

考试与评价·七年级版 2021年4期



【赛题重现】 20


【赛题重现】 2020年全国中学生英语能力测评(NEPTS)初评初一年级组试题

VIII. IQ Test (智力测试) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

Please answer the following questions. 请回答下列问题。

101. —Tommys dream is to be a doctor like his father.

—Really? Like father, like son.

Whats the Chinese meaning of “Like father, like son”?

102. There are six English letters and a question mark. The English letters are: A, C, F, H, K and M. Now find the rule (規律) according to the order, and then think out what the next letter is.

103. Prairie Dawn is a book seller. She works from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm each day. She eats her lunch from 12:00 to 1:00. How many hours does she work each day?

104. Simon always goes to school by bus. He often looks out of the bus window on his left, and he sees four ice cream shops. In the evening, on his way home, he sees four ice cream shops on his right. How many ice cream shops are there?

105. Write down the five letters that appear (出现) only once. Then rearrange(重新排列) them to complete the sentence.


101. 有其父 / 必有其子。

102. P.(此题为逻辑推理题,注意观察所给字母可知:A与C间隔一个字母;C与F间隔两个字母;F与H间隔一个字母;H与K间隔两个字母;K与M间隔一个字母。根据以上规律可判断,问号处的字母应该与M间隔两个字母,即P。)

103. Seven hours. / 7 hours.(这是一道数学运算题,通过读题和观察图片可知,Prairie Dawn每天的工作时间应该排除午饭的一小时。因此,她上午的工作时间为9点钟到12点钟,计3个小时;下午的工作时间为1点钟到5点钟,计4个小时,所以一天的工作时间为7个小时。)

104. 4 / Four.(Simon乘车上学和回家路上看到的是同一侧的冰激凌店。)

105. hurts.(所给字母中,从左到右只出现过一次的分别为:T, H, R, S, U, 将其重新排列顺序,所得单词为:hurts。)

【技巧点拨】 智力测试题是全国中学生英语能力测评的特色题目,它灵活、有趣,图文并茂,既可以考查考生的英语语言理解能力,又可以考查考生的思维推理和逻辑运算能力。因此,多年来,该题型一直深受考生们的好评。考生在复习备考时,可选用今年新版的《英语奥林匹克》丛书,多做做智力测试专项练习,为参评热身。


【赛题重现】 2020年全国中学生英语能力测评(NEPTS)初评初一年级组试题

IX. Writing (写作) (共2小题;A题满分10分,B题满分15分,计25分)

(A) 气球与蛋糕,心愿和祝福,一个美妙的生日派对无疑是孩子们成长过程中最幸福的瞬间了。假如你是Jill, 你的生日即将到来,本周六你将举办一次生日派对,请根据以下提示,给你的好朋友们群发一份邀请,请他们来参加你的派对,分享你的快乐吧!

Date: 12 November

Place: The  Concert



1. 条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范;2. 可适当发挥想象;3. 40词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。



Please come to my birthday party on Saturday, 12 November at the Concert Cafe. It starts at 5:00 pm. We have much delicious food and many drinks, such as pizza, fruits, cakes, and juice. Well have a big dinner, and then we can sing and dance ... Well have a lot of fun at the party. Im waiting for your coming!



(60 words)

【技巧点拨】 NEPTS中的写作题目通常包括(A)和(B)两篇。其中(A)篇为限制性作文,题目通常会给出图画或表格,让考生根据其内容进行续写或介绍。(B)篇通常为开放式作文,题目给出一定条件或情景,要求考生据此进行发挥,写一篇60词左右的作文。该题通常结合时事或学生日常生活,让大家觉得有话可说,而且留给考生的创作空间很大,让考生可以自由抒发自己的创意和情感。对于开放式作文,我们建议同学们平时多读优秀习作,多练笔,常用英语去表达自己的所思所感。

【编者按】 测评解析的系列稿件到本期就结束了,由于篇幅有限,我们只选取了测评初一年级组初赛的部分题型进行解析,如果同学们感兴趣,并且打算参加今年的测评,欢迎大家订购新版《英语奥林匹克》和《全国中学生英语能力竞赛真题及解析》,了解更多详细的试题信息。


VI. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解) (共15小题;81—85题每小题1分,86—95题每小题2分,计25分)

Please read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. Respond to the questions according to the instructions given at the end of each passage. 请阅读下面的篇章,每篇篇章后设有若干问题,根据篇章后的要求回答问题。


[Wednesdays (April 30th) after-school book club is cancelled (被取消).

The book club will now meet on Saturday. It starts at 3:30 pm and lasts for one and a half hours.

If you cant come on Saturday, see Mr Smith in his office or email Mrs Williamson at

The book club will meet next week on Wednesday as usual.

Thank you.][From: Sandy

To: Mike

Do you see the notice about the book club? My teacher says that Mrs Williamson is ill. My mum works late this Saturday and cant pick me up. Can your mum give me a ride home?

If you have any questions, see Mr Smith in his office. His office number is 102B. Or you can email Mrs Williamson at See you tomorrow at school. ]

Questions 86—90: Please fill in the blanks with suitable words according to the information above, using not more than three words for each blank. 请根据上面的信息用适当的词语填空,每空不超过三个单词。

[Notes for Mike

After-school Book Club

Day changed to: 86. _____

Time: 3:30 pm to 87. _____

Reason why it is cancelled: Mrs Williamson 88. ____

Date Sandys mum works on: 89. _____

Room number of Mr Smiths office: 90. _____]

【答案】 86. Saturday 87. 5:00 pm 88. is ill 89. May 3rd / May 3 90. (Its) 102B

【技巧点拨】 解答此类阅读题应该从问题入手,带着问题有目的性地精读文章,从而高效精准地解答问题。

