

国际人才交流 2022年12期






In the spirit of the Chinese Central Government Conference on Talent-Related Work, Li Meng, Vice Minister of Science and Technology and Director of the State Administration of Foreign Experts, hosted a forum for foreign experts in the morning of February 25, 2022. Eleven foreign experts from the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France,Sweden, India, Egypt, Japan, South Korea and other countries working professionally in Beijing made presentations on international talent exchange, science and technology management, research style and ethics, assessment of scientific and technological achievements, talent evaluation, and open cooperation and innovation in China. It was at this forum that I met Dr. Zheng Zhijie, Director of China Country Office at the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation. After I heard his fascinating presentation I realized that I had to make an appointment to speak with him.

A separation of life and death: from saving one person to saving tens of millions of people

Even though career choice may seem accidental, I suppose that there is a sort of inevitability behind all of our career choices.

For Dr. Zheng Zhijie, it would seem almost fated…

“My determination to study medicine came from my childhood experience when my younger sister passed away when she was three years old because of an intestinal disease. That was one of the first times in my life that I experienced a parting of ways, the first time I experienced death. When I left the house in the early morning, there were three of us, but when I returned, there were only two of us left with mom and dad. That stabbing pain and powerlessness made me absolutely determined to study medicine.”

From the moment we were seated in Dr. Zheng Zhijie’s office, we began to trace his life path. Zheng Zhijie was born in a rural village in Linhai City, Zhejiang Province, to a family with three brothers and one sister, an only sister who nevertheless were taken away by what today seems to be a “run of the mill” easily treatable disease. Like Dr.Zheng, my mother had nine children, three of whom also died be-cause of the poor medical care. After hearing his story I instantly felt connected to Dr. Zheng, and his aspiration.




A dream of aspiration, however, is like a seed that will sprout and grow. If it is to blossom and bear fruit, it must be watered and nourished with conviction. Determined to study medicine, Dr. Zheng studied at Shanghai Medical University, Fudan University, and the University of North Carolina in the United States. During his career and long exposure to the field of medicine, he gradually came to appreciate the important role of preventive medicine and public health.

“I often quote the vision of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, which says that Protecting Health, Saving Lives-Millions at a Time. Prevention is better than the cure, and that idea has always held natural attraction for me. Similar to targeting a disease like diarrhea, not only drugs are needed, but also clean water, safe sanitation facilities, a sound public environment and even human advocacy initiatives are indispensable.” For these reasons, Zheng chose to pursue a public health-related career after graduation. In 2010, Zheng left the U.S., where he had lived and studied for 21 years, to return to his homeland taking up a post as Dean of the School of Public Health at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. This was a noble and difficult decision to make because his son was only 10 years old at the time and his wife and son could accompany him in his return to China because of work and school, and since then, the family has been separated from each other. For the next 10-plus years, Zheng has served in colleges and universities, from Shanghai Jiaotong University to Peking University,where he dedicated himself to education and teaching. Zheng Zhijie’s courteous temperament and calm manner of speaking gave me a sense of how powerful his conviction is for his work that leaves one invigorated by his determination. He says that “training more professionals for careers in public health has brought me an enormous sense of accomplishment.”

Since his return to China as a National Distinguished Professor, Dr.Zheng has cultivated talent while promoting a more important role for China in the field of global health and global development. Examples include his assistance of, Peking University in establishing the Peking University Institute for Global Health and Development, and on October 25, 2021, he took over as Director of China Country Office at the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation, thus embarking on a larger,newer, and more specialized career taking on the mission of reducing inequality in health and development.

“Joining the Gates Foundation was a natural decision for me. In recent years, global health and development have become increasingly relevant to the here and now for each of us. In the age of globalization, it is an important time to unite the forces of all to solve global problems and create a more equitable and healthy world. The Gates Foundation, as one of the world’s most influential foundations, plays a very important and unique role in supporting the development of innovative products and technologies, and in making these innovations available to more people through a wide range of partnerships,thereby contributing to solving the most complex and pressing global challenges. I strongly identify with the Foundation’s vision and see great potential for China in this area. This work allows me to leverage our resources and inspire collaboration on a broader global platform to help more people improve their health and lead productive lives.”From serving as a clinician to acting as an authority in the field of preventive medicine and public health, as well as from being a university professor to a key figure in the world’s largest private philanthropic foundation, Dr. Zheng has fulfilled his original dream to enable more people to lead happy healthy lives.


比尔·盖茨在他的新书《如何预防下一次大流行》中讲了他关注传染病、关注贫困人群健康的原因,以及成立比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会的初衷。“我对传染病这一主题的热情可以追溯到25年前,1997年1月,当时我和梅琳达在《纽约时报》上读到尼古拉斯·克里斯托夫(Nicholas Kristof)写的一篇文章。文中提到:每年有310万人死于腹泻,而且几乎都是儿童。我们感到很震惊。每年300万儿童!怎么会有这么多孩子死于据我们所知只是导致不太舒服的疾病呢?”他带着这份“不可思议”,查阅相关资料,了解到治疗腹泻的方法非常简单,只需一种可以补充腹泻期间流失的营养的廉价液体,但是这没有惠及数百万儿童,于是他们就开始提供资助,不仅大规模地推广这种治疗方法,还率先支持研发预防腹泻的疫苗。“我们相信,在一个人人平等的世界中,所有人都应从创新中受益,没有任何一个孩子会死于可预防的疾病。但我们看到的是,不平等依然大量存在。这个发现是我们慈善之路上的重要一步。震惊之余,我们心生愤慨,并决心为此采取行动。”





The Gates Foundation and China: Promoting Health Equity in China and Around the World

“My passion for the subject goes back twenty-five years, to January 1997, when Melinda and I read an article inThe New York Timesby Nicholas Kristof. Nick reported that diarrhea was killing 3.1 million people every year, almost all of them children. We were shocked.Three million kids a year! How could that many children be dying from something that was, as far as we knew, little more than an uncomfortable inconvenience?" In his new book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,” Bill Gates discusses his concern for infectious diseases and the health of the poor. With this seemingly inconceivable crisis in mind, he looked into the literature and learned that the cure for diarrhea was as simple as an inexpensive liquid that would replenish the nutrients lost during having diarrhea, but this treatment wasn’t reaching millions of children, so they began to provide funding, not only to promote this treatment on a large scale, but also to spearhead the development of a vaccine vaccinate against diarrhea.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was founded in January 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, USA. In 2007, the Foundation opened its office in Beijing before launching its first program in China in 2008. Since then, the foundation as a whole has expanded its cooperation with China over the past decade, with projects covering poverty alleviation, tuberculosis, AIDS prevention,tobacco control, agricultural development in African countries, and malaria eradication.

At the Foreign Experts Symposium on February 25th, Zheng Zhijie spoke eloquently, and I was most struck by his refinement, composure,and wisdom. In his speech, he first described his experience, then discussed the Gates Foundation’s cooperation with China, and proposed suggestions for future cooperation.

The Gates Foundation currently has three offices in Africa, two in Europe and two in Asia, in China and in India. In his conversation with me, Dr. Zheng reemphasized that “China has been an important partner of the foundation for more than a decade.” He observed that China has made remarkable strides in the field of public health.

Dr. Zheng said that on the one hand, we have witnessed China’s tremendous achievements in improving the health and well-being of its people, and we are proud to be involved in such important areas as the prevention and control of tuberculosis and AIDS in China, as well as the upgrading of primary health care and the expansion of the national immunization program. On the other hand, we have watched China continue to increase its investment in scientific research,improve its capacity for innovation, and have seen new ideas and tools turn into effective public goods that have helped save and improve the lives of hundreds of millions of lives in countries around the world. In this effort, the Foundation provides financial and technical support to its Chinese partners and builds bridges for international collaboration,helping to accelerate innovation in products, technologies, models in health, agriculture and poverty reduction. Dr. Zheng also noted that the Foundation works to build global partnerships to bring these innovations to vulnerable populations in China and other countries as quickly as possible.




In its 15 years in China, the Gates Foundation has pursued two primary strategies. First among them is “In China, For China”, that targets issues such as tuberculosis, AIDS and poverty alleviation. The second strategy that the Foundation pursues is named “In China, For the World,” includes support for China's to provide global public products,such as vaccines, drugs, diagnostic tools, and so on. The second is to complement public products and support China’s efforts to become a stronger and more powerful global health partner by establishing itself as a center for global health and global development innovation and R&D. According to Zheng, “Over the years, the Foundation has worked with China to promote the elimination of malaria in Africa. Because China has significant experience with the disease, there is much to learn from and replicate elsewhere.” For example, the foundation and China have also advanced a lot in terms of public sanitation reform,mainly in the areas of public toilets and water treatment. Zheng added that there are many scientific and technical issues concerning the science of just toilets alone, such as how to solve toilet problems including sterilization and water treatment in villages, be they households in Africa, or western China, where there isn’t access to enough water and electricity.

In terms of fostering accelerated innovation in China and promoting health equity, in China as well as globally, Zheng highlighted several projects. In 2016, the Gates Foundation, together with the Beijing Municipal Government and Tsinghua University, established the Global Health Drug Discovery Institute(GHDDI), which is now a major player in the global ecosystem of inclusive innovation aimed at advancing health equity. With China's innovative talent and R&D resources, the GHDDI works with research institutions around the world to build a platform for new drug development and scale-up,addressing prominent diseases in developing countries and improving the affordability and accessibility of relevant medicines to ensure that poor populations have more rapid access to the medicines they need. The GHDDI team is currently working on a portfolio of more than a dozen anti-tuberculosis, novel coronavirus, malaria, and worm diseases. To date the Institute has hit key development milestones including two small molecule treatments for coronavirus that are expected to be brought into clinics this year.



The Gates Foundation’s long-standing collaboration with the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) is another excellent example of how R&D resources have been mobilized to contribute to global health and development issues in China. In 2015, the two Foundations jointly initiated the “Grand Challenges China” program to deal with major health and development challenges around the world and fund safe,effective, affordable and accessible solutions. In 2016 the first “Grand Challenges China” targeted vaccines and therapies for infectious diseases, yielded four project approvals in which research teams were awarded a total of approximately $4 million in co-funding. In 2021,the two partners launched another “Grand Challenges China” which zeroed in on outdoor vector control of malaria with a joint investment of $3 million to select and fund six Chinese teams. This year, the two organizations launched jointly funded programs in agriculture,that invested $2 million in research support to develop innovative solutions to help low-income countries address climate change related challenges that threaten agricultural production. The program will focus on funding research in two areas: crop breeding technologies and strategies to address climate change and extreme weather; and will research and implement comprehensive weather index policies that protect agriculture. In the future, the two organizations will continue to collaborate to support innovative research within the fields of global health and agriculture, and continue to promote the pursuit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and further exchange and collaboration among researchers globally. In parallel with these initiatives, the Foundation cooperates with the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the NSFC, and other relevant departments to promote domestic and international discussions on important issues of global health and development, and to call for extensive international cooperation by holding forums. Among these,in 2021, the Foundation co-organized with the Ministry of Science and Technology the Zhongguancun Forum and the parallel related forum “International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Forum on Biomedicine for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases”.“Since 2020, the Foundation is cooperating with the National Ministry of Science and Technology and the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission to hold two parallel forums: the Pujiang Innovation Forum on “Global Health and Development”. The Foundation also continued its cooperation with the NSFC to organize the “Global Health Forum”, which has become an important annual international academic conference since 2019.

The Gates Foundation has also undertaken a number of efforts to promote Chinese innovation as a global public good, benefiting the developing world and improving global health at large. Zheng cited two examples of this: the eradication of malaria and the vaccine equity.With respect to malaria elimination, he explained that in 2021, China was recognized by the World Health Organization for the eradication of malaria domestically, and its continued commitment combat malaria globally with the support of the Foundation, and multiple other partners in China to carry out similar work. In one respect,the Foundation supports Chinese companies to further improve the quality of artemisinin-based drugs to better serve the global antimalaria cause by providing high-quality public products to the world.On another front, the Foundation also supports Chinese research institutions in their artemisinin biosynthesis optimization projects. If this concept comes to fruition, it will further reduce costs, and increase the availability of artemisinin-based combination therapies. From a systemic perspective, the Foundation with its partners in China and Africa, is also working to formulate models for malaria control. In 2018,the Foundation began supporting an innovative pilot collaboration between China and Tanzania to adapt China's experience in malaria elimination to Africa, designing a community-based 1,7-mRCT approach is applicable to the local control, has achieved outstanding results. The WHO is currently leading the scale-up of the approach in Tanzania and to other countries heavily burdened by malaria such as Zambia, Senegal and Burkina Faso.




On the subject of global vaccine equity, Zheng explains that the Foundation has been collaborating extensively with the Chinese vaccine industry to make more Chinese vaccines global public goods and make them widely available to close worldwide health disparities.China now has three COVID-19 vaccines on the WHO list of vaccines for emergency use, and as of the end of 2021, China has made more than two billion vaccine shots globally available through bilateral and multilateral channels, most of which have been supplied to developing countries and thereby contributing to the promotion of vaccine equity. In addition to COVID-19 vaccines, for many years,China has both made and supplied WHO prequalified vaccines to developing countries. Fifteen years ago, the Foundation and several partners explored ways to reduce the global burden of diseases by targeting epidemic encephalitis B. Spread by mosquitoes, this form of encephalitis is a leading cause of viral encephalitis in Asia that kills or disables thousands each year. After learning that a Chinese company had invented a safe, effective and affordable single-dose encephalitis B vaccine, the Foundation funded its partner Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) that provides technical support to the Chinese vaccine producer throughout the duration of the project.

Eight years later, in October 2013, this encephalitis B vaccine was prequalified by the World Health Organization thus paving the way for its widespread use worldwide. Collaboration with international organizations such as Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization (Gavi),helped the China-made encephalitis B vaccine protect more than 400 million children beyond its manufacturers borders. The WHO approval of the China-made encephalitis vaccine also kick-started forward momentum for more Chinese vaccines to be pre-qualified for use. To date, several vaccines that are made in China, including influenza, polio and hepatitis A, have been pre-qualified by the WHO for use in countries in need. In the future, the Foundation will continue to support and collaborate with Chinese companies in this area.

Preventing the next pandemic requires global solidarity and cooperation


I applaud Bill Gates for his praise of masks. In his new book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,” Gates describes the long history of simple masks to control the spread of disease and amusingly comments: “ This is a little hard to admit, because the power of inventing things is so central to my worldview, but it’s true: We may never devise a cheaper,more effective way to block the transmission of certain respiratory viruses than a piece of inexpensive material with a couple of elastic straps sewn onto it.” In 1910, when masks were first being introduced,Dr. Wu Lien-teh, a Chinese pioneer in the field of medicine, was asked by the Chinese government to lead the response to an outbreak of plague in the Manchuria region, which had a 100% lethality rate, with some dying within 24 hours. At the time, the plague was thought to be spread by infected fleas living on rats. Dr. Wu Lien-teh believed that the pathogen was not spread by rodents, but rather, was by airborne transmission. He insisted that medical personnel, patients, and even the general public wear masks. Of course you can actually be infected with the plague by fleas carried by rats, but the more dangerous scenario is when the pathogen is spread to others through the air and in turn infects the lungs. Dr. Wu Lien-teh’s mask wearing strategy fortunately prevented the epidemic from worsening, and thanks in large part to his leadership, masks for preventing disease, heavy air pollution, or both,later became commonplace in China. Even if COVID-19 did not occur,mask wearing would still be part of the social habits commonly found in China. In March 2020, academician Gao Fu, director of the Chinese CDC, said that the biggest mistake in the United States and Europe was that people did not wear masks.


Bill Gates notes that “People get sick all the time, but not every illness leads to an out break..” In his book, Gates observed “Outbreaks are inevitable, but pandemics are optional.” In addition to wearing masks,there are non-pharmaceutical interventions such as maintaining social distance and good ventilation that, when paired with vaccines, “could help us eventually eradicate every strain of flu”.




The blistering pace of COVID-19 vaccine R&D to availability to the market has been mind boggling. Before the pandemic, the fastest that a vaccine had ever went from development to widespread use was just 4 years, yet from the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, new vaccines hit the market in record speed, and 50% of the global population was vaccinated by 2021. But “producing vaccines and getting them approved is only one piece of the puzzle; avoiding a world of disparities in access to vaccine is quite another challenge altogether.” The Gates Foundation’s first major undertaking was to address the disparity been to help create and organize the Gavi, an organization that raises funds to help poor countries buy vaccines.

We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented in its scope and duration, and as a result the world’s most vulnerable populations in poor countries have been disproportionally severely impacted by other crises. Due to the pandemic we have seen an increase of 7% in extreme global poverty, a drop in vaccination rates to 1990s levels, and have experienced the first increase in both incidence and deaths from tuberculosis and malaria in more than a decade. This begs the question:are there other ways to fight the epidemics than non-pharmaceutical measures and vaccination? Alternatively, how can we make the two approaches Bill Gates advocates for actually work?

According to Dr. Zheng, this depends on global support and cooperation. “Although by relying on the collaborative efforts of scientists from around the world led to the world production of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in an unprecedentedly speedy 18 months, I would go further and say that employing technology alone is not enough.Ultimately the key to success or failure in the fight against the pandemics depends on the scope and extent of our solidarity and cooperation.Some say that the COVID-19 pandemic is a product of globalization, in reality, the cause of the ongoing spread of the epidemic is precisely the inability of humanity to cooperate effectively. Neither the early scramble for anti-epidemic supplies nor the ongoing inequitable distribution of vaccines has slowed the global spread of the pandemic, but rather virus has been allowed to continue to mutate and put people at greater risk.” Dr. Zheng says that the Global Collaboration to Accelerate the Development, Production, and Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator(ACTA) initiative and the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX), which was established by the WHO, as well as the European Commission,France and the Gates Foundation, have all played important roles. As of May, 2022, COVAX delivered more than 1.5 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines to 146 countries and territories of which ACT-A procured and delivered more than 156 million COVID-19 tests to low and middle income countries. Among collaborators, The People’s Republic of China donated $100 million and supplied more than 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the COVAX program. Despite this, the fact that only 8 percent of the population in African countries have received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine underscores the importance of global cooperation. Only with global cooperation to achieve equitable access to tools to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, can humanity make headway fighting the Pandemic and finally extinguish it sooner, rather than later.

在抗击新冠肺炎疫情中,中国取得重大成果,这得益于“非典”过后的近20年里,中国在国家、省、市、县各级建立了全国疾控中心网络,有80余万公共卫生专职人员通过实时报告系统和协调网络来应对公共卫生突发事件;还有2014年中国派出一支由 1200多名临床医生、公共卫生专家组成的医疗队,奔赴非洲助力控制埃博拉疫情,在100天内在塞拉利昂建立了一个生物安全防护三级实验室……中国的公共卫生体系在“非典”疫情之后得到了显著加强。



China has made significant gains in the fight against the pandemic thanks to the establishment of a national network of centers for disease control at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels. In the nearly 20 years since SARS, the Chinese CDC has employed more than 800,000 public health professionals that respond to public health emergencies through a real-time reporting system and coordination network. The CDC network dispatched a medical brigade of more than 1,200 clinicians and public health experts to Africa in 2014 to help control the Ebola outbreak and established a biosafety level 3 laboratory in Sierra Leone within 100 days of the outbreak. From this it is obvious that China’s public health system gained significant momentum in the wake of the SARS epidemic.

Zheng Zhijie notes that as China continuously optimizes its global health and innovate systems for development, it additionally contributes its own strengths to global health and development, the Gates Foundation expects China to continue to enhance its R&D capabilities, stimulate more innovations, and commercialize the effective translation of these achievements into market solutions, promote the production of health products at scale with international quality standards, participate in solving common challenges facing global health and development, and bring a stronger positive impacts to the development of other developing countries.

The Beijing Gates Foundation office will continue its efforts to strengthen China’s participation in international science and technology exchanges by promoting active participation in global innovation networks, promoting of commercialization of basic research and scientific and technological achievements, helping to connect global resources, and establishing innovative cooperation models to deepen cooperation with China’s public and private sectors. The Foundation will also continue to explore additional models for cooperation. This will be focused in the realms of global pandemics, response and prevention of major infectious diseases, vaccine and drug development, promote innovations in health products, agricultural research and development, public health facility innovations, acting as a catalyst to generate more innovative projects in science and technology,products, and train more innovative R&D professionals.

Since Bill and Melinda Gates became first inspired in the late 1990s to change the status quo of preventable diseases that kill millions of children in low-income countries every year, the Gates Foundation has been able to significantly contribute to global health and development and thus materialize their vision for “a healthy and productive life for everyone” while fostering consensus and added support for the cause. Dr. Zheng’s extensive experience in China and abroad, both in public service and the private sector, led him to the deep realization that the Foundation could act more rapidly and take more risks than governments could and evidence-based approaches could be scaled up via its support. Whether we are fighting COVID-19 globally or working with China to promote vaccine equity, Dr.Zheng says that we have learned that governments have absolute dominance in leading policy development and resource mobilization. However,the resources needed to address health challenges are beyond the reach of any one sector or industry alone, and all sectors - government, private sector, civil society and philanthropic organizations - should act together to play their respective roles.






In Zheng’s simple, clean, office in Beijing at the Foundation, one gains a sense if it being a place where China, the East, meets the West. “Whatever the conditions of people’s lives, wherever they live, however they live, they share the same hopes.” are the words of Melinda French Gates printed on a poster in the office. In front of the poster sat on display an Arktek, a passive vaccine refrigeration device, and the Mazzi milk bucket. Zheng explained to me in detail where these devices came from and what they were used for. These stories, which were really abstract to me, suddenly hit home. Yes,they are about everyone’s health, but they were really about a dream of hope. And as long as there is a dream, there is a future.

“The future is still worth looking forward to,” Zheng says firmly. Much can improve. By 2050, with the help of mass vaccination, polio will likely be the world’s second human infectious disease to be eradicated. Equitable access to HPV vaccines in the future also has the potential to make cervical cancer the first cancer to be eradicated. Still also, the COVID-19 pandemic has played an important role in the future scale up of mRNA technology platforms which will likely help us make breakthroughs in AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria prevention. Changes in sanitation technologies, such as the widespread use of sewer-less toilets, will protect more people from pollution and potentially deadly disease outbreaks. In agriculture, new crops that are more productive and more resistant to climate change will help small scale farmers survive the looming climate crisis. Finally, we can avoid pandemics if we work together and the world can become a fairer and healthier place.

“He is an extremely sharp, knowledgeable person with a superb ability to learn,” so says Zheng Zhijie says about Bill Gates. Zheng recalls being interviewed by Gates as being particularly memorable. Zheng says “I was still a little nervous, but after talking for a few minutes I was not nervous anymore,and we ended up talking for more than an hour”. I asked Dr. Zheng “is Bill Gates a philanthropist or an entrepreneur”? Zheng responded that “Mr.Gates is indeed not only a successful entrepreneur; he is also a successful philanthropist that especially emphasizes the impact of charity”. Furthermore,Gates also has the erudition of a scholar and he is deliberate and rigorous in the way he thinks. Dr. Zheng went on to opine that Mr. Gates is a role model for us, especially for young people. He [Gates] wants young people to be curious and ambitious in terms of their curiosity and advises them to dream big.Education cannot merely be for the “average person” he says.

I once read that when Bill Gates was 7 years old, he imagined that he could create a magic box that was as big as a cigarette box that could fit a large encyclopedia in it. Of course, in the end, he made this a reality. I think that if we are like Gates and the Foundation, Zheng Zhijie and China, if we forever imagine, if we continue to dream, we will surely see our dreams become reality.

I suppose that innovation in science and technology really is just imagination and conviction materialized.


书虫来袭 《了不起的盖茨比》