Unit 7词语训练场


考试与评价·七年级版 2021年4期


I. 根據汉语或首字母提示填写单词,完成句子。

1. Its ____ (阴天) today.

2. My grandparents walk in the ____ (公园).

3. Can you give the book to ____ (他)?

4. Its very hot here in ____ (夏天).

5. I like drinking ____ (果汁).

6. —Its s____ today. Lets go to the zoo.

—Sounds great.

7. Could you tell her to c____ me back?

8. We are having a great time s____ in the pool.

9. Im very happy to s____ them soon.

10. Look! It is s____ right now. Everything is white.

II. 翻译句子。

1. 吉娜,你的假期怎么样?

Gina, ____ ____ your vacation ____?

2. 汤姆正在他朋友家里学习。

Tom ____ ____ at his ____ home.

3. 现在北京的天气怎么样?

____ ____ the weather ____ in Beijing now?

4. 这儿夏天很凉爽,不是吗?

Its very cool in summer here, ____ ____?

5. 你能让萨莉给我拨打687—8968这个电话吗?

____ you ask Sally ____ ____ me ____ 687-8968?

III. 选择填空。

1. —____ is the weather?

—Its raining.

A. What                   B. When               C.  Who                  D. How

2. Please put on some warm clothes. Its too ____ outside.

A. cold                    B. hot                 C. sunny                  D. dry

3. —Where is Jane?

—She ____ on the river now.

A. skate                   B. skates              C. is skating               D. skating

4. Its winter now, ____ its quite warm.

A. so                     B. and                 C. but                     D. then

5. Its ____ today. Lets go to fly a kite.

A. snowy                 B. hot                 C. cloudy                  D. windy

6. —What ____ fine weather it is!

—Yes! Children are having ____ great time in the park.

A. a; the                  B. an; a               C. the; the                D. /; a

7. Mike, it ____ outside. Lets go out and make a snowman.

A. rains                    B. is raining    C. snows                  D. is snowing

8. —Hows it going?


A. Good luck.              B. Thank you.       C. Not bad.                D. Thats right.

9. My car doesnt ____ these days, so I have to take the bus to work.

A. work                    B. follow             C. study                   D. clean

10. All parents hope that their children study ____ at school.

A. again                    B. early              C. hard                    D. soon

