Festivals for honoring the deceased from across the world
Qing Ming
Qingming is popularly associated with Jie Zidui in theSpring and Autumn Period, who saved his starving lord' slife by serving meat cut from his own leg. The lord, knownas Jinwengong, was later able to take power and decided toreward Jie but he declined. Jinwengong tried to force Jieout of a forest by fire but instead burned him to death andfelt deep regret. He ordered all his people to ban the use offire and eat cold food that day to mark Jie ' s death. It is theorigin of the Cold Food Festival, which starts one or twodays before Qing Ming and later merges with Qingming.Qingming Festival then became an important holiday froman originally simple farming day.
Orchid Basin Festival
Falling on July 15th according to the lunar calendar,Orchid Basin Festival is one of the big events in Japan allpeople observe. Japan usually gives people 3 days off to goback to their hometowns to pay respect to their ancestors. Itis said that the ancestors' spirits will return home, and soeach household put fire basins outside at the gate and hanglanterns for the spirits to find their way back.
Diwali-Festival of Lights
Diwali or Deepavali, the festival of "rows of lights", isone of the most important of all Hindu festivals. Peopleplace candles on the stairs, hallway and balcony at homewhen night falls that day to pay respect to the deceased andpray for the family. Lighting lamps and candles during thefestival is also considered auspicious by bringing light,knowledge and etemal life from darkness, ignorance anddeath.
All Soul' s Day
All Soul' s Day, also called the "Day of the Dead" usu-ally occurs on November 2, when families fondly remem-ber the deceased by praying before an altar. It ' s also a timemarked by festivities, including parades of skeletons. In one
万灵节是墨西哥的传统节日之一,又称扫墓节,定在每年II月2日。人们在家里摆祭坛,供上祭品,悼念死去的亲人。气氛浓厚的节日传统还包括化妆骷髅的盛大游行,以及把活人放进棺材里的notable tradition, revelers lead a mock funeral processionwith a live person inside a coffin.
Day of the dead
Poland and most of the Catholic world have celebratedthe festival on Nov I for many centuries. Also known as AllSaints Day, it ' s a national holiday when people all over Po-land visit the graves of loved ones and to place candles andflowers at tombstones. The candles, which can burn forhours, are placed to help the departed souls find the wayhome.
Memorial Day in US
Memorial Day is a US national holiday observed onthe last Monday of May. It commemorates those who diedwhile in military service to their country. Soldiers m serviceand veterans go to cemeteries to pay respect to their deadpeers by firing guns and blowing trumpets. First enacted tohonor American soldiers and casualties in the civil war, thetwo World Wars and other military actions, it later evolvedas a popular civil festival for each family to commemoratethe passing of their loved ones.“假面葬礼”。