(农业农村部规划设计研究院农村能源与环保研究所,农业农村部资源循环利用技术与模式重点实验室,北京 100125)
为推进粪污全量贮存和肥料化还田模式在规模化奶牛场的应用,该研究以存栏500头规模奶牛场为例,分析了粪污收集量、贮存工艺与设施和粪肥还田等内容,提出了粪污贮存池设计容积和粪肥还田配套土地面积等参数。结果表明:奶牛粪污全量收集量为17.33 t/d,全量贮存设施分为舍内贮存池和舍外贮存囊2种。单个舍内贮存池尺寸为85 m×12 m×2 m(长×宽×深),粪污存储期9个月,所需贮存池数量为5个,总容积10 200 m3;舍外贮存囊占地尺寸为90 m×30 m(长×宽),深2.2 m,总容积5 615 m3。粪肥全部还田所需土地面积与种植作物类型和种植制度相关,种植作物为小麦、玉米、小麦+玉米和水稻(1年2熟)时,需配套土地分别为248.4、400.6、122.8和127.0 hm2。粪肥还田成本为10.37万元/a,全部还田可节省化肥22.8万元/a,年可产生经济效益12.43万元。
粪;贮存; 奶牛场;还田利用;工艺设计
0 引 言
据统计,2017年中国奶牛存栏量达到1 340.4万头,已成为世界第三大产奶国[1]。随着奶牛养殖规模的逐步增加,奶牛粪污处理和资源化利用也越来越受到关注。目前,奶牛粪污处理常用工艺技术有好氧堆肥、厌氧发酵、兼氧贮存和污水处理等,其中以固液分离后固体粪便进行堆肥、液体粪水经存储一定时间后还田利用工艺应用较为普遍[2-3]。
1 规模化奶牛场粪污的产生与收集
1.1 粪污产生量
表1 规模化奶牛场粪污产生量统计[12-13]
由表1可知,以存栏500头规模奶牛养殖场为例,每天产生粪污总量为17.33 t,则全年产生粪污总量为6 325.5 t。
1.2 粪污收集
粪污全量收集通常采用漏缝地板收集工艺,该方法可随时收集粪污,起到保持牛体和卧床干净的作用。漏缝地板根据材质不同分为水泥漏缝地板、铸铁漏缝地板和塑料漏缝地板等,不同类型的漏缝地板其耐久性、舒适性和投资成本等不同。漏缝地板的缝隙比例过小会影响漏粪效果,太大容易损害牛蹄,奶牛舍漏缝地板缝隙宽设计推荐值为3.5~4.0 cm[14];同时,通过铺设配套的漏缝橡胶垫可起到增加地板柔软性和防滑效果,从而减少肢蹄损伤。与实心地板相比,漏缝地板可减少220 mg/(m2·h)的氨挥发[15],从源头节省了冲洗水的使用,粪污收集量与产生量一致。
2 粪污贮存设施参数设计
2.1 粪污贮存工艺
奶牛场粪污全量贮存是将牛舍内的粪尿通过漏缝地板收集至贮存池,经存储一定时间后进行还田利用。粪污贮存时间与环境温度相关,当环境温度≤5℃时,要求至少存储6个月;当环境温度﹥5℃时,要求至少存储4个月[16]。粪污收集后不需要固液分离,总固体含量(Total Solid,TS)一般为5%~15%。粪污贮存工艺流程如下:
2.2 贮存设施参数计算
图1 粪污全量贮存工艺流程
2.2.1 舍内贮存池
奶牛粪污舍内贮存池设置在养殖圈舍下方,池体面积与牛舍面积相同。研究表明[19-20],不同生长阶段的牛群所需要的牛舍面积不同,每头产奶牛的牛舍占地面积为8~12 m2,育成牛的牛舍占地面积为7~8 m2,犊牛的牛舍占地面积为4~5 m2。牛舍占地面积由牛舍结构和奶牛饲养数量确定,中国北方地区牛舍多采取双列式牛床布置,牛舍长度一般为82~85 m,跨度12 m,每栋约容纳100头成乳牛[21]。
粪污在舍内贮存池所需净高H= 1.2V/(3)
粪污贮存池深度=H +0.5 (4)
以100头成乳牛牛舍为例,牛舍长度取85 m,宽度取12 m,依据公式(1)可得牛舍占地面积为1 020 m2;由1.1可知每头产奶牛每天粪污产生量为46.05 kg(0.046 m3),粪污贮存时间一般要求6~9个月,此设计方案中取最大值270 d,依据公式(2)可得粪污产生总量为1 242 m3;依据公式(3)可得粪污在舍内贮存池所需净高为1.47 m;依据公式(4)可得粪污贮存池深度为1.97 m,取2.0 m。依据公式(5)可得单栋牛舍地下贮存池容积为2 040 m3,存栏500头规模奶牛场需要建设5栋牛舍,粪污贮存池总容积为10 200 m3。
2.2.2 舍外贮存囊
部分奶牛养殖场建厂时未建造舍内地下贮存池,粪污经漏缝地板或刮粪板收集后通过地下粪沟排入暂存池,再由暂存池输送至舍外贮存囊进行存储。舍外贮存囊是一种以高密度聚乙烯防渗膜(High Density Polyethylene,HDPE)为主要材料,以类似氧化塘结构为载体的粪水贮存设施,具有建设成本低、臭气控制好和安装管理方便等特点。舍外贮存囊一般采用矩形,长宽比不小于3∶1,通常以旧河道、池塘、洼地等为基础进行修建,深度不超过6 m[22]。舍外贮存囊实物图见图2。
图2 全量粪污贮存囊
粪污产生总量V= Q··(6)
舍外贮存囊容积lagoon= 1.2V(7)
以存栏500头规模奶牛养殖场为例,依据1.1和公式(6)可得每天产生粪污量为17.33 t,存储时间为270 d,则依据公式(7)可得舍外贮存囊容积为5 615 m3。依据《污水稳定塘设计规范(CJJ/T 54—93)》,给出以下设计参数供参考:承载贮存囊的塘体长取90 m,宽取30 m(长宽比3∶1),塘体深度取2.2 m(坡比2.2∶1),塘体容积为5 676 m3。
3 粪肥还田参数计算
3.1 粪肥养分含量
奶牛场粪肥养分含量因饲喂原材料、粪污收集方式和冲洗污水量等因素影响而不同[23-24],天津市27家奶牛养殖场固液分离后粪水中的总氮和总磷平均质量浓度分别为1.85和0.07 g/L[25],与全量粪肥相比养分含量较低。全量收集奶牛粪肥养分含量见表2。
表2 奶牛场全量粪污主要养分含量
由奶牛粪肥养分含量和收集率计算可知,全量粪肥中总氮含量为4.77 g/kg,总磷含量为0.86 g/kg。
3.2 粪肥还田面积
式中指畜禽粪肥氮(磷)排泄量,kg/(头·d);R指畜禽粪肥氮(磷)养分留存率,%;T指奶牛饲养时间,取值0~365 d。
N,p=N·P·P/R (10)
N= ∑ (P·Q· 10) (11)
式中P指第季种植作物的单位目标产量,t/(hm2·季);Q指第季作物形成100 kg产量吸收的氮(磷),kg。
表3 奶牛场全量粪肥还田配套土地面积计算
注:小麦、玉米和水稻的目标产量为4.5、6.0和6.0 t·hm-2,每形成100 kg产量需氮量为3.0、2.3和2.2 kg,每形成100 kg产量需磷量为1.0、0.3和0.8 kg;施肥供给养分占比取45%;畜禽粪肥养分含量占施肥总量的比例取50%;粪肥氮素当季利用率取25%,粪肥磷素当季利用率取30%[24]。
Note: The target production of wheat, maize and rice is 4.5, 6.0 and 6.0 t·hm-2respectively; The amount of nitrogen demand for each 100 kg yield of wheat, corn and rice is 3.0, 2.3 and 2.2 kg; The amount of phosphorus demand for each 100 kg yield of wheat, corn and rice is 1.0, 0.3 and 0.8 kg; The proportion of nutrients supplied by fertilizer is 45%; The proportion of manure nutrient content to the nutrient of all the fertilizers is 50%; The utilization rate of nitrogen from manure in the current season is 25%; The utilization rate of phosphorus from manure in the current season is 30%.
由表3数据可知,当作物种植类型和种植制度不同时,全量粪肥还田所需要配套的土地面积不同。为防止粪肥过量施用,配套土地面积应取以氮和磷为基准计算结果的较高值。奶牛场全量粪肥还田时,若种植作物为小麦(1年1熟),则需要配套土地248.4 hm2;若种植作物为玉米(1年1熟),则需要配套土地400.6 hm2;若种植作物为小麦和玉米(1年2熟),则需要配套土地122.8 hm2;若种植作物为水稻(1年2熟),则需要配套土地127.0 hm2。
3.3 粪肥施用成本与效益
表4 奶牛场全量粪肥年施用成本
经计算,存栏500头奶牛养殖场每年产生的全量粪肥中氮养分含量可折算尿素量为130 t,磷养分含量可折算过磷酸钙量为8.9 t,若尿素和过磷酸钙价格分别以1 700元/t和800元/t计,则粪肥全部还田可折合节省化肥22.8万元。综上所述,存栏500头奶牛养殖场采用粪污全量贮存与肥料化还田工艺时,每年可产生经济效益12.43万元。
4 结 论
2)常用的粪污全量贮存设施分为舍内贮存池和舍外贮存囊2种,舍内贮存池适用于新建养殖场;舍外贮存囊适用于新建或已建养殖场,养殖场可根据场地面积、投资费用和周边环境等条件选择适宜的设施类型。以存栏500头奶牛场为例,共需5个舍内贮存池,建设总容积为10 200 m3,而舍外贮存囊所需总容积为5 615 m3。
3)粪肥还田土地面积与粪肥中氮(磷)养分含量、土壤养分背景值、种植作物类型和种植制度等因素相关。存栏500头奶牛场粪肥全部还田,每年种植作物分别为小麦、玉米、小麦和玉米、水稻(1年2熟)时,需配套相应的土地面积为248.4、400.6、122.8 和127.0 hm2。粪肥还田成本为10.37万元/a,全部还田可节省化肥22.8万元/a,年可产生经济效益12.43万元。
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Technological design of slurry manure storage and returning to farmland for fertilization on large-scale dairy farm
Xu Pengxiang, Shen Yujun, Ding Jingtao, Meng Haibo※, Zhang Pengyue
In order to promote the healthy development of animal husbandry, China put forward the road of green development of agriculture. The combination of planting and breeding has become an inevitable choice. The utilization of manure back to farmland is an important way of waste treatment in dairy farms. There are three types of manure, including solid, liquid, and slurry manure, which can be used as organic fertilizers. At present, returning of solid manure (after composting) and liquid manure (after storage or anaerobic fermentation) to the cropland has become the main way in dairy farms in China, while the slurry manure (after storage) is widely used in developed countries, such as Europe and America. Compared to other types of manure, the slurry manure contained higher nutrient, showing a promising application prospect in the areas with sufficient farmland. The storage technology of slurry manure has some good characteristics, such as easy collection of excrement, saving storage areas, and low treatment cost. However, only a few application cases were realized in China. In this study, the following contents were investigated for the technological design of manure storage, including the amount of collected manure wastes, parameters of storage facilities, parameters of manure utilization to farmland, costs of operation and so on,the volume of slurry manure storage facilities and the matching land areas of manure returning to farmland were given at the end. The results showed that the obvious advantages can be found in the slurry manure technology. A scaled farm with 500 dairy cattle was taken as an example, where the amount of slurry manure was 17.33 t per day. There are two types of slurry manure storage facilities, under-floor storage pit inside the breeding house and manure storage lagoon outside. The length, width, and depth of one under-floor storage pit were 85, 12 and 2 m, respectively, which can meet the storage need of slurry manure produced during 9 months. In the scaled farm with 500 dairy cattle, it needed 5 under-floor storage pits, where the total volume was 10 200 m3. The length, width, and depth of one manure storage lagoon were 90, 30 and 2.2 m, respectively, with a total volume of 5 615 m3, which can meet the storage need of slurry manure produced during 9 months. The farmland area for the application of manure was closely related to crop species and planting system. If the planting crops were wheat, harvest once a year, 248.4 hm2of farmland was needed for manure application. If the planting crops were corn, harvest once a year, 400.6 hm2of farmland was needed for manure application. If the planting crops were wheat and corn, harvest twice a year, 122.8 hm2of farmland was needed for manure application. If the planting crops were rice, harvest twice a year, 127.0 hm2of farmland was needed for manure application. The cost of all slurry manure returning to farmland was 103.7 thousand yuan, saving about 228 thousand yuan a year, compared with that of chemical fertilizers, and the annual economic benefit is 124.3 thousand yuan. The finding can provide a potential support for the application of storage technology for slurry manure.
manure; storage; dairy farms; farmland utilization; technological design
徐鹏翔,沈玉君,丁京涛,等. 规模化奶牛场粪污全量贮存及肥料化还田工艺设计[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(21):260-265. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.21.031 http://www.tcsae.org
Xu Pengxiang, Shen Yujun, Ding Jingtao, et al. Technological design of slurry manure storage and returning to farmland for fertilization on large-scale dairy farm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(21): 260-265. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.21.031 http://www.tcsae.org