

教学考试(高考英语) 2020年5期


高考新题型读后续写淋漓尽致地体现了对英语学科核心素养——语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力四大要素的考查,既能通过阅读原文作品和两句段首句考查学生的批判性思维能力,更考查学生基于语言运用能力的再创作能力。按照《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明(高考综合改革实验省份试用)》中所提供的读后续写评分原则,得分高的续写文本,在思维上承接上文,与所给短文及段落开头语合理衔接,故事脉络清晰,内容完整;在语言上用词准确而丰富,句式多样而精彩,对细节描写到位,并适度巧妙地使用修辞。为帮助学生更准确快速地把握高分读后续写的解题思路,笔者把以上内容总结为简单实用的技巧“一主旨,二走向,三契合,四手段,五忌讳”,并结合2020 年1 月浙江省高考英语读后续写进行举例说明。


读后续写的两段应与原文主旨统一,且对高中生形成正确的人生观有积极作用,因而主旨需是积极的、富有正能量的或有趣的,即instructive or interesting。读后续写必然要经历先输入再输出的过程,这就要求我们先厘清故事六要素,把握好两条线:情节线和情感线。如果原文中含有消极情绪,则需要学生合理构思情节,让负向情绪转为正向情绪,体现高考的育人功能。

“I’m going to miss you so much,Poppy,”said the tall,thin teenager.He bent down to hug his old friend goodbye.He stood up,hugged his parents,and smiled,trying not to let his emotions (情绪) get the better of him.

His parents were not quite able to keep theirs under control.They had driven their son several hours out of town to the university where he would soon be living and studying.It was time to say goodbye for now at least.The family hugged and smiled through misty eyes and then laughed.

The boy lifted the last bag onto his shoulder,and flashed a bright smile.“I guess this is it,”he said.“I’ll see you back home in a month,okay?”His parents nodded,and they watched as he walked out of sight into the crowds of hundreds of students and parents.The boy’s mother turned to the dog,“Okay,Poppy,time to go back home.”

The house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there.All that week,Poppy didn’t seem interested in her dinner,her favorite toy,or even in her daily walk.Her owners were sad too,but they knew their son would be back to visit.Poppy didn’t.

They offered the dog some of her favorite peanut butter treats.They even let her sit on the sofa,but the old girl just wasn’t her usual cheerful self.Her owners started to get worried.“What should we do to cheer Poppy up?”asked Dad.“We’ve tried everything.”

“I have an idea,but it might be a little crazy,”smiled Mom.“Without anybody left in the house but us,this place could use a bit of fun.Let’s get a little dog for Poppy.”

It didn’t take long before they walked through the front door carrying a big box.Poppy welcomed them home as usual,but when she saw the box,she stopped.She put her nose on it.Her tail began wagging (摆动) ever so slowly,then faster as she caught the smell.

Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A few weeks later,the boy arrived home from the university._____________________________________________________________________________________________________

2020 年1 月浙江省高考英语读后续写故事六要素




10 个标有下划线的关键词语,足以让我们在脑海里规划出无数种可能的情节。而且读后续写的材料多为故事题材,续写部分通常是故事的结尾,也是故事的高潮部分,按照故事的起因——发展——高潮这一规律可知,这部分往往最扣人心弦,要么紧张,要么有趣,要么有哲理。故事中体现的矛盾冲突在这一部分都会得以解决。

笔者引导学生把2020 年1 月浙江省高考英语读后续写续写文本中的10 个划线词分成如下三类:




围绕这10 个词发散学生思维,进行头脑风暴,学生的脑海里可能会浮现温馨感人的画面:

思路一:Poppy 谨慎靠近→dog 从box 新奇探头→parents 欣慰高兴→Poppy 恢复生机,接近小狗→boy 从university back →Poppy cheerful 地迎接男孩(leans against his leg/both paws on his thighs/hopping/licking/barking with excitement)→父母激动地watched,温馨洋溢,其乐融融。

思路二:dog 憨态可掬,爬出box →parents 忍俊不禁→两只狗熟稔起来,Poppy 似乎不再孤单,不再那么想念boy →boy 放假back →Poppy 欢快迎接→男孩hugged Poppy 并注意到新成员→得知它是Poppy 的新伙伴→感动cheerful,泪水模糊视线→Poppy 温情地望向小狗,又望向boy,不知该奔向谁,让一家人忍俊不禁。

思路三:新成员从box 探头,天真地玩耍→两只狗dog 相互适应,从陌生到熟悉到形影不离→boy back,parents hugged boy →少年watched 两只狗相互陪伴,感到cheerful,松了口气→文章的主题升华:少年回忆起自己逐渐融入university 生活的过程,回忆起朋友的陪伴和勉励→自己从孤单到适应的成长蜕变。



结合第一段段首语“Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.”和“第二段段首语A few weeks later,the boy arrived home from the university.”,顺应主旨,突出陪伴和成长,关注情节、逻辑和衔接,可以联想到第一段应重点描写两只小狗相处时的场景、它们彼此陌生时的表现、新成员和Poppy 各自的反应;Poppy 如何被感染,慢慢敞开心扉。两只狗相互陪伴,自己更开心了,也缓解了父母对少年的想念和担心。第二段可以着重描述少年回家后的场景,父母见到少年时的激动,少年拥抱父母(与一、二段道别的动作描写相呼应)。Poppy 激动,少年抱起Poppy,新成员也撒着欢,少年对新成员的反应,一家其乐融融地欢聚在一起。如果情节描写进展较快,我们可按照常规模式结尾,升华主题:少年联想到自己大学的适应过程,欣慰地看着两只狗戏耍,为狗和父母都不再孤单而感到开心。




①细节描写:IDEAS,即inner thoughts(内心想法),dialogue(对话),emotions(情绪),actions(动作)和setting(环境);




下面,笔者结合学生习作,分析如何使用微技能,使写出精彩纷呈的150 词不再是难事。

Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.It popped its head out with curiosity.At sight of Poppy,it leapt out of the box with pains-taking efforts,barking excitedly at her.Poppy sat up immediately and watched the new settler in amazement with her head held up.The little dog sniffed everywhere as if a new child explored a world of fun eagerly and boldly.Poppy couldn’t help approaching it cautiously.With her eyes fixed on it,she reached one paw hesitantly.It was not long before they ran to and fro and rolled together,pricking up their ears to hear a sound silently in the blink of an eye.Wrapped by their yapping and barking,parents smiled,puffing a sigh of relief,though occasionally Poppy was still found crouching,gazing at the door.

A few weeks later,the boy arrived home from the university.Hardly had the boy entered the room when Poppy let out a delighted bark and threw herself at the boy,her eyes sparkling with pleasure and her tail wagging furiously.The boy bent down and stroked Poppy,murmuring“You must be accustomed to life without me.Look,how energetic you are.”His parents rushed out of the kitchen.Mom hugged the boy with tears in her eyes and Dad looked with excitement,patting the boy on the back.All of a sudden,the boy caught sight of the adorable puppy and exclaimed,“Wow,a puppy for Poppy?”Dad explained with patience,“Just as you called us,telling us you had difficulty in fitting in with your life in the university,Poppy felt lonely as well at home.It occurred to your mother that,just as you adapted to your life with the company of your friends,so Poppy could cheer up with a puppy to accompany her.”Instantly,the first lonely month flashed across his mind.The cheerful boy came to understand that it was his parents that guided him and to his delight,Poppy took his place to keep his parents company in his absence.

续写中有许多动作细节描写的精彩词块。比如,pop its head out,leap out of,bark excitedly,sit up, amazement with her head held up,sniff,approach,reach one paw,run to and fro,prick up their ears,crouch,tail wagging furiously 活灵活现地写出了狗狗的可爱和憨态可掬;wrapped by their yapping and barking,puff a sigh of relief,let out a delighted bark,throw oneself at,her eyes sparkling with pleasure,bend down,stroke 温情地表达了人狗互动;hug with tears in eyes,pat the boy on the back 写出了父母与孩子分别多日再见面时的激动,符合人物身份,catch sight of the adorable puppy and exclaim 亦将孩子看见新成员时的惊喜跃然纸上;对于情感的描写,则采用with curiosity/pleasure/excitement,in amazement,to one’s delight/relief,excitedly/cautiously/hesitantly/silently,delighted,cheerful,relief 等介词词组,副词、形容词及名词相互转换的形式来满足不同句子成分的需求,反映主人公的情绪。文中at sight of,hardly...when 的时间状语表达,长短句交替,句式结构富于变化。非谓语的表达也是动作场景不可或缺的点睛之笔,作者既观察细致,又提升了全文的语言水平,淋漓尽致地展现了分词、with 复合结构和独立主格结构的妙用。It was not long before...,it occurred to sb.that...复合句使用准确。更难能可贵的是,文章通过just as...,so...比喻修辞和 it was...that 强调句回扣主旨,同时为使用fit in with,adapt to,accompany 等高级词汇提供了绝佳的机会。作者在最后升华主题时,采用“Instantly,the first lonely month flashed across his mind.”引出回忆,推动情节。最后一句道明人生哲理,使续文非常切题,把所有细节描写串起来,为主旨服务,也体现了主题升华是比较常见而实用的结尾。







“疫”路陪伴 架起“侨”梁,心“联”你我
教育下一代 升华老一代