(长安大学理学院,陕西西安 710064)
(长安大学理学院,陕西西安 710064)
为提高一维双曲守恒律方程数值求解格式的分辨率和精度,提出了一种基于加权本质非振荡(weighted essentially non-oscillatory,WENO)重构保号的四阶熵稳定格式。该格式主要包含高阶熵守恒通量和数值耗散项,通过在单元交界面处用拉格朗日多项式对熵变量进行有限差分WENO重构,证明了重构前后跳跃值满足保号性,论证了所构造格式的熵稳定性。在数值算例中,将空间半离散格式与四阶Runge-Kutta格式相结合,并将该格式与熵稳定格式进行了比较,结果表明,该格式具有四阶精度、较高的分辨率和鲁棒性,且不产生非物理振荡。
双曲守恒律方程的数值计算在空气动力学、物理学和海洋学等领域[1-3]有重要应用,可构造既能锐利地捕捉激波又可避免数值解在激波等间断区域出现伪振荡的高精度格式,一直广受关注。TADMOR等[4]定义了一类满足离散熵等式且具有二阶精度的熵守恒格式。该格式在光滑区域保持总熵不变,在间断区域需添加适当的数值黏性项,以避免出现伪振荡,即熵稳定格式。ISMAIL等[5]提出了一种既能捕捉激波又能满足熵不等式的熵稳定格式,但该格式仅具有一阶精度。LEFLOCH等[6]用二阶熵守恒通量通过线性组合的方式构造了高阶熵守恒格式。为得到高精度、高分辨率的熵稳定格式,需构造高阶的数值耗散项。FJORDHOLM等[7]提出了一种将高阶熵守恒通量与基于本质非振荡(essentially non-oscillatory,ENO)[8]重构且满足符号性质的耗散相结合的高阶熵稳定格式,然而ENO重构仅从众多模板中选取一个最优模板,浪费了其他模板的信息。加权本质非振荡(weighted essentially non-oscillatory,WENO)[9]重构解决了ENO重构存在的问题,广受学者关注。冯娟娟等[10]用WENO-Z+重构的熵稳定格式求解交通流模型。郑素佩等[11]提出,在单元交界面对守恒变量进行三阶WENO-Z 重构。这些重构均基于经典的WENO重构,而SHU[12]的有限差分WENO重构更为灵活。基于有限差分WENO重构,FJORDHOLM等[13]提出了一种三阶信号保持加权本质非振荡(sign preserving weighted essentially non-oscillatory,SP-WENO)重构方法,使权重满足保号性。BISWAS等[14]提出了基于三阶WENO和总变异递减(total variation diminishing,TVD)[15]重构的低耗散熵稳定格式。遗憾的是,这些格式的精度和分辨率均较低。
1 数值通量
1.1 熵守恒通量
1.2 熵稳定通量
1.3 高阶熵稳定通量
2 保号WENO重构的四阶熵稳定格式
2.1 WENO重构的保号性
2.2 四阶熵稳定格式
3 数值算例
3.1 标量方程数值算例
算例1 线性对流方程
表1 算例1的数值结果Table1 Numerical results of example 1
算例2 无黏Burgers方程
3.2 浅水波方程组数值算例
算例3 大型溃坝问题
图1 算例2的数值结果Fig. 1 Numerical results of example 2
图2 算例3的数值结果Fig.2 Numerical results of example 3
3.3 欧拉方程组数值算例
算例4 Sod激波管问题
图3 算例4的数值结果Fig.3 Numerical results of example 4
算例5 Lax激波管问题
图4 算例5的数值结果Fig. 4 Numerical results of example 5
算例6 Shu-Osher问题
图5 算例6的数值结果Fig. 5 Numerical results of example 6
算例7 低密度流问题
图6 算例7的数值结果Fig.6 Numerical results of example 7
4 结语
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The fourth order entropy stable scheme based on sign-preserving WENO reconstruction
ZHENG Supei, ZHAO Qingyu, FENG Jianhu
(School of Science,Changapos;an University,Xiapos;an710064,China)
In order to effectively improve the resolution and accuracy of the numerical scheme for solving one dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws, a fourth order entropy stable scheme based on sign-preserving WENO reconstruction is proposed. The scheme mainly contains high order entropy conservation flux and numerical dissipation term, where the dissipation operator is reconstructed by finite difference WENO using Lagrange polynomials on the entropy variable at the cell interface, which proves that the jump on the reconstructed values and the original values satisfy sign-preserving property at the discontinuous position, and the newly constructed scheme is entropy stable. Finally, in several numerical experiments, we combined the spatial semi-discrete scheme with the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to advance in the time direction, and compared the constructed scheme with the entropy stable scheme, the results demonstrate that the scheme has fourth order accuracy, high resolution and the robust numerical performance, and there is no physical oscillation.
hyperbolic conservation laws; WENO reconstruction; sign-preserving; fourth order; entropy stable
O 241.82;O 354