

外国问题研究 2022年2期


Lin Xuanyu

During the 14th and 15th centuries, the Ming dynasty and the Korean peninsula were jointly attacked by Japanese pirates. On the one hand, the pirates’ invasion extended from the Korean peninsula to the coast of China; on the other hand, attacks by Japanese pirates on the Ming dynasty and the Korean peninsula were also in reverse correlation. The Japanese pirates who attacked the Korean peninsula and the Ming dynasty belonged to the same group. To avoid dispersing their forces, they tended to act together and choose one side as the target. Therefore, the serious Japanese invasion in the Ming dynasty would alleviate the Japanese pirates’ invasion on the Korean peninsula, and vice versa. The rise and fall of attacks by Japanese pirates on the Ming dynasty was not only related to the construction of coastal defense and the effect of diplomacy with Japan, but also related to the appeasement and the war of the Korean peninsula regime against Japanese pirates. Considering its own interests, the Korean dynasty adopted a beggar-thy-neighbor strategy, connivance to the Japanese pirates to attack the Ming dynasty, and acted as the site for the disposal of stolen goods after the Japanese pirates attacked the Ming dynasty. The triangle “trade” mechanism between Ming dynasty, Japanese pirates and Korea played a role behind the reverse correlation between Japanese pirates’ attacks in the Ming dynasty and their attacks in the Korean peninsula. The lack of political and military cooperation mechanism between China and Korea under the tributary system is the deep reason for “as one falls, another rises” of Japanese pirates’ aggression between Ming Dynasty and Korea.


Huang Xiuzhi

In the late 18th century, King Yeongjo of Chosǒn Dynasty launched a “literary prison” aroundQing Dynasty’s history book “Mingjijilve”, which was called “Prison of False History”. Besides the domestic political purge and cultural control, he also sent envoys to Beijing to explain the false records of the history book, which was also banned by Emperor Qianlong. It reflected the two countries had some interactions between the historical review, kingship, political culture and diplomatic relations in the eighteenth century, also highlighting the stimulation of the eighteenth century, Korean kingship and partisanship, King Yeongjo’s balancing politics and Qianlong’s reforming moral. On the one hand, King Yeongjo can’t tolerate history books’ hurt to “historical kingship” and “realitic power”, also can’t allow reading and spreading history books’ threat to political order and cultural order. He needed to take advantage of this “event” to spread the frightening atmosphere to the government and society to ease his political anxiety in old age. On the other hand, for this history book, both Emperor Qianlong and King Yeongjo essentially sought a kind of “doctrine of the monarch and his subjects” and the loyalty spirit to help to consolidate the order of the monarchy. It embodied the common appeal and power interaction in the political ethics level between China and Korea in the 18th century.


Zhang Wei and Han Binna

Abstract:From the end of the 7th century to the beginning of the 8th century, the construction process of Fujiwara-kyo and Heijokyo, has completed the dual transformation from the dual capital system to the single capital system, and from the central palace to the North palace. Based on the comprehensive historical data of Japan and Tang Dynasty and the archaeological excavation results in recent years, this paper re-examines the specific relationship between the capital form changes of Fujiwara-kyo and Heijokyo, the political system of the law country and the information acquisition after the previous Japanese envoys sent to Tang Dynasty, in order to be beneficial to understand the evolution characteristics of Japanese capital system under the background of East Asian international order in the same period.


Zhang Xiaolong

Two juxtaposed patterns of observation, namely,“topsy-turvydom” and “mirror image” patterns, were brought forth by English visitors to Japan in 19th century. Both patterns started from the special Japanese ecological features and worked together for the construction of a positive national image of Japan. The “topsy-turvydom” pattern focused on the cultural differences between Japan and Western countries, thus creating an image of pre-modern “lotus land”, while the “mirror image” pattern magnified the similarity between elements of Japanese and Western civilizations, even labeling Japan as “Britain of the East”. Japanese self-construction of national image was also greatly shaped by and benefited from the two-fold patterns during the second half of 19th century. However, the expansion of modern civilization in Japan gradually undermined the ecological basis of two-fold patterns and undermined Japanese national image. The post-war reconstruction of Japanese national image, to some extent, is the effort of recovering two-fold patterns, which is best represented by the implications of national image construction in Umesao Tadao’s “historical view of civilization from the view of ecology”. Japan successfully met the standard of Western evaluation by maintaining its cultural character while constructing the homogeneity of Japanese and Western civilizations.


Wang Chunyun and Chen Xiuwu

In 1928, taking the March 15th Incident as an opportunity, the Japanese government strengthened the suppression system of the Community Party by forcing to modify thePeacePreservationLaw, expanding the Special Higher Police, and creating the Ideological Prosecution system. Under the new peace system, the Mikado-led Government brutally suppressed the Communist Party and its peripheral groups frequently, and attempted to eradicate the Communist Party and the communist movement by means of violence. However, since 1931, the judiciary has gradually adjusted the policy to the Communist Party, established the system of PunishmentRetention, and applied ideological education and political guidance to those who were expected or likely to achieve conversion which gave birth to the Tenko system. Under the brutal violent suppression and artful political guidance, the communist movement of Japan stepped into the era of Tenko, which accelerated the process of Japan’s conversion to fascism.


Jiang Jiayu


Mi Rui

Pythian Games, a quadrennial Pan-Hellenic Games with Secondary importance to Olympic Games plays a vital role in ancient Greek history. It initiated in the beginning of the sixth century BCE and lasted until late fourth century CE, with a duration for roughly one thousand year. Among its history, music remained the hallmark of the Pythian Games throughout their history, together with athletic events and further musical contests to the program. However, no matter the first poleis, or the Delphic Amphictyony, let alone the rulers of Roman Empire, strives to exert their influence on it for their respective political ambition on the verystephaniticfestival. Therefore, the end of Pythian Games if definitely within the expectation.


Jiao Hanfeng

Since the 3rd century AD, the construction of pagan temples in the Roman Empire has stagnated, the scale of new temples has shrunk greatly, and the sacrificial rituals of pagan religions have also undergone a process of decline, so the decline of temple may also be due to changes in the ritual. The two seem to be related. The internal evolution of paganism itself determines the destiny of the temple to a certain extent. Therefore, in addition to the strength of Christianity, the decline of paganism is also the result of its own evolution.


Chu Qingdong

The explosion of bastardy made the problem of poverty from bad to worse, and was a great threat to social order and public morality in late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. Therefore the state paid special attention to illegitimate children and their parents. The government issued acts to regulate bastardy, and empowered justices of the peace to solve the problem of bastardy. Justices of the peace made use of fines, whipping and house of correction to punish parents of illegitimate children, and required the parents to pay fees for bringing them up.As the State’s servants and local governors, justices of the peace was supervised by central government and cooperated by parish officials and common people to regulate bastardy. Because bastardy was illegal according to Christian laws, the church and state made an alliance against bastardy. As a result, there was a great decline in bastardy around the middle of the seventeenth century. The solution of bastardy problem is helpful to tackle poverty and social disorders, which provides safeguard for social transition of England.


Yu Xinxiao

In the second half of the 9th century, Hungarians living in the steppe of the Inner Asia migrated to the plains of the Eastern Europe, which brought a huge strike on the Western European society. The earliest records about the Hungarians by the Western Europeans were mainly found in the Frankish sourcesTheAnnalsofSt-BertinandTheAnnalsofFulda, which representatively reflected the Western Europeans’ initial recognition and the position of “Foreigner” about the Hungarians. This kind of cognition has profoundly affected the development of the relationship between the Western Europe and the Hungary since the Middle Ages in Europe, and finally prompted the “Christian Shield” Hungary to become the dividing line between the West Civilization and the Oriental civilizations.


Li Lianguang

In the nearly 100 years from its independence to the 1910 Revolution, Mexican successive governments adopted policies of introducing immigration. There are great differences at different times in the reasons and goals of Mexican introduction of immigration and tendency of migration’s source. From independence to the end of the war between America and Mexico, in the difficult and complex situation at home and abroad, facing the uncontrollable tide of American immigrants entering the northern border of Mexico, the Mexican government inherited the immigration measures during the Spanish colonial rule and promulgated the “Colonization Law” to settle the immigrants, but eventually led to the rebellion in Texas and the loss of territory. From America-Mexico war over to Diza came to power in 1877, influenced by the great success of the importation of European immigrants into the United States, and to ameliorate and optimize racial conditions; In addition to the domestic population declining, slow growth and other factors, the Mexican government encouraged the introduction of European immigrants, but brought little effect. The third introduction of immigration occurred after Diza coming to power until 1910 revolution, in order to promote the development of national economy, coupled with the rise and spread of “scientific racism”under positivism, the Dias administration had taken multiple introduction immigration policios, attracting foreign technicians and labor force, which did not receive the expected results. On the whole, compared with other Latin American countries in the same period, Mexico had introduced immigrants on a small scale and failed to achieve the expected purpose to a large extent, which can not be called a successful immigration measure. However, Chinese immigrants have made indelible contributions to the development of the Mexican society.


Sun Shiyao

During 1950s,under the background of Cold War was becoming intensive,the U.S. government set out psychological war on Japanese youth students. The main objective is to cultivate the pro-U.S. tilt of Japanese, led them resist communist in Japan, and change the political trend of Japan for a long run.From Truman Administration to Kennedy Administration, all administration spent a lot in terms of materials and human resources in ideological indoctrination, it didn’t result in good results in the short term, but it had a profound impact on future Japan leaders.


Xie Xiaoxiao

In July 1971, an Australian Labor Party (ALP) delegation with Gough Whitlam as its leader was invited to visit China. While there, Whitlam met with Premier Zhou Enlai and other Chinese leaders, and discussed issues concerning bilateral relations and trade. This visit of the ALP delegation laid the foundation for the establishment of the formal diplomatic relations between Australia and China a year later. The trade and people-to-people exchanges that had continued over the years between Australia and China was one of the important conditions that secured its success. By revealing the earlier encounters with China experienced by Mick Young and Ross Terrill,both of whom played a significant role in the same ALP delegation’s visit to China, the ALP to navigate its route to China, this article shows the importance of the people-to-people exchanges between the two countries during the prior-recognition era, which pave the way for the eventual normalization of the Australia-China relations in 1972.


Li Guoqiang

For a long time, the status of women in Saudi Arabia has been widely criticized, which is manifested in the lack of rights at the family level and the bondage of personal freedom at the social level. In recent years, women’s situation has been greatly improved, which is reflected in the increase of women’s rights and the weakening of social constraints on them. The improvement women’s situation is the result of many factors, among which women’s own efforts is the fundamental reason, the promotion of the Saudi government is the main reason, and the transformation of the social concept is the necessary condition. At present, the Saudi society is in a crucial period of transformation, and the Saudi government will pay more attention to women’s role in order to deepen the social and economic reform, thus women’s rights liberation will get an unprecedented opportunity.

