

农业工程学报 2022年17期

张 琨,韩宇宁,李乐洲,周 玮


张 琨1,韩宇宁1,李乐洲2,周 玮2※

(1. 大连海洋大学海洋与土木工程学院,大连 116021;2.大连海洋大学水产与生命学院,大连 116021)

水产养殖中水体分层在水中形成屏障,阻碍质量和能量交换,进而导致水质恶化,影响水体中生物的生长。针对此问题,该研究在实验室条件下对玻璃水槽中2种不同盐度水体(淡水和4% NaCl溶液)染色,仅依靠浮力作用,观测水体去分层过程的准备、起动、混合和均匀4个阶段;在压力差的驱动下,形成“上升流”式的上涌对流,发现流体上浮至分层界面发生混合并使跃层增厚,最终引起分层水体失稳破坏。依据试验结果总结出水体分层破坏过程分为准备、起动、混合和均匀4个阶段,在给定工况下,100 L/h输水流量混合作用最强且完全混合的时间最短,25 L/h输水流量混合作用最弱且完全混合的时间最长。该文发现在一定盐度差异下,水体去分层起动时间和完全混合时间的变化规律对水产养殖产业有促进作用。


0 引 言





1 材料与方法

1.1 系统设置

试验材料选取亚克力管1根(长55 cm、内径2.5 cm),亚克力连通器1个(管内径2 cm、入水口管长13 cm、出水口管长19 cm),分流器1个(4孔分流、内径4 mm),塑料软管4根(长2 m、内径4 mm)、塑料薄膜若干(长200 cm、宽200 cm),精制盐若干(GB/T5461),高锰酸钾粉末若干(KMnO4化学纯度≥99%),自来水若干。

玻璃水槽1个(长113 cm、宽32 cm、深48 cm),标本瓶1个(内径17 cm、高20 cm),小型潜水泵1台(8 W功率),摄像机1台(红米note8 pro),白光灯带1条(长2 m,24 W功率),自吸泵2台(220 W功率),YSI 1台(ProPlus),塑料桶2个(容量300 L)。

增加盐度在线监测系统,包括盐度传感器5支(0~7%盐度测量范围、准确度±1、分辨率1 s),盐度控制器5台(0~7%盐度测量范围、确度±1、分辨率1 s)。盐度传感器分别垂直、等间距设置在试验水槽后壁中轴线0、10、20、30、40 cm处,监测各水层盐度变化数据并传输至盐度控制器。

同等温度条件下300 L塑料桶中将40 g高锰酸钾加入200 L自来水中配制成1:5 000的KMnO4溶液,将8 kg精制盐加入200 L自来水中配制成盐度4%NaCl溶液,两种溶液分别充分搅拌。

1.2 试验方法


在回水收集槽中加入染色水体(1∶5 000 KMnO4溶液),用亚克力连通器与试验水槽建立虹吸关系。高锰酸钾溶液用于染色上层水体分层,NaCl溶液属于透明盐水分层。试验所用注水部分为1根塑料软管,供水流量分别为25 L/h、50 L/h、75 L/h、100 L/h;亚克力管出水口设置于实验水槽水平中心处、垂直试验水槽底部,距底1 cm处。

用水泵将盐水层(4% NaCl溶液)吸入试验水槽至20 cm处;然后用塑料薄膜覆盖;再用水泵将淡水层(1∶5 000 KMnO4溶液)吸入塑料薄膜上方,至40 cm处;最后从一侧将塑料薄膜缓慢拉出。此时,水槽20 cm以下为无色透明的盐水层,20~40 cm为紫红色清水层。

试验装置如图1所示。在距离水槽2 m处的中轴线位置处放置摄像机,先开启录像,后接通潜水泵电源,完整记录试验过程。实验过程中通过水层界面颜色观察记录水体波动、混合过程及相关现象。

2 去分层现象观测

通过输水管向水槽底层输送清水形成垂直方向对流方式的混合作用,图2用染色的方法记录了在流量为25 L/h的静压力条件下,垂直对流混合的去分层过程,图中水色的浸染反映了混合过程中水体的运动状态,水色的深浅则反映了表底层水体混合程度。从稳定分层开始到水体混合均匀,混合过程可分为准备阶段、起动阶段、混合阶段、混匀阶段。


图2 去分层现象全过程





图2e中形成明显的过渡带,这与海洋中的温跃层(变温层)类似[26],Maxworthy等[27-28]学者在试验研究中将这种现象定义为分层过渡区。随着试验的进行,上浮水团不断水平扩散后堆积,造成跃层的厚度()逐渐增厚,结合浮力强度[25]公式(1)分析,浮力频率越小,跃层强度越弱,即跃层越不稳定。因此,跃层厚度从试验开始(约0 cm)不断增厚(图2f),混合阶段内越来越小,跃层变得越来越不稳定。

式中是重力加速度,取9.8 m/s2;ρ为跃层上边界密度,近似为1.0×103kg/m3;ρ为跃层下边界密度,近似为1.029×103kg/m3;为跃层厚度,cm。




3 结果与分析

3.1 流量对水层盐度分布的影响

图3显示了输水管向水槽底层输送不同流量的淡水时,5组在线监测传感器记录的表层、次表层、中层、次底层、底层盐度变化过程。由试验数据比较可知,输水流量对槽内水体的去分层作用有明显的影响:100 L/h流量混合作用最强,完全混合的时间最短,25 L/h流量混合作用最弱,完全混合的时间最长。

3.2 流量对水层起动和混合时间的影响


()次底层=(2.82 ± 0.19) + (81.33 ± 10.55)×

(0.93 ± 0.01)R2=0.999 62 (2)

()底层=(9.67 ± 0.92) + (459.78 ± 150.44)×

(0.91 ± 0.01)R2=0.999 09 (3)

()次表层=(11.28 ± 1.02) + (169.18 ± 14.47)×

(0.95 ± 0.00)R2=0.999 47 (4)


(0.96 ± 0.00)R2=0.999 44 (5)


图3 4组流量下各水层盐度变化情况

图4 流量随时间的变化关系



(0.98±6.258×10-19)2=0.999 99(6)


4 结 论



2)消除水体分层,本质是水体对流作用所引起的质量传递现象。在压力差的驱动下,向稳定的盐水区输送淡水形成“上升流”致使跃层增厚,最终造成分层水体失稳破坏。在本试验工况下,100 L/h输水流量混合作用最强,完全混合的时间最短,25 L/h输水流量混合作用最弱,完全混合的时间最长。


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Effects of different salinity on water delamination under laboratory conditions

Zhang Kun1, Han Yuning1, Li Lezhou2, Zhou Wei2※


Salinity stratification has caused the uneven distribution of nutrients in the water body for aquaculture. A barrier layer can be normally formed to hinder the exchange of quality and energy, leading to the deterioration of water quality. Therefore, stratification can pose a great threat to the growth of organisms in the water body. In this study, two kinds of water bodies were dyed with different salinity in a glass tank in the laboratory. Four stages of water body delamination were observed: preparation, start-up, mixing, and homogenization, when depending only on buoyancy. Among them, the pressure difference was driven to form the upwelling convection of the "upwelling" type. The upwelling was then floated up to the layered interface for the mixing and thick thermocline. Eventually, the layered water body triggered the instability and destruction. The experimental system consisted of a glass tank, a backwater collecting tank, a water injection, and a backwater part. Specifically, the glass tank was the main body of the system. The backwater collecting tank was composed of sample bottles, whose upper edge of the horizontal position was aligned with the experimental tank. The water injection part also included the small submersible pump, diverter, plastic hose, and acrylic pipe. The water in the return collection tank was firstly delivered by the small submersible pump, and then carried to the predetermined water layer of the test tank via the diverter and plastic hose. In the backwater part, the inlet of acrylic connectors was set on the surface of the experimental water tank, while the outlet was on the bottom of the backwater tank. The water level of the experimental water tank was kept stable by the siphoning during operation. The salinity change was recorded on the surface, subsurface, middle, sub bottom, and bottom layer. Five groups of sensors were used to online monitor the process, when the water pipe was delivered the fresh water of different flows to the bottom layer of the tank. The results show that there was a significant impact of the water delivery flow on the delamination of the water body in the tank. Furthermore, there was the strongest mixing effect of 100 L/h flow, and the shortest time of complete mixing. By contrast, there was the weakest mixing effect of 25 L/h flow, and the longest time of complete mixing. A large amount of experimental data was summarized to obtain the fitting formulas. The function curve was then achieved in the impact of water delivery on the start-up time of the sub bottom, bottom, sub surface, and surface layer. A specific relationship was obtained between the water delivery volume and the time required for the full mixing under the given working conditions in the laboratory. The layered destruction of the water body was summarized to determine the influence of the water delivery flow on the salinity, starting, and mixing time of the water layer. The finding can also provide a strong reference for aquaculture production.

environment; breed; water quality; delamination of water body; salinity distribution; mixing time





张琨,韩宇宁,李乐洲,等. 实验室条件下不同盐度水体去分层试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(17):240-245. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.17.026

Zhang Kun, Han Yuning, Li Lezhou, et al. Effects of different salinity on water delamination under laboratory conditions[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(17): 240-245. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.17.026






