【摘 要】目的:分析在新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征中预防性护理的效果观察以及并发症发生率。方法:随机选取2021年3月至12月我院70例新生儿作为研究对象,根据护理方式的不同将其分为对照组及试验组,其中对照组35例新生儿采用常规护理的方式,试验组35例新生儿采用预防性护理的方式,对比两组新生儿的应用效果进行对比。结果:对比两组新生儿出现呼吸窘迫综合征的情况发现,对照组中呼吸窘迫综合征出现9例,发生率为25.71%;试验组中呼吸窘迫综合征出现2例,发生率为5.71%,试验组出现呼吸窘迫综合征的概率明显低于对照组,差異明显(P<0.05);对比两组新生儿的血气指标发现,对照组的SaO2、PaO2以及PaO2/FiO2这三项指标分别为(91.35±1.45)、(82.43±2.83)、(248.71±5.16);试验组的以上三项指标分别为(95.77±1.31)、(90.15±2.67)、(261.69±7.75);对比发现,试验组的以上三项指标均优于对照组,差异明显(P<0.05);而对照组以及试验组的PaCO2分别为(39.16±2.33)以及(39.05±2.31),对比发现,其差异不明显(P>0.05);对比两组新生儿发生呼吸道感染的情况发现,对照组中出现7例,呼吸道感染率为20%;试验组中出现1例,呼吸道感染率为2.85%,试验组的呼吸道感染概率明显低于对照组,差异明显(P<0.05)。结论:在新生儿护理中采用预防性护理的方式能够有效的降低患者出现呼吸窘迫综合征的概率,保障新生儿的生命健康,具有较高的临床应用价值。
Effect of preventive nursing on neonatal respiratory distress syndrome and analysis of complication rate
LIU Ting
The third people’s Hospital of Changsha, Changsha, Hunan 410035, China
【Abstract】Objective:To analyze the effect of preventive nursing in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome and the incidence of complications. Methods:70 newborns in our hospital from March 2021 to December 2021 were randomly selected as the research object. They were divided into control group and experimental group according to different nursing methods. 35 newborns in the control group were treated with routine nursing and 35 newborns in the experimental group were treated with preventive nursing. The application effects of the two groups were compared.Results:respiratory distress syndrome was found in 9 cases in the control group, with an incidence of 25.71%; There were 2 cases of respiratory distress syndrome in the experimental group, with an incidence of 5.71%. The incidence of respiratory distress syndrome in the experimental group was significantly lower than that in the control group(P<0.05); Comparing the blood gas indexes of newborns in the two groups, it was found that the three indexes of SaO2, PaO2 and PaO2 / FiO2 in the control group were (91.35±1.45),(82.43±2.83),(248.71±5.16)respectively; The above three indexes of the experimental group were (95.77±1.31),(90.15±2.67), (261.69±7.75) respectively; It was found that the above three indexes in the experimental group were better than those in the control group(P<0.05); The PaCO2 of the control group and the experimental group were (39.16±2.33) and (39.05±2.31) respectively. It was found that there was no significant difference(P>0.05);Comparing the incidence of respiratory tract infection between the two groups, it was found that there were 7 cases in the control group, and the respiratory tract infection rate was 20%; There was 1 case in the experimental group, and the respiratory tract infection rate was 2.85%. The respiratory tract infection rate in the experimental group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion:preventive nursing in neonatal nursing can effectively reduce the probability of respiratory distress syndrome, ensure the life and health of newborns, and has high clinical application value.
【Key Words】Preventive nursing; Newborn; Respiratory distress syndrome; Effect observation; Complication probability
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
1.2.1 对照组:采用常规护理的方式。
1.2.2 试验组:采用预防性护理的方式,其具体内容如下:儿科科室的临床护理人员需要根据自身的工作经验,对新生儿容易出现呼吸窘迫综合征等情况进行分析,在对新生儿开展护理工作的过程中,于产妇围手术期间以及新生儿出生后,对新生儿均采用短暂的雾化吸入,同时应用相关的预防性药物[2]。采用的预防性药物主要选取盐酸氨溴索进行预防,对于药物的剂量配置如下,1.0mg的盐酸氨溴索和500 mL含量为0.9%的氯化钠溶液。药物一天一次,持续用药3d。在对新生儿进行常规护理的过程中,需要对室内的温度以及湿度进行调节,调整至新生儿感到舒适的程度,防止出现新生儿出现其他并发症[3]。
1.3 评价标准
①对两组新生儿出现呼吸窘迫综合征的情况进行统计分析。②对两组新生儿的血气指标进行对比分析,其中血气指标包含四个方面,分别为括 SaO2、PaO2、PaCO2、PaO2/FiO2。③对比两组新生儿呼吸道感染情况,就两组新生儿住院期间的呼吸道发生情况进行统计分析[4]。
2.1 两组新生儿出现呼吸窘迫综合征的情况对比
2.2 两组新生儿血气指标对比
2.3 两组新生儿发生呼吸道感染情况对比
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[3] 宁岩.地塞米松预防晚期早产儿及足月儿呼吸窘迫综合征的疗效观察[J].吉林大学,2013,4(20):13-15.
[4] 高羽,谭丽君.产前应用糖皮质激素预防新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的研究进展[J].实用妇产科杂志.2000.9(11):291-292.