英语的词类跟语法成分大体对应,这一点已经得到国内外语法学界的普遍共识,即名词做主宾语、动词做谓语、形容词做定语、副词做状语。动词做主宾语需要改变形态,比如用动词不定式形式,例如“To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in the world”,或者用动名词形式,例如“Deviating from the rules will do no good to you”。形容词做主宾语一般也需要改变形态,即跟名词性词缀组合形成名词,例如:“But it is also a book of great beauty that reminds the reader that simplicity is often best”。但是,在某些结构中,一些形容词却可以没有任何形态变化的情况下直接做主宾语。本文将在高娟(2016)的基础上,详细考察英语形容词做主语这种特殊现象有哪些特点,英语形容词作宾语现象将另文讨论。
英语形容词做主语时一般是在含有系词be动词的系词句中充当主语。按照目前学界的主流观点(如Heycock & Kroch,1999;Rothstein,2001;刘爱英、韩景泉,2004;Heller,2005;Arimoto,2006; Birner, Kaplan & Ward,2007等等),英语系词句按照其语义类型一般可以分为述谓性系词句和等同性系词句两种,尽管自Higgins(1979)以来,学者们对系词句的分类也有其他意见(如den Dikken,2006;Mikkelsen,2005等等)。由于对系词句的分类并不是本文的核心问题,本文采用简洁的分类方法,认为系词句包括述谓性系词句和等同性系词句两大类。英语形容词做主语在这两类系词句中都有体现。
(一)a. Yet, simple is neither easy nor predictable.
b. I see people who think big is better, but it isnt.
(二)a. Yes, again, less bad is good news. The rate of deterioration in the foreclosures is slowing.
b. Mind if I tell you something, Ink? Serious is your whole problem.
(三)Its all so bleak and beautiful that I want to do something crazy, and…. Crazy is in the air, and in the ground too...
(四)a. And I think that, you know, we have to draw a line and say, listen, right is right; wrong is wrong.
b. you know, bad is bad, no matter what it is.
(五)And as Waters knows best, simple is what its all about.
(六)A: Where is she?
B: Dead is where she is.
(七) Sad is the man who is asked for a story and can not come up with one.
(八)Remember, invisible doesnt necessarily mean unreachable.
(九)a. As her grandmother used to say,“ Handsome is as handsome does. ”
能做主语的英语形容词本身一般是既能做定语又能做谓语的核心形容词(Quirk et al, 1985),从上面所举例句可见一斑。但情况也不是那么绝对,偶有边缘形容词做主语的情况,例(10)表明一般只做谓语的形容词也可以做主语。
(十)What she had told her precious babies was truer than even she had imagined. Alive was always alive, even when dead was better.
(十一)a. We must all change our thinking about aging. Older does not mean sicker.
b. Check the unit price, for cereal especially. Bigger does not always mean cheaper.
(十二)a. “So how old is old?”“I used to think being 30 was old,” says Cindy Lay.
b. Like they can't decide just how close to get. How close is safe. Every day they see each other..
(十三)a. The judge said he sympathized with Buckeyes being upset over her long court ordeal, very upset does not state a cause of action.
b. Indeed, in my opinion, not guilty does not necessarily mean innocent.
c. Such a scheme would not necessarily (really should not) record the bias of progress, for geologically young does not mean anatomically complex ...
从上文中所举例句可以看出,英语形容词做主语时主要出现在有回声(Sperber & Wilson, 1995)现象的语境里。最常见的回声语境是对话语境,即说话人A使用了一个形容词,说话人B接着就使用该形容词做主语,上面大多数例句都属于这种情况。或者是同一个说话人,在使用一个形容词之后,接着使用该形容词做主语(14),偶尔也会出现形容词先做主语的情况(15)。
(十四)“The two of you are very different...,” she said. “Different is right.”
(十五)Mind if I tell you something,Ink?Serious is your whole problem. Youre too serious.
(十六)The forum will soon be joined by a new hotel and garden complex that will further update Monacos profile. New is good for business, but Monaco still does well by its traditional attractions.
(十七)a. I whistled softly and rubbed my hands together to assure me this was reality... Real seems fake. It gets easier to pull out later.
b. Warm tap water is good. Hot is not better.
也有比较隐晦的回声语境,比如后面使用的形容词阐释了前面的语境,(18a)里“new”阐释了“beginners”的某方面的属性,(18b)里的“sure”表达出了前面“He nods”的含义,(18c)里的“unusual”是對前一句“他们本来也是容易得到坏运气的”所传递含义“他们有了不同寻常的结果”的总结。
(十八)a. Beginners luck? Maybe. But new isnt always good.
b. Is it really so serious? I say. My brother puts down the mug. He rubs his face. He nods. —Sure is awful. He doesnt answer.
c. “They could just as easily be bad luck. Unusual is not necessarily good,” Bernie mused.
或者后面使用的形容词是前面提到维度或对象的一种具体体现或评价,例如,(19a)里“stupid”是“many things”的一个个案,(19b)里的“big”“high”和“wide”都是前面“scale”的具体体现。
(十九)a. Hes many things, but stupid isnt one of them.
b. Most critically, the man knew scale. He knew how big was too big, how high was too high, and how wide was too wide.
(二十)a. Proud of his daughters seems to be what he is. (Heycock & Kroch, 1999)
b. Honest is what I want him to be. (ibid)
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