(1.北京航空航天大学 a.能源与动力工程学院 b.航空发动机结构强度北京市重点实验室 c.航空发动机研究院,北京 100191;2.中小型航空发动机联合研究中心,北京 100191)
实现喷丸强化后DD6单晶合金低周疲劳寿命的准确预测。开展了喷丸强化后DD6圆棒件低周疲劳试验,分析了喷丸强化对单晶合金疲劳寿命的影响机理。在此基础上,建立了各向异性材料喷丸强化工艺有限元模型,获取了喷丸强化所致残余应力分布与粗糙度。基于连续介质损伤力学,考虑残余应力与粗糙度对低周疲劳寿命的影响,建立了喷丸强化DD6单晶合金低周疲劳寿命预测模型。喷丸强化后不同载荷下DD6单晶合金的低周疲劳寿命均得到提高,最大可提高108%;高温环境下残余应力松弛导致强化效果与试验温度成反比。喷丸强化工艺有限元模拟得到残余应力分布在试件表面深约130 μm的区域,表层残余应力为–380.16 MPa,应力集中系数为1.193,残余应力影响下的八面体Schmid应力幅值降低了10%左右。DD6低周疲劳试验结果在预测结果的2倍分散带以内。喷丸强化可以有效提高DD6低周疲劳寿命,对低周疲劳寿命的影响机制为残余应力的引入与粗糙度的改变。所建立的喷丸强化单晶合金DD6低周疲劳寿命预测模型具有较好的准确性。
1 试验
1.1 材料与试验件
本文所研究的材料是国产第二代镍基单晶高温合金DD6,生长方向为[001],该材料的热处理过程为:1 290 ℃× 1 h + 1 300 ℃ × 2 h + 1 315 ℃ × 4 h/空冷+ 1 120 ℃ × 4 h/空冷+ 870 ℃ × 32 h/空冷。[001]取向力学性能如表1所示。试验件为主轴方向与[001]取向偏差在10°以内的圆棒,考核截面直径为6 mm,如图1所示。
表1 镍基单晶高温合金DD6[001]取向的力学性能[15]
Tab.1 [001] oriented mechanical properties of nick-based single crystal superalloy DD6[15]
图1 DD6单晶合金试验件尺寸
1.2 喷丸工艺与检测方法
在常温下,使用气动喷丸机对图1所示试验件的考核段表面进行喷丸处理,工艺参数包括:喷丸机气压为0.3 MPa,Z300陶瓷丸的直径为0.3 mm,喷丸强度利用A型阿门试片采用弧高测量法测得,为0.2~0.25 mmA,表面覆盖率为200%。
1.3 低周疲劳试验
参照标准ASTM–E466–07[16],对喷丸强化后的DD6单晶合金试验件开展760、980 ℃ 2种温度下的低周疲劳试验,应变控制(应变比= –1),每种温度下设置1.2%、1.0%、0.8% 3种应变,频率为1.0 Hz。与未强化处理的DD6单晶合金低周疲劳寿命试验数据对比如表3所示。表中疲劳寿命增益系数(LIP)定义为同样的试验条件下,表面强化试样的疲劳寿命增加幅值与未表面强化试样的疲劳寿命之比[7],如公式(1)所示。可以发现,经过喷丸强化后,不同载荷下DD6单晶合金的低周疲劳寿命均得到提高,最大可提高108%;且寿命增益程度与试验温度成反比,这主要归因于高温环境下喷丸残余应力的松弛行为更显著。
表2 DD6单晶合金喷丸前后表面粗糙度
Tab.2 Surface roughness of DD6 single crystal superalloy before and after shot peening μm
图2 DD6单晶合金表层微观组织
表3 低周疲劳试验结果
Tab.3 Experiment result of low cycle fatigue
图3 喷丸强化DD6单晶合金的低周疲劳裂纹萌生位置
2 低周疲劳寿命预测
2.1 喷丸强化有限元模拟
为了量化喷丸强化后的残余应力和表面粗糙度,利用Abaqus/Explicit对DD6单晶合金喷丸过程进行有限元仿真模拟。靶材模型为20 mm×20 mm×5 mm的长方体,被划分成为3个区域:过渡区域(Region 1)、影响区域(Region 2)和评估区域(Region 3),如图4所示。区域1采用梯形网格,同时在边界上设置一致的节点编号,以实现六面体网格划分;区域2和区域3网格大小加密,以确保表面完整性参数结果的准确性。弹丸与靶材之间的法向接触属性定义为硬接触,切向接触属性定义为摩擦因数=0.3的罚函数。弹丸被设置成刚体,采用陶瓷材料,密度为3 800 kg/m3,弹性模量为350 GPa。弹丸模型为半球形,同时将弹丸材料的密度提高2倍,从而减少模型总体网格数量,提高计算效率。弹丸数量根据真实喷丸工艺覆盖率确定,具体方法参考文献[19]。喷丸强化工艺三维有限元模型如图5所示。
图4 靶材区域划分
图5 DD6单晶合金喷丸有限元模型(仅显示部分弹丸)
式中:、、、、、为与材料晶体取向相关的参数。单晶合金沿[001]、[011]和[111] 3种取向具有相同的屈服特性,由对称性可知===1、==,于是公式(2)变为:
经查阅材料手册[15]可知,DD6单晶合金常温下[001]取向屈服应力[001]为930 MPa,[010]取向屈服应力[010]为865 MPa,[111]取向屈服应力[111]为1 180 MPa。本文根据DD6单晶3种取向的屈服应力求解得到材料参数1和2,对其取平均值作为屈服准则中参数、、的输入,如表4所示。
表4 DD6单晶合金Hill各向异性屈服准则相关参数
Tab.4 Parameters of Hill anisotropic yield criterion for DD6 single crystal superalloy
DD6单晶合金喷丸后残余应力模拟结果如图6所示。喷丸强化产生的残余压应力位于受喷靶材的表面及亚表面,由于受喷表面不均匀的弹塑性变形,局部区域产生残余拉应力。残余应力层的定义为从试件表面到残余应力减小为0的区域,由沿试件深度方向的残余应力(如图6b所示)分布可知,残余应力层达130 μm,表层残余应力为–380.16 MPa,最大残余压应力位于深度41.9 μm处,达–780.46 MPa。
参式中:Rm是表面峰谷值的平均值,Sm为凹凸的平均间隔。根据靶材表层Z向位移分布,得到Rm= 0.004 3 mm,Sm=0.046 9 mm,Kt=1.193。
图7 DD6单晶合金喷丸后表面形貌模拟结果
2.2 基于损伤演化的低周疲劳寿命预测模型
文献[15,17-18]中给出了[001]取向镍基单晶高温合金DD6在760 ℃和980 ℃下的应变控制低周疲劳试验寿命和循环应力响应。通过拟合应变控制低周疲劳试验寿命,可以确定760 ℃和980 ℃时描述应变控制下循环相关损伤的材料常数。DD6单晶合金[001]取向的疲劳损伤参数如表5所示,预测结果(图8)与试验数据相比,在2倍分散带内。
表5 不同温度下DD6单晶合金低周疲劳损伤参数
Tab.5 Low cycle fatigue damage parameters for DD6 single crystal superalloy under different temperatures
2.3 考虑喷丸强化的低周疲劳寿命预测
图8 DD6单晶合金低周疲劳寿命预测结果
图9 本征应变法引入的残余应力场
图10 残余应力影响下的八面体Schmid应力幅值分布(760 ℃,Δε=1.2%)
图11 喷丸强化DD6单晶合金低周疲劳寿命预测结果
3 结论
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Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction of DD6 Single Crystal Superalloy by Shot Peening
(1. a. School of Energy and Power Engineering, b. Beijing Key Laboratory of Aero-Engine Structure and Strength, c. Research Institute of Aero-Engine, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; 2. United Research Center of Mid-Small Aero-Engine, Beijing 100191, China)
In order to achieve accurate prediction of low cycle fatigue life of nickel-based single crystal superalloy DD6 after shot peening, low cycle fatigue experiments on DD6 round bar parts after shot peening were carried out, and the mechanism of the effect of shot peening on fatigue life of single crystal superalloy was analyzed. On this basis, a finite element model of the shot peening process for anisotropic materials was established to obtain the residual stress distribution and roughness due to shot peening. Based on the damage mechanics of continuous media, the low cycle fatigue life prediction model of shot peening nickel-based single crystal superalloy DD6 was established considering the influence of residual stress and roughness on the low cycle fatigue life, which was used to predict the low cycle fatigue experiment results. The surface roughness of the specimens increased after shot peening, and the average surface roughness after shot peening was 5.10 times of that before shot peening. The original matrix phase of DD6 single crystal alloy before shot peening was good, and the strengthened phase showed a good cubic structure; however, the boundary of the two phases gradually disappeared after shot peening due to the violent plastic deformation of the specimen surface. The low cycle fatigue life of DD6 single crystal alloy under different loads was improved after shot peening, and the maximum increase was 108%. The residual stress relaxation in the high-temperature environment caused the peening effect to be inversely proportional to the experiment temperature. Due to the effect of residual stress, most of the fatigue cracks initiated on the subsurface of the specimens, while a few initiated at the location of deeper craters on the surface. Considering that the single crystal alloys are anisotropic materials, Hill anisotropic yielding criterion was used to simulate the process of the single crystal superalloy shot peening. The finite element simulation of the shot peening process yielded residual stress distribution in a region 130 μm deep on the surface of the specimen. The surface residual stress was ‒380.16 MPa, and the maximum residual compressive stress was located at the depth of 41.9 μm, reaching ‒780.46 MPa. The stress concentration factor was calculated as 1.193 by equating the uneven craters to semicircular notches. The residual stress introduced by the eigenstrain method in the finite element model was generally the same as the simulation result. The residual stress mainly affected the stress conditions in the surface layer of the specimens, resulting in an about 10% decrease of the surface octahedral Schmid stress amplitude. The DD6 low-cycle fatigue experiment results were within twice of the predicted life. Conclusions indicate that the shot peening can effectively improve the low cycle fatigue life of DD6, and the mechanism of influence on the low cycle fatigue life is the introduction of residual stress and the change of roughness. The finite element model can accurately simulate the single crystal alloy shot peening process. The developed model for predicting the low-cycle fatigue life of shot peening nickel-based single crystal superalloy DD6 has good accuracy.
shot peening; single crystal superalloy; low cycle fatigue; life prediction; residual stress; stress distribution
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51875020, 52022007); the National Science and Technology Major Special Project (J2019-IV-0016-0084)
LI Ming-rui (1999-), Male, Doctoral student, Research focus: strength properties of nickel-based single crystal superalloys.
HU Dian-yin (1980-), Female, Ph. D., Professor, Research focus: structural strength and reliability of aero-engine.
李明睿, 王荣桥, 田腾跃, 等.喷丸强化DD6单晶合金低周疲劳寿命预测[J]. 表面技术, 2022, 51(10): 1-9.
LI Ming-rui, WANG Rong-qiao, TIAN Teng-yue, et al. Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction of DD6 Single Crystal Superalloy by Shot Peening[J]. Surface Technology, 2022, 51(10): 1-9.