


张亮永,卢 强,梁旭斌,李鹏毅,方厚林,曾新吾


张亮永1, 2,卢 强2,梁旭斌2,李鹏毅2,方厚林2,曾新吾1

(1. 国防科技大学气象海洋学院,长沙 410073;2. 西北核技术研究所,西安 710024)







1 某多孔弹性场地地面爆炸试验


1.1 场地情况和测点分布


图1 场地环境

表1 传感器参数

Tab.1 Transducer parameters

图2 测点分布

表2 大气环境参数

Tab.2 Environment parameters of the atmosphere

1.2 实测数据


图3 声测点时域波形


表3 测点距离

Tab.3 Measuring point distances

图4 声测点超压幅值衰减规律

式中:1和2为待定系数,拟合值分别为7.70×105和-1.25;over为超压峰值,Pa;为距离,m. KG85超压峰值曲线计算式[14]为



图5 声测点的主频

图6 声测点的归一化频谱

2 某多孔弹性场地声传播模型


2.1 理 论

2.1.1 有限边界阻抗声传播理论










2.1.2 地表阻抗模型

对于两层地介质构成的地表模型(见图7),其等效法向声阻抗率[39, 44]为



2.2 讨 论


图8 计算波形和实测波形的匹配误差

表4 地表介质参数

Tab.4 Surface medium parameters



图9 虚拟源强度项

图10  实测波形和基于S01数据和地表参数的预测波形

3 某多孔场地地面爆炸当量反演


3.1 理 论

3.1.1 多孔场地折合声冲量法








3.1.2 声震分析方法







3.2 讨 论

3.2.1 多孔场地折合声冲量法反演爆源当量



图11 等效声源频谱

图12 等效声源的源时间函数


表5 基于有限边界阻抗的源参数估计结果

Tab.5  Source parameter estimation results via finite boundary impedance theory

3.2.2 联合地震数据的当量反演

图13 基于声震分析的当量和爆高预测结果

表6 联合地震和声学数据的源参数估计结果

Tab.6  Source parameter estimation results by combining seismic and acoustic data

4 结 论


(1) 实测数据表明,雪和半灌木混合覆盖地表场地的地面爆炸声信号能量集中在低频(20Hz以内),主频位于9~14Hz,受到多孔地表和空气吸收影响,超压幅值随距离增加快速衰减,其衰减系数1.25明显大于球面波几何扩展系数1.

(2) 基于有限边界阻抗波传播理论和四参量阻抗模型建立的声传播模型可以准确描述该多孔场地波传播特性,其预测波形和实测波形基本重合.

(3) 基于有限边界阻抗波传播理论和四参量阻抗模型建立的多孔场地折合声冲量法,通过考虑声震能量分配过程可以获得较高的当量反演精度,当量相对误差为7%.

(4) 采用以上声学反演方法并联合地震波数据进行声震分析可以准确预测多孔弹性地面附近未知爆炸事件的当量和爆高,其相对误差分别不超过7%和19%.


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Sound Propagation Characteristics and Yield Inversion Analysis of Surface Explosion at the Specific Poroelastic Site

Zhang Liangyong1, 2,Lu Qiang2,Liang Xubin2,Li Pengyi2,Fang Houlin2,Zeng Xinwu1

(1. College of Meteorology and Oceanology,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China;2. Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology,Xi’an 710024,China)

Surface explosion power prediction is critical in production and living safety and weapon performance tests. To solve the yield prediction problem of surface explosions at the specific poroelastic site where the ground is covered by snow and sparsely distributed subshrubs, the sound propagation characteristics of surface explosions at the poroelastic site were examined using experimental data. Then, using the finite boundary impedance theory and a four-parameter model, the acoustic propagation model was established to understand the sound attenuation characteristics. Based on the aforementioned acoustic propagation model, the surface explosion yield of a poroelastic site was predicted using the reduced acoustic impulse (RAI) method, and a seismoacoustic analysis method using the RAI acoustic model of a poroelastic site was established to inverse and analyze the surface explosion yield of the poroelastic site. The results show that the signal energy of the surface explosion at the specific poroelastic site is concentrated at low frequencies with the maximum frequency < 20Hz, overpressure amplitude decaying rapidly with distance, and the attenuation coefficient exceeding 1.25, which is higher than the spherical-wave geometrical attenuation coefficient of 1 owing to the influence of the poroelastic surface and air absorption. The poroelastic-site wave propagation model established by the wave propagation theory of finite boundary impedance and four-parameter model exhibits excellent performance in predicting waveforms that substantially coincide with the measured waveforms. Based on the aforementioned model, the RAI method is applied to the prediction of surface explosion yield, which is proved to have high prediction accuracy of yield whose relative error is no more than 7% with consideration of seismoacoustic coupling. Seismoacoustic analysis by integrating seismic data and the aforementioned acoustic method is discussed and found that the yield and height-of-burst of an unknown explosion event near the poroelastic ground can be predicted accurately with the relative errors of no more than 7% and 19%, respectively.

surface explosion;finite boundary impedance;four-parameter model;reduced acoustic impulse (RAI);seismoacoustic analysis







张亮永(1990—  ),男,硕士,助理研究员,



Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 12072290).

(责任编辑:田 军)

