

装备环境工程 2021年4期




(陆军军事交通学院 a. 军用车辆工程系 b. 学员五大队研究生队,天津 300161)



目前,在有机涂层腐蚀研究领域,绝大多数的测量方法都是在工作电极的表面施加某一电压、电流信号,进而测量参比电极和辅助电极上的电流电压信号,通过分析根据这些信号得到的响应函数,来研究电极反应的速率、影响因素和状态机理[1]。在工作电极的表面施加扰动信号以后,或多或少都会影响到腐蚀反应的电位电流信息,因此,腐蚀防护领域一直在寻找一种无损无干扰的直接测量技术。电化学噪声便是这样一种测量方法。电化学噪声(Electrochemical Noise, EN),是指电化学反应进行过程中,反应系统的电化学参量(如电极电位、外测电流等)随时间发生的非平衡态随机波动现象[2]。

为了将电流、电位噪声谱联系起来,Xiao H,Mansfeld F等人定义了谱噪声函数sn()[3],如式(1)所示。


1 试验

1.1 试样

试验所用试样取自现役车辆装备两种涂层,分别为灰色有机涂层和金属漆涂层。基板材料为Q/BQB403/ST14冷轧低碳钢板,规格为60 mm× 60 mm×1 mm。

1.2 加速腐蚀试验及测试流程


1)耐湿热试验,1个周期为168 h。试验条件:相对湿度为95%~100%,温度为43 ℃。

2)耐紫外线试验,1个辐照周期为47.4 h。试验条件:辐照度为(60±10) W/m2,温度为(50±3) ℃。

3)耐中性盐雾试验,1个耐受周期为92.4 h。试验条件:温度为(35±2) ℃,每小时盐雾沉降速率为1~2 mL/80 cm2,NaCl溶液的质量分数为5%。

4)耐酸性盐雾试验,1个耐受周期为75.6 h。试验条件:温度为(35±2) ℃,每小时盐雾沉降速率为1~2 mL/80 cm2,NaCl溶液的质量分数为5%。


图1 涂层多因子综合环境加速腐蚀试验流程

2 结果及分析

2.1 电化学噪声频域分析

图2 灰色有机涂层H谱噪声函数频域谱

图3 两种涂层谱噪声电阻随周期的变化规律

2.2 通过线性拟合PSD图谱评价涂层防护性能

文中利用Hanning窗函数去除直流趋势的电化学噪声信号作快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT),得到电流功率谱密度曲线,如图4所示。Zhang Tao和Li Liu等分别研究了AZ91D镁合金和奥氏体不锈钢的腐蚀行为,利用式(3)对电流噪声进行了研究。


图4 两种涂层各个周期的电流功率谱密度(PSD)曲线


表1 灰色有机涂层和金属漆涂层谱的PSD曲线拟合结果


3 结论


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Research on Protective Performance of Organic Coatings for Military Vehicles Based on PSD Curve

ZHOU Huia, XU An-taoa, FENG Hui-juana, WEI Jun-yib

(a. Military Vehicle Engineering Department, b. Postgraduate Training Brigade, Fifth Team of Cadets, Army Military Transportation University, Tianjin 300161, China)

In order to study the anti-corrosion performance of organic coatings on two military vehicles, this paper takes two kinds of military vehicle's organic coatings as samples to carry out multi-factor comprehensive corrosion test with four environmental factors of damp heat, ultraviolet, neutral salt spray and acid salt spray. The experimental data are processed by electrochemical noise frequency domain analysis, and the anti-corrosion performance of the two coatings are compared and analyzed. After 10 cycles, both coatings are completely destroyed. Among them, the initial state of gray organic coating H is in 9.55×108Ω/cm2, and after 9 cycles, it is reduced by two orders of magnitude to 1.3×106Ω/cm2; the initial state of the metallic paint coating is 1.8×109Ω/cm2, and after 9 cycles, it is reduced by 1 order of magnitude to 3.62×108Ω/cm2. The change trend of curve slopeiis opposite to the noise intensity. When the corrosion rate is fast, the slope becomes smaller and the line is steeper on the image. Conversely, when the corrosion rate is slow, the slope becomes larger and the curve becomes more gentle. Therefore, the protective performance of metallic coating is better than that of gray organic coating.

coating; corrosion; electrochemical noise; PSD



ZHOU Hui (1994—), Male, Master, Assistant, Research focus: vehicle equipment corrosion and protection.


Corresponding author:XU An-tao (1964—), Male, Ph.D., Professor, Research focus: vehicle equipment corrosion and protection.

周慧, 徐安桃, 封会娟,等.基于PSD曲线的军用车辆有机涂层防护性能研究[J]. 装备环境工程, 2021, 18(4): 128-132.




10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2021.04.019




ZHOU Hui, XU An-tao, FENG Hui-juan, et al. Research on protective performance of organic coatings for military vehicles based on PSD curve [J]. Equipment environmental engineering, 2021, 18(4): 128-132.


Co/Pt 改性铝化物涂层热腐蚀行为探究及比较