薛彦卓 李明伟 耿敬 李敬花 欧阳卫平
摘 要:随着中国教育进入新时代,全国教育大会的召开给我国本科教育工作提出了新的要求,兴海强国战略的制定更是给船舶与海洋工程专业的建设提出了新的挑战与机遇。为此,文章在分析了“双一流”建设内涵的基础上,首先联系哈尔滨工程大学船舶与海洋工程专业建设基础,分析了船舶与海洋工程专业存在的不足,然后针对存在的不足,提出了在“双一流”建设背景下船舶与海海洋工程专业建设思路。以期进一步推进我校船舶与海洋工程专业“双一流”建设,促进新时代船舶与海洋工程专业内涵式发展,同时为我国其他兄弟院校船舶与海洋工程专业建设提供借鉴。
中图分类号:G640 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2021)21-0011-04
Abstract: As China's education enters a new era, the convening of the National Education Conference has put forward new requirements for China's undergraduate education work, and the formulation of the strategy of developing the sea and strengthening the country has put forward new challenges and opportunities for the construction of marine and offshore engineering majors. To this end, on the basis of analyzing the connotation of the "double first-class" construction, this paper contacted the foundation of the construction of Harbin Engineering University's Ship and Ocean Engineering major, analyzed the existing deficiencies of the major, and then put forward a proposal of constructing the Ship and Ocean Engineering major under the background of the "double first-class". The aim of the study is to further promote the "double first-class" construction of our university's ship and ocean engineering major, promote the connotative development of Ship and Ocean Engineering major in the new era, and at the same time provide reference for the construction of Ship and Ocean Engineering major in other fraternal colleges and universities in China.
Keywords: "double first-class"; Ship and Ocean Engineering major; First-class professional construction; professional connotative development; construction strategy
十九大报告强调指出高校教育要以立德树人为根本任务,以培养社会主义事业接班人为核心目标,推进建设一流大学和一流学科,全面促进高校教育趋向内涵式发展。2018年9月17日,全国教育大会胜利召开,教育部成都会议发布了《关于加快建设高水平本科教育 全面提高人才培养能力的意见》,意见提出:要实施一流专业建设“双万计划”。专业是全面建设高水平本科教育、培养一流人才的“四梁八柱”[1]。“双一流”建设正式拉开了我国高等学校全面振兴本科教育的序幕,这对高校来说既是百年难遇的发展机遇又是需要多方面对的巨大挑战[2]。2019年,是我国成立70周年,经过了几十年的发展,中国的高等教育目前正处在由规模扩张式的外延式发展向以质量提升为核心的内涵式发展过渡期。从逻辑上来看,中国教育发展目前是由最初的规模和数量扩张向特色和质量的内涵转变。