果

图2为不同含量单宁酸改性的丝素蛋白反应溶液及10 μmol/L单宁酸溶液的紫外吸收光谱图。如图2(a)所示,所有样品均在230 nm处出现强吸收峰,代表丝素蛋白多肽碳骨架中CO的n-Π*位移。此外,峰强度随着单宁酸摩尔浓度的增加而逐渐降低,这是因为单宁酸含有的羟基和丝素蛋白互相结合,影响了多肽碳骨架对紫外光的吸收。样品在276 nm处的弱吸收峰代表色氨酸对紫外光的吸收,是丝素蛋白分子中芳杂环的Π-Π*和n-Π*跃迁引起的[16],其吸收峰的强度随着单宁酸摩尔浓度的上升而下降,这是因为色氨酸与单宁酸的结合削弱了色氨酸对紫外光的吸收。吸收峰出现红移现象,这是由于溶液内单宁酸摩尔浓度的上升使丝素蛋白色氨酸周围微环境的极性增强[17]。皋玉婷等[18]采用UV-2450紫外可见分光光度计对不同摩尔浓度的单宁酸进行表征,结果表明不同摩尔浓度单宁酸的吸光度变化局限在很小的范围内。图2(b)表明,在10 μmol/L摩尔浓度下,单宁酸对紫外光的吸光度几乎没有变化。

2.2 单宁酸与丝素蛋白反应的荧光发射光谱结果

丝素蛋白分子内能发射荧光的氨基酸主要是带有苯环的苯丙氨酸、色氨酸及酪氨酸,其中295 nm的激发光主要反映色氨酸残基对荧光的吸收情况,其发射波长为352 nm[19]。图3为不同含量单宁酸改性的丝素蛋白反应溶液及10 μmol/L单宁酸溶液的荧光发射光谱图。在未滴加单宁酸时的纯水环境中,丝素蛋白在352 nm处显示了色氨酸残基的发射峰。随单宁酸摩尔浓度的增加,发射峰强度逐渐下降。图3中两处发射峰位置红移,表明丝素蛋白所处微环境的极性随单宁酸摩尔浓度上升而逐渐增加,溶液中丝素蛋白分子的亲水性提高。图3(b)表明,10 μmol/L单宁酸荧光发射强度很低,且其变化幅度很小[20]。

2.3 单宁酸与丝素蛋白反应的红外吸收光谱结果


图4为不同含量单宁酸改性丝素蛋白样品的红外光谱图。随着单宁酸摩尔浓度的上升,单宁酸丝素蛋白反应体系的吸收峰呈现一定的变化规律。单宁酸摩尔浓度从0 μmol/L增加到20 μmol/L时,吸收峰持续增强;单宁酸摩尔浓度继续升高,吸收峰逐渐減弱,表明在反应溶液中,单宁酸对1 mg/mL丝素蛋白红外吸收的影响明显,并在单宁酸摩尔浓度为20 μmol/L时影响最大,此时丝素蛋白的红外吸收峰强度达到极大值。3 421 cm-1处的吸收峰来自产物的—OH、N—H振动和—OH伸缩振动。单宁酸摩尔浓度从0 μmol/L上升到20 μmol/L,溶液内—OH增多,之后单宁酸摩尔浓度继续上升,形成分子间氢键消耗—OH的数量多于加入单宁酸含有—OH的数量,β折叠结构增多,所以在红外光谱图中相应位置呈现出吸收峰减弱的趋势。2 983 cm-1处的峰逐渐增强,2 923、2 853 cm-1处的峰逐渐减弱是因为丝素蛋白C—H伸缩振动受到了单宁酸的影响[22]。

图5为0~30 μmol/L单宁酸和1 mg/mL丝素蛋白反应样品在1 800~400 cm-1的红外吸收光谱图。表1是蛋白质不同二级结构在红外光谱酰胺Ⅰ区、酰胺Ⅱ区、酰胺Ⅲ区的经验值。在酰胺Ⅰ区,1 654 cm-1处的吸收峰代表α螺旋结构。当单宁酸摩尔浓度为0~20 μmol/L,溶液中离子的摩尔浓度持续增大,该峰的强度持续增加;随着单宁酸摩尔浓度继续上升,酰胺Ⅰ区吸收峰强度减弱。这表明反应溶液中,加入单宁酸使溶液中丝素蛋白分子间氢键发生断裂,溶液内离子摩尔浓度增大,α螺旋结构的变化趋势为先增加后减少,吸收峰强度明显受到单宁酸加入量的影响。在酰胺Ⅱ区,1 535 cm-1处出现的宽峰代表无规卷曲结构,该结构随单宁酸的加入呈现出先小幅度的增强后略微减弱的趋势。在酰胺Ⅲ区,1 242 cm-1位置出现的峰代表α螺旋结构。从上述分析可知,受单宁酸加入量的影响,溶液内α螺旋和无规卷曲构象的摩尔浓度都是先增多后减少。878 cm-1处的吸收峰来自溶液内丝素蛋白氨基酸残基的苯环结构,单宁酸摩尔浓度在0~20 μmol/L内,878 cm-1处的吸收峰逐渐增强,α螺旋结构增多。这是因为氨基酸残基的苯环空间位阻大,较难整合到α螺旋结构内,因而暴露在丝素蛋白分子外侧。

综上分析可知,随着单宁酸摩尔浓度的提高,丝素蛋白的α螺旋结构的摩尔浓度随单宁酸加入量的增多,呈现先增多后减少的规律;丝素蛋白无规卷曲结构的变化趋势与α螺旋类似,但幅度较小。据此推测,20 μmol/L的单宁酸对丝素蛋白溶液的二级结构影响最为显著,此时丝素蛋白几乎不含β折叠结构,丝素蛋白溶液的二级结构转变最为明显。

3 结 论

本文通过单宁酸与丝素蛋白溶液反应,研究不同摩尔浓度的单宁酸对丝素蛋白二级结构的影响。通过UV-Vis、FL和FTIR等光谱表征手段,研究单宁酸与丝素蛋白反应后丝素蛋白二级结构的变化。研究表明,单宁酸可影响丝素蛋白的二级结构,并呈现一定的变化趋势。单宁酸的加入破坏了丝素分子的分子间氢键,单宁酸自身会电离出部分H+,使溶液中离子摩尔浓度增大。随着丝素蛋白溶液中单宁酸摩尔浓度的增大,其与丝素蛋白多肽碳骨架和色氨酸残基结合形成氢键,削弱了反应溶液在230 nm和276 nm处的紫外吸收和在352 nm处的荧光发射,并出现紫外吸收峰和荧光射峰位置的轻微红移现象,表明反应溶液中丝素蛋白所处微环境的极性逐渐增强。根据红外光谱分析结果,单宁酸摩尔浓度增大到20 μmol/L时,α螺旋和无规卷曲结构摩尔浓度逐渐增多,β折叠结构摩尔浓度逐渐减少。单宁酸摩尔浓度继续增大,α螺旋和无规卷曲结构摩尔浓度逐渐减少,β折叠结构摩尔浓度逐渐增多。本试验对扩展丝素蛋白二级结构的研究和单宁酸处理对丝素蛋白结构的影响作用具有一定的借鉴意义。




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Abstract: The secondary structure of proteins is an important basic structure for their biological functions. Studies have shown that the changes of secondary structure in proteins affect their biological reactions to the outside environment, and the spectrum of proteins can reflect their secondary structure changes to a certain extent.

Silk fibroin, widely used in scientific research and social life, is an ideal research object. To study the cause and process of secondary structure transformation of silk fibroin, we carried out experiments to explore the effect of tannic acid on the secondary structure of silk fibroin through the reaction between different concentrations of tannic acid and silk fibroin. The reaction of tannic acid and silk fibroin was studied by UV-visible absorption spectrum (UV-Vis), fluorescence emission spectroscopy (FL) and fourier infrared absorption spectroscopy (FTIR), showing that the tannic acid and silk fibroin could be chemically bonded.

The UV absorption spectra of the reaction solution of 0-40 μmol/L tannic acid and 1 mg/mL silk fibroin solution, and of the 10 μmol/L tannic acid solution show that the n-Π* displacement of carbon skeleton CO of silk fibroin polypeptide leads to a strong absorption peak at 230 nm whose intensity decreases gradually with the combination of tannic acid hydroxyl group and silk fibroin. The weak absorption peak at 276 nm represents that the Π-Π* and n-Π* transitions of aromatic heterocyclic rings in the silk fibroin molecule are weakened by the binding between tryptophan and tannic acid. The redshifts of the two absorption peaks indicate that the polarity of the microenvironment around tryptophan in silk fibroin is strengthened with the increase of tannic acid concentration in the solution.

It is found from the fluorescence emission spectra of the reaction solution of 0-40 μmol/L tannic acid and 1 mg/mL silk fibroin, and of the 10 μmol/L tannic acid solution that the emission peak intensity of tryptophan residues at 352 nm gradually decreases with the increase of tannic acid concentration. Because of chemical bonding reaction between tannic acid and silk fibroin, the polarity of the microenvironment in which silk fibroin is located gradually strengthens with the increase of tannic acid concentration, and the hydrophilicity of silk fibroin molecules increases, causing the redshift of the emission peak position.

According to the infrared spectra of the reaction solution of 0-30 μmol/L tannic acid and 1 mg/mL silk fibroin, it is found that the absorption peak of tannic acid-silk fibroin reaction system heightens first and then lowers with the increase of tannic acid concentration. Based on the empirical values of different secondary structures in the amide Ⅰ, amide Ⅱ and amide Ⅲ regions of the infrared spectra, it is inferred that the α helix structure of silk fibroin protein first increases and then decreases with the increase of tannic acid concentration. The random coil structure changes in a similar way, but its amplitude is small. We can speculate that 20 μmol/L tannic acid reacts with silk fibroin completely, and there is almost no β folding structure in silk fibroin solution, indicating that the secondary structure in silk fibroin solution is almost totally transformed.

This study shows that tannic acid has significant chemical bonding reaction with silk fibroin. With the increase of tannic acid concentration, the polarity of the microenvironment of silk fibroin in the reaction solution gradually strengthens. The binding of silk fibroin polypeptide carbon skeleton and tryptophan residue weakens the UV absorption at 230 nm and 276 nm and the fluorescence emission at 352 nm. When tannic acid concentration increases from 0 μmol/L to 20 μmol/L, the α helix and random coil structure gradually increase, while the β folding structure gradually decreases. And then, with the increase of tannic acid concentration, the amount of α helix and random coil structure gradually decreases, and that of β fold structure gradually increases.

In this experiment, tannic acid is used to react with silk fibroin protein in a pioneering way to study the changes of UV-visible absorption spectra, fluorescence emission spectra and Fourier infrared absorption spectra of the reaction solution. Innovative conclusions are obtained, which have certain reference significance for the future expansion of the study of the structure of silk fibroin protein and the in-depth exploration of tannic acid treated protein.

Key words: silk fibroin protein; tannic acid; secondary structure; amino acid residue; UV-visible absorption spectrum; fluorescence emission spectroscopy; fourier infrared absorption spectroscopy

