两个万能句型, 秒杀高考应用文
表示转折(让步)关系的逻辑词有很多,比如but,although,though,even if,even though,while,as等。在众多逻辑词中,as引导的让步状语从句最有可能组织出吸睛的提分句型。原因有二:其一、as作为让步的含义,同学们用得比较少,增加了认知上的高级感。其二、as引导的让步状语从句需要倒装,增加了结构上的高级感。as引导的让步状语从句,具体用法如下:
Successful as he is,he is modest.
Senior high school student as he is,he is knowledgeable.
A. Hard as I studied,I couldn't catch up with others in one month.
B. Much as you like math,you couldn't do math exercises in English class.
A. Try as we may,we couldn't solve the problem in one day.
B. Dislike English as you might,you must acknowledge that it is one of the
most important languages in the world.
C. Fail in the examination as we did,we gained a lot of experience.
2.表并列(递进):not only…but also…
表示并列和递进的逻辑词也有很多,比如and,as well as,besides,moreover,in addition,not only…but also…等。在这些逻辑词中,not only…but also…句型因其强大的功能和灵活多变的句式而备受同学们的喜爱。然而很多同学在使用该句型时,逻辑不清,忽略细节,写出的高级句式错漏百出,拉低整篇文章的质量。下面我们就系统学习一下该逻辑词的使用方法。
A. 连接主语:Not only I but also my brother is a big fan of football.
B. 连接宾语:My farther likes not only swimming but also reading.
C. 连接谓语:He not only handed in his homework timely,but also finished it carefully.
D. 连接表语:He is not only a teacher but also a poet.
E. 连接宾补:The sudden news made people not only surprised but also thrilled.
F. 连接状语:You can exercise not only in the stadium but also in the playground.
G. 连接定语:I like reading books not only on artificial intelligence but also
on time travel.
H. 连接从句:The rules of the game is that you need to guess not only what is drawn but also who draw the picture.
I. 连接简单句:Tom not only has a gift for playing piano,but also he is a
famous writer.
有时为表强调,可以把not only置于句首,这时not only后引导的句子要倒装,公式为:Not only+be/情态动词/助动词+主语+动词…,but also…具体示例如下:
A. 正装:I was not only tired but also hungry.
倒装:Not only was I tired but also I felt hungry.
B. 正装:Tom not only has a gift for playing piano,but also he is a famous writer.
倒装:Not only does Tom have a gift for playing piano,but also he is a
famous writer.
C. 正装:The mobile game not only has attracted millions of teenagers but also
a lot of adults are addicted to it.
倒装:Not only has the mobile phone attracted millions of teenagers but also a lot of adults are addicted to it.
D. 正装:Lin Qiaozhi not only devoted her life to medical work,but also she was truly kind and considerate.
倒装:Not only did Lin Qiaozhi devote her life to medical work,but also she was truly kind and considerate.
小结:在not only…but also…句型中,若原句中有be动词或情态动词就直接把它们提到主语之前,若没有则需要找助动词来帮忙,在一般过去时中,助动词为did,在一般现在时中,助动词为do或does,在现在完成时中,助动词为have或has。需要注意的是,如若把did或does提前,原句中的谓语动词需变成动词原形,因为时态和单复数的变型已经转移到助动词上了。
有时为了语言更精简,还可以把not only…but also…句型中的also省略。示例如下:
A. He is not only a writer but a poet.
B. He is famous not only in China but in the world.
C. Not only did we pick several baskets of apples,but we realized the importance of teamwork.
1. 这是一个特别棒的节目,在这里你不仅可以与同学们分享你的想法,而且能够了解到更多的中国文化。(2022年全国I:假定你是校广播站英语节目“Talk and Talk”的负责人李华,请给外教Caroline写邮件邀请她做一次访谈。内容包括:1.节目介绍;2.访谈的时间和话题。)
2. 尽管“Talk and Talk”是一个新节目,却拥有很多粉丝。(2022年全国Ⅰ)
3. 海洋不仅给我们提供充足的食物,而且能够维持大自然的平衡。(2022全国甲:你校将以六月八日世界海洋日为主题,举办英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:1.海洋的重要性;2.保护海洋的倡议。)
4. 尽管看英文电影有趣又轻松,但与看英文书相比,没有那么有益于学习。(2022全国乙:学校英文报正在开展以Learning English Beyond the Classroom为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:1.学习活动状况描述;2.简单评论;3.你的建议。)
5. 具体而言,通过读英文书,你不仅可以扩大词汇量,而且可以提高对于长难句的理解能力。(2022全国乙)
6. 我最喜欢的栏目是青年人的成功故事,它不仅陪伴我度过了艰难时光,而且提升了我的自信心。(2021新高考I:你校英文报 Youth 正在庆祝创刊十周年。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:1.读報的经历;2.喜爱的栏目;3.期望和祝福。)
7. 尽管中国文化博大精深,我却不知道哪些传统文化更吸引外国朋友。(2021全国甲:假定你是李华,你校计划举办介绍中国传统文化的主题班会,并在英语网站上展示,请你给外国朋友Chris写封信,向他了解哪些中国传统文化更吸引外国朋友,内容如下:1.阐明写信事由;2.征求建议;3.表达感谢。)
8. 尽管网上学习很方便,过久的屏幕时间很伤眼睛。(2021全国乙:你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以Be smart online learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:1.分析优势与不足;2.提出学习建议。)
9. 网上学习不仅伤害眼睛,还很容易让我们分心。(2021全国乙)
10. 在网上,我们不仅可以获得最新的消息,而且可以不受时间地点的限制去学习。(2021全国乙)
11. 他不仅教授我们知识,还鼓励我们永不放弃。(2020全国I:你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以身边值得尊敬和爱戴的人为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:1.人物简介;2.尊敬和爱戴的原因。)
12. 他丰富的经验和对教学的投入不仅让我们轻松接触到专业的知识还塑造了我们的性格。(2020全国Ⅰ)
13. 尽管他对我们要求很严格,但是没有同学不喜欢他。(2020全国Ⅰ)
14. 尽管钟南山年龄大了,但是他对工作依然充满热情。(2020全国Ⅰ)
15. 通过这次活动,我们不仅知道农民有多辛苦,而且知道食物有多珍贵。(2020全国II:上周末,你和同学参加了一次采摘活动。请你为班级英语角写一篇短文,介绍这次活动,内容包括:1.农场情况;2.采摘过程;3.个人感受。)
16. 尽管我们采摘之后都筋疲力尽,我们都觉得这是有意义并且难忘的一天。(2020全国Ⅱ)
17. 尽管已经尽力了,我们还是不能确定情节是不是对观众有吸引力,也不能确定台词是否准确。(2020全国Ⅲ:假定你是李华,你和同学根据英语课文改编了一个短剧。给外教Miss Evans写封邮件,请她帮忙指导。邮件内容包括:1.剧情简介;2.指导内容;3.商定时间地点。)
18. 您不仅精通英文而且有英文课文改编短剧经验。(2020全国Ⅲ)
1. This is an amazing program where you can not only share your ideas with students,but also learn more Chinese culture.
2. New program as “Talk and Talk” is,it has a large group of fans.
3.(1)正装:Ocean not only offers us sufficient food,but also maintains the balance of nature.
(2)倒装:Not only does ocean offer us sufficient food,but also maintains the balance of nature.
4. Interesting and relaxing as watching English movie is,it is less helpful than reading English books.
5. Specifically,by reading English books you can not only enlarge your vocabulary but also boost your understanding of long and difficult sentences.
6. My favorite column is the Success Stories of Youth,which not only accompanied me through the hard time but also boosted my confidence.
7. Profound as traditional Chinese culture is,I don't know which kind of Chinese culture is more appealing to foreign friends.
8. Convenient as online learning is,too long screen time does harm to our eyes.
9. Online learning not only does harm to our eyes,but also makes us distracted.
10. On the Internet,we can not only get the latest news,but also learn knowledge without time and space limit.
11. He not only teaches us knowledge,but also encourages us never to give up.
12. His rich experience and devotion to teaching not only give us easy access to professional knowledge but also shape our character.
13. Strict as he is,nobody dislikes him.
14. Old as Zhong Nanshan is,he is passionate about his job.
15. Through this activity,we not only know how laborious the farmers are but also learn how precious the food is.
16. Worn out as we were after the picking activity,we all believed that it was a meaningful and unforgettable day.
17. Hard as we tried,we are not sure whether the plot is appealing to the audience and the lines are accurate.
18. You not only have a good command of English but also have experience of adapting text into a short play.