

世界建筑导报 2020年1期

主持:洪人杰,Kulthida Songkittipakdee / Host: Jenchieh Hung, Kulthida Songkittipakdee

对谈:Amata Luphaiboon,Twitee Vajrabhaya Teparkum 泰国建筑系事务所主持建筑师/ Interview: Amata Luphaiboon,Twitee Vajrabhaya Teparkum; Principal Architect of Department of ARCHITECTURE, Thailand

记录:中泰建筑研究室/ Transcript: Chinese-Thai Research Studio

洪:我最早得知Department of ARCHITECTURE是十年前在杂志上看到普吉岛莎拉度假酒店(Sala Phuket Resort),而后该项目获得泰国暹罗建筑师协会(Association of Siamese Architects, ASA)奖项。接着近十年时间您不将事务所定位在酒店项目上,相反完成一系列不同类型作品,如SunOne集团总部(SunOne)、邦盛海滩多功能亭(The Flow Pavilion)、The Commons商场(The Commons)、泰国创意与设计中心(Thailand Creative and Design Center),因此我更感兴趣的是当事务所被业主定位成酒店专家时,您是如何成功转型的(图1)?

Hung: I firstly knew the Department of ARCHITECTURE from the Sala Phuket Resort in a magazine ten years ago, and the project won an award of the Association of Siamese Architects(ASA). Ten years later, you do not position the firm on the hotel project. Instead, you have completed a series of different types of works, such as SunOne, The Flow Pavilion, The Commons, Thailand Creative and Design Center, so l am more interested in the office transition.How did you successfully transform your position which do not act as a hotel expert by the client expectation (Picture 1)?

Amata:这个话题大概要回到二十多年前,我与合伙人Twitee一起于Metric事务所任职,那个时候我们作为主持建筑师完成苏梅岛六善酒店(Six Senses Samui Resort),该项目让我们获得第一个ASA建筑金奖,业主也开始将我们定位为酒店设计专家。但是,身为建筑师的我们不想将自己放进盒子中,我们想突破束缚,想尝试相异类型项目,想勇于挑战并创新,因此我们成立Department of ARCHITECTURE事务所,并在十五年中累积多元的经验。

Amata: More than 20 years ago, I worked with my partner Twitee at Metric.At that time, we completed Six Senses Samui Resort as the project architect. This project gave us the first ASA Gold Award, and the client also started positioning us as a hotel design expert. However, as an architect, we don't want to put ourselves in the box. We want to break through it, try different types of projects, and want to be challenged and innovated. So we set up the Department of ARCHITECTURE and accumulated in fifteen yearswith diverse experience.


Kulthida: Many firms commit the commercial projects in order to running their operation,but then they encounter a stereotyped situation, and can only continue to do the commercial projects. After you completed Sala Phuket Resort, how did you successfully transform and do other projects later?


Amata: I want to start with the "personnel" point of view - the earliest we had only four people. After afew years, at an increasing rate, we intend to keep the number of people and projects in an organically growing. Thirty-five people in size; in fact, we can't control the expansion of the project, but we can control the number of companies. When we use the most streamlined personnel to complete the project, we gradually accumulate experience and ability, and then have greater confidence to “pick”project. From the perspective of "time" - when we did not undertake hotel projects in the past few years,we have more efforts to work on interior, office, restaurant and commercial projects(Picture 2). In recent years, we are more eager to undertake from architecture to interior. The project is completed and serialized from the client, operation, and design to construction of the entire system. Finally, from the perspective of “luck” - when we refused the project, we were more active and enthusiastic about each project. Fortunately, we are lucky to win many international and domestic awards, especially the ASA award, which allows us to prove our ability to do any project.

图1,普吉岛莎拉度假酒店╱Sala Phuket Resort(摄影╱Photo:W Workspace)

图2,芭堤雅希尔顿酒店╱Hilton Pattaya(摄影╱Photo:W Workspace)


Hung: How do you convince the client when the project is going on? After the firm became famous, can you control all the design?


Amata: Fifteen years ago I was thirty-five years old, very young at that time, now I am fifty years old, so I had met the client are older than me, but I always think to let client trust us are not so difficult, because we always do our best, and I'm sure the client can know from our eyes our passion on their projects. If I don't have passion in the project, I will not undertake whether it is an office or business project. However, I do not mean that the office or commercial projects are not connected. I mean if the client tells me that he wants to do business or office projects with some ideas, his enthusiasm will also affect us, prompting me to have the courage to innovate. At the same time,we will do a lot of design research, these results are very distinctive, and in order to meet the effect of our different characteristics of the program, we will even do animation, physical model, effective diagram, we try to do any supplemental materials to express the design, so that the clients of different designs can also clearly understand.This way, the client will know we are really serious in doing something, but we not only show the design results, we will also study among process with the vendor, the contractor and interior interface in briefing could elaborate and development. The clients generally know a building direction, and can know that kind of real materials, texture, indoor space, the client will know that we know all the process, is a very full, very large number of research results, and has a great enthusiasm to like their present achievements (Picture 3). Now more than ten years have passed, we also have several representative works, the clients also know our design level, so it is easier to convince the clients. Now the clients know us better, we have more opportunities to show our design ability, but we will pursue to provide more solutions to the clients, to study unprecedented solutions and our innovative design that has never been done before.But new things will always be questioned by the clients, so we still do more and better, more serious investment, let the clients know our passion and courage for design. At the same time, because the clients trust us, we also have a longer term goal, hoping to make each project more advanced and more challenging than the previous projects, which is also the reason for the progress of the firm and the trust of the clients (Picture 4).

图3,鄢陵建业花满地温泉酒店╱MIST Hot Spring Hotel(摄影╱Photo:W Workspace)

图4,Little Shelter酒店/ Little Shelter Hotel(摄影/ Photo: W Workspace)


Hung: When foreign clients entrust you with projects, do you expect to see Thai-ness in your designs?

Amata:业主找上我们多半是看过我们的作品,他们认为我们的作品很巧妙的将地域关系展现在建筑风格上,而这些业主都会让我们发挥个人创意,而非单一风格。在我们设计中场地扮演重要的角色,然而身为泰国建筑师,我们的设计也会自然而然体现“泰国性”痕迹,但并非刻意的。有些项目因为气候因素、地理条件、历史人文等因素需要呈现泰国性痕迹,如我们设计的大城Trusoul度假酒店(Trusoul Resort Ayutthaya);但有些项目的泰国性表达则可以透过材料、构筑或自然环境来呈现,如中国的鄢陵建业花满地温泉酒店(MIST Hot Spring Hotel)、印度尼西亚的巴利岛高尔夫度假酒店(Bali Golf Resort)以及约旦的Ayla 海滩会所(Ayla Beach Club)。我们从未刻意的寻求某种设计意图,仅单纯希望让人可以感受到好的建筑或空间,那就足够了。

Amata: Most of the clients have seen our works, and they think that our works skillfully show the regional relationship in the architectural style, and the clients will let us play the contemporary architectural style. In our creation, it actually depends more on the site relationship. If the Thai design is not needed, why should we put it in? However, as a Thai architect, my design naturally reflects the traces of Thai nature, but this is not intentional; some projects may need Thai traces, such as our Trusoul Resort Ayutthaya, but the depth of Thai design depends on how much I want to put in, perhaps through the decorative elements expressed by materials, patterns or light, but in any case it is through the study of natural orientation to that trend. On the other hand, we have many overseas projects,such as MIST Hot Spring Hotel in China, Bali Golf Resort in Indonesia, Ayla Beach Club in Jordan and Manila project, we have never had a preconceived design strategy, we do not need to talk loudly about Thai nature, Thai architects, we hope the work can make people feel good, that is enough.

洪:海外业主是如何发现Department of ARCHITECTURE?

Hung: How can foreign clients find the Department of ARCHlTECTURE?

Amata:我们有一部分作品发表于国外互连网上,但我们不知道哪个网站是大众关注的,或许有些业主看到ArchDaily、Archtizer,也有部分从Dezeen或谷德设计网…等。当这些海外业主已经知道我们的项目时,如普吉岛莎拉度假酒店、芭堤雅希尔顿酒店(Hilton Pattaya)、The Commons商场时,我会给他们看其他类型的作品,让他们知道我们的实践类型很多元,没有任何类型的限制。业主也会发现,我们的设计不仅独特,还具有创新的能力;因为当我们自己都不会抄袭自己的作品时,业主就会了解我们更不可能抄袭别人作品(图5)。

Amata: Some of our works have been published via foreign medias, but we don't know which website is popular, maybe some clients see ArchDaily, Archtizer, and some from Dezeen or gooood...etc.When these overseas clients already know about our projects, such as Sala Phuket Resort, Hilton Pattaya, The Commons, I will show them other types of works, let them know that our practice types are varieties, without any type of restrictions. Clients will also find that our designs are not only unique but also innovative; because when we do not copy our own work, the clients know that we are less likely to copy other people’s works(Picture 5).

Kulthida:在这十五年中,Department of ARCHITECTURE是否累积自我的建筑哲学观与关键词?

Kulthida: During these fifteen years, did the Department of ARCHlTECTURE accumulate selfbuilding philosophy and keywords?


Amata: We don't have a deliberate philosophical view, but it may naturally create continuity as the number of practical projects increases. We try to avoid intent styles, because styles are like signatures, and no matter what paper you sign on, they will show similar results. In fact, we want to write a book, this book will present a very wonderful story, if the story needs to be more emotional, we will try to put our emotions, and even use handwritten way to complete the book, trigger the readers are extremely and rich in feelings, so every project we will think about what kind of story to write, not the same text and signature. Back to the design operation, we don't have a standardized style to execute the project. In each project, we will try to study the site context. Perhaps the project needs rich colors, maybe the project needs simple materials, depending on the story. We also tried to write a unique story that triggered people to understand the place and architecture (Picture 6).


Twitee: As for the keywords, we think is natural but whether it is a construction project, an interior project or a landscape project, we will try to present it in a building way, and the result will often make the space place reach the effect of total-ness; and in the next step we will pay more attention to how it is felt, how it is seen. Because architecture is always inseparable from human participation and involvement (Picture 7). Today, star architects don't want their buildings to look beautiful. They think that good buildings or beautiful buildings don't look cool enough. They must look strange or difficult to understand, but these are completely different from us. We not only make the building look beautiful from the perspective of the architect, we also hope that the normal people can also feel the beauty, because they cannot feel the mobility and transparency of the space, but at least they can feel the good and beautiful things.

图5,The Commons商场/ The Commons(摄影/ Photo:W Workspace)

图6,泰国创意与设计中心/ Thailand Creative and Design Center(摄影/ Photo: W Workspace)


Hung: What is the reason that Thai architects are raising up?


Amata: I think it is the character of the Thai people. There was a Singaporean client who came to us. I asked him why he was looking for a Thai architect. Even a Thai client would go to a Singaporean architect.He said that Thai architects are different, and you have a natural perception of aesthetics. I think he is right,not only for architecture, but for other designs as well (Picture 8). We are not like the Japanese are rational,straightforward and extroverted to aesthetics; Thailand has a talent, a natural and free idea for design,which is not only expressed in architecture and design, but also in personality, food and society.


Amata:非常精彩,非常棒的道路!十五年前当我们开始事务所时,那是一个百家争鸣的时代,那时候建筑风格还不像当下这么现代,更多的是在“重释“泰国建筑。我并非是第一个开始抽象演绎泰国当代建筑,但我可以说我是第一批开始的建筑师。我们这代的实践方式承接了前几代的前辈的思想,但又走出具有鉴别性的策略,如果要我具体指出这代的创始者的话则是Duangrit Bunnag(DBALP)。另外一方面,十五年前业主和委托单位并不知道什么是有意义性的建筑,那时候好的建筑只会在纸媒书籍上出现,还不像现在互连网这么普遍;但在之后约五年的时间,开始有一批好的泰国建筑师和事务所崛起,有的是我们的前辈也有很多是我们的晚辈,以前可能只能说出二三家代表性事务所,但现在最少可以说出10家,甚至更多!有的40至50岁,有的40至30岁,更有一些是30岁以下,而这些事务所也逐渐成为泰国“中坚“世代的建筑师。

Hung: Which direction is the Thai architecture going on?

Amata: Very good, very excellent! When we started our office fifteen years ago, it was a time of a lot of different ideas, and the architecture was not as modern as it is now, but more about reinterpreting Thai architecture. I wasn't the first architect to do contemporary Thai architecture, but I can say I was one of the first architects to do it. The way our generation practices is built on the ideas of previous generations, but it goes out of the way of discriminating strategies, and if I am going to specify the leader of this generation,it should be Duangrit Bunnag Architect Limited (DBALP), and we've all worked very hard to go with him,to be very close to him. On the other hand, fifteen years ago, the clients and building approval department did not know what a meaningful building was. But after about five years, a number of good Thai architects and firms began to rise, some of them are our predecessors and many of them are our juniors. Before, we could only name two or three representative firms, but now we can say at least ten or more! Some are in their 40s and 50s, some are in their 40s and 30s, and some are under 30 years old, and these firms have gradually become the backbone of Thai architects for next generations.


Twitee: This phenomenon is mainly the emergence of the Internet and self-media, let the general public understand what is a good building, what is a meaningful design, then when the clients and architects understand this industry standard, it will naturally accelerate the growth of the industry. It is the Internet that makes contemporary architecture richer and more influential. The current clients will even say how much budget I have, what modern residences I want, not too many unnecessary decorative elements, etc. These words will not appear fifteen years ago; today, a lot of Thai affairs are all strong the self-style and design techniques are combined with the consciousness in the building. I never felt that I was competing with these firms, and they didn't feel competing with other architects in this group because each of them had a strong design, and that was why the clients found them.


Hung: Can you share some opinions to young architect in China?


Twitee: Before starting a business, I would recommend studying and working in a professional firm for a few years. Because after graduating from school, as a young architect, they don't know how the building actually build up. When they have more practical experience and work experience, they will have enough confidence to find their own values, and they will also know when it is time to start a business, how to combine their passions. On the other hand, make sure you really like architecture. If you are not sure you like it, change your career immediately; because the architect is a very hard job, not only to find the right client, but also to let the team trust, and solve a variety of complicated problems.

图7,邦盛海滩多功能亭/ The Flow Pavilion(摄影/ Photo: W Workspace)

图8,Sindhorn住宅/ Sindhorn Residence(摄影/ Photo:W Workspace)


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