(中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院,北京 100083)
基于农业生产中水肥一体化技术的施肥要求,该研究对国内常用的SSQ系列射流施肥器进行了性能测试。以吸肥量、进出口压差等指标为研究目标进行了施肥器水力性能的分析和预测,推导了SSQ系列射流施肥器开始吸肥和吸肥效率最高时进出口压差与进口压力的关系公式。结果表明:在正常工作阶段,SSQ系列射流施肥器的吸肥量随进出口压差的增加而增大,在空化条件下达到极限工况;8种不同规格施肥器在进口压力超过0.20 MPa时才能充分发挥吸肥性能;正常工作阶段临界压差与进口压力关系公式的斜率与试验值的误差小于15%,斜率的大小主要受喉管截面和喷嘴出口截面的面积比影响;效率最高时进出口压差与进口压力关系公式的斜率与试验值的平均相对误差为17%,验证了该关系公式的合理性。该文提出的SSQ系列射流施肥器水力性能预测公式可为同类产品的设计和应用提供参考。
0 引 言
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.2 试验装置
1.进口 2.喷嘴 3.喉管 4.扩散管 5.出口 6.吸入口
1.Inlet 2.Nozzle 3.Throat 4.Diffuser 5.Outlet 6.Suction
Note:0,1,3,c, andsarethe diameter of inlet, nozzle, throat, outlet and suction, mm.
图1 SSQ系列射流施肥器
Fig.1 Jet fertilizer applicator of SSQ series
1.3 试验方法
试验中射流施肥器的进口压力按照厂家给定的值设定,在0.05~0.40 MPa之间变化,以0.05 MPa递增。通过调节阀门1、2,使进口压力达到设定值,进口和出口压力的变化范围较大,吸入口的压力变化在−0.01~0 MPa。当进口压力一定时,出口阀门2最大开度时对应最小出口压力,缓慢关闭阀门2,使出口压力逐渐增大,当进出口流量相等(即吸肥量为0)时,得到最大压力,如表2所示。试验通过调节进口和出口压力改变运行工况,阀门3用于控制储肥桶的水位,当水位在3 min内不发生变化,即认定试验工况达到稳定,记录吸入口压力和进出口流量,每组试验重复3次。试验时室温约为20 ℃;大水箱与储肥桶的液面是与空气直接接触,系统采用独立循环;试验过程中每30 min停泵降温,以减缓介质在试验过程中的升温。
表1 SSQ系列射流施肥器关键尺寸参数
表2 SSQ系列射流施肥器试验工况
Note: “—” indicates no suction amount under this condition.
1.4 基本性能参数及计算
2 结果与分析
2.1 SSQ系列射流施肥器吸肥量对比分析
2.1.1 进出口压差对吸肥量的影响
图3 不同射流施肥器进出口压差Δp对吸肥量QS的影响
图3中某一进口压力下的S-Δ曲线与横坐标轴的交点,可以认为是该进口压力下正常工作吸肥所需的最小压差,即临界压差Δmin。在设定进口压力下,SSQ-125的Δmin取值范围为0.10~0.20 MPa,SSQ-130~SSQ-170的进出口直径和喷嘴直径相同,Δmin取值范围也较为一致,大约为0~0.20 MPa,而对于SSQ-200~SSQ-260,随着进出口直径和喷嘴直径变大,Δmin逐渐变小,趋向于0~0.10 MPa,并且极限工况下的S也越来越大。Δ反映装置内的压力损失,表明在同等吸肥条件下,SSQ-200、SSQ-230、SSQ-260的压力损失更小。比较进口压力0.40 MPa时极限工况出现的压差值变化可以看出,随着射流施肥器长度的增加,进出口压差值越来越小,表明SSQ-260射流施肥器的压力损失更小。总体上,吸肥量范围随着施肥器长度的增加而增加,在实际应用中,可根据田间施肥要求选择不同尺寸的施肥器。
2.1.2 进口压力对最大吸肥量的影响
图4是8种射流施肥器的最大吸肥量smax与进口压力0关系。可以看出,随着0增加,smax逐渐升高,从图3也可以看出,8种射流施肥器在进口压力较小的条件下都处于正常工作阶段,此时射流施肥器的性能并未完全发挥。当0大于0.20 MPa时,各型号射流施肥器的smax均达到一个相对稳定的值,不再发生变化,表明此时能充分发挥该系列射流施肥器的吸肥性能。
图4 不同射流施肥器进口压力p0对最大吸肥量Qsmax的影响
2.2 SSQ系列射流施肥器进出口压差对比分析
上式以施肥器管轴线作为基准面,下标0取进口断面,s取吸入口断面,c取出口断面。为了减少公式中的参数,选择储肥桶的稳定液面作为计算断面,根据对储肥桶液面无限大的假设,认为储肥桶液面的压力和流速取值为0,试验中储肥桶液面与施肥器管轴线垂直高差Δ为0.50 m,则式(11)可简化为
从式(13)可以看出,右侧分别由压力势能、重力势能、动能3项组成。h为一定流量比时出口与进口的压力比值,取值在0~1之间。若压差的计量单位为MPa,则重力势能项最大为0.00489 MPa。将式(7)~(8)代入式(13)得到进出口压差与进口压力的关系
2.2.1 进口压力对临界压差的影响
表3 临界压差与进口压力的关系公式系数与回归模型对比
Note:his the pressure ratio between the outlet and the inlet at a certain flow ratio, with a value of 0-1.
2.2.2 最高效率时进口压力对压差的影响
图6 不同射流施肥器最高效率时进口压力p0对压差Δpηmax的影响
表4 最高效率时压差与进口压力的关系公式系数与回归模型系数对比
图7 不同射流施肥器进口压力p0对最大压差Δpmax的影响
2.2.3 进口压力对最大压差的影响
3 结 论
2)进口压力超过0.20 MPa以后,射流施肥器才可能充分发挥其吸肥性能。8种施肥器的吸肥量范围随着施肥器长度的增加而增大;当施肥器的面积比相同时,最大吸肥量也相同。
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Experimental research of hydraulic performance on jet fertilizer applicator of SSQ series
Wang Xiaoshan, Yan Haijun, Zhou Lingjiu, Xu Yuncheng※
Fertilizer device is essential to the precision fertigation technology. Most fertilizer equipment includes the pressuretanks, plunger pump of fertigation, Venturi injector, and self-pressure fertilizer device. A jet pump is widely used in theindustrial and agricultural production, because of its simple structure, and convenient operation without an external power. In the integration technology of water and fertilizer, the jet pump can serve as the function of Venturi injector. However, some jetfertilizer applicators with various types and sizes cannot meet the irrigation requirements of small pressure loss and large suction amount. In this study, 8 jet fertilizer applicators of SSQ series were tested according to the fertilization requirements of agricultural irrigationsystem, and subsequently their hydraulic performances were evaluated using the suction amount, and the pressuredifference between inlet and outlet. In terms of pressure difference, the working condition of a jet fertilizer applicator can be divided into 3 stages, including the no-injection, normal, and extreme stage. The results show that the suction amount of a jet fertilizer applicator increased with the increasing of pressure difference during the normal stage. The cavitation occurred, and the suction amount reached the maximum during the extreme stage. The 8 jet fertilizer applicators were achieved the optimal performance of injection, if the inlet pressure was higher than 0.20 MPa, where the maximum suction amount was found to be related to thecross-sectional area ratio of nozzle and throat. During the normal stage, the pressure difference of starting to inject or of themaximum efficiency was in positively linear relation with the inlet pressure. A theoretical linear equation with structural parameters was proposed to predict the relationship between pressure difference and inlet pressure, starting to inject, and the maximum efficiency, where most data derived from basic performance equation and pressure ratio, without considering theintercept. The slope mainly depended on the area ratio, and thereby it can be strongly related to the difference of pressure loss. In each inlet pressure, the maximum difference of pressure varied linearly with the increase of inlet pressure, where as, the cavitation was result in the large flow resistance during the extreme stage. The slope error of starting to inject was less than15%, and the average relative slope error of the maximum efficiency was 17% between regression model and relation formula, indicating that the relation formula had a good agreement with the experimental data. The prediction on thehydraulic performance of a jet fertilizer applicator can provide a sound theoretical basis for the design and application. Nevertheless, there were some assumptions when deriving this formula. It was assumed that the pressure was the same everywhere in thechamber between nozzle and throat. It also ignored the head loss in terms of the length of throat portion and diffuser portion. The derived relation formulas can be further improved in thefuture by considering the influences of extreme stage orcavitation.
fertilizers; experiments; jet fertilizer applicator; suction amount; hydraulic performance; integration of water and fertilizers
汪小珊,严海军,周凌九,等. SSQ系列射流施肥器水力性能试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(21):31-38. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.21.004
Wang Xiaoshan, Yan Haijun, Zhou Lingjiu, et al. Experimental research of hydraulic performance on jet fertilizer applicator of SSQ series[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(21): 31-38. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.21.004