

风景园林 2020年3期

半年前带学生苏州实习,有机会再次到城西北的虎丘,据说在远古时代原本是海湾中时隐时现的孤丘,称海涌山,经历代持久地营建而成名胜。过山门海涌流晖、大吴胜壤,经拥翠山庄、憨憨泉,过流纹岩的千人坐和白莲池,沿剑池风壑云泉上双井桥,到隐喻海浪如雪的雪浪亭后登顶见云岩寺塔,30 m高的小山竟迂回曲折,气象磅礴,穿越了春秋至今2 000年的时光,让人由衷赞叹人工之美入天然的风景魅力。


西方经历了启蒙运动对如画式景致的欣赏后发展到浪漫主义时期,人们重新认知和发现了自然,主张在动态体验中感知自然,并对庄严崇高渐感兴趣,开始了对高山景观的欣赏与探索。德国画家卡斯帕·大卫·弗里德里希(Caspar David Friedrich)名作《云海上的旅人》描绘了一位身着礼服的男士站在岩石山顶,俯瞰半掩在云雾中的山峰,旅人的礼服更像是城市散步者的衣着,而非远足登山的装束,这既表达了对山地与森林的赞美,又表现了具象征意义的自然。同期,英国作家发表了《湖区指南》,倡导人们观赏自然与景观的本来面貌。美国人则对荒野有着天然的审美热爱,赞美崇高的荒野景观,公众对自然的再认知和对转变土地管理方式的倡议,促成北美早期自然保护地的建立。伴随着19世纪末工业化进程加快,人地关系紧张,环境问题突出以及生物学、生态学等科学的发展,人们逐渐意识到保护具有代表性的自然生态系统、栖息地对于保障区域生态安全和维持社会发展的重要性,为约束对自然的过度开发,开始系统地建立自然保护地。查尔斯·W·艾略奥特(Charles W. Eliot)更是把大波士顿地区有价值的山体、森林、荒野和海滩进行整体保护,并与河流、道路串联成区域自然系统。不同时代人们对自然具有不同的认知坐标,从围垦农田、圈地运动、城乡建设等对土地的开发,到将具有维系生物多样性和人文价值的土地进行保护的转变,是对现实生态环境压力的回应,更是一种文明的进步。





Nature, Protection, and Land

Half a year ago, during the time I was leading the students’ field trip in Suzhou, I paid another visit to the Huqiu Hill in the northwest of the city. It is said that in ancient times, it used to be a butte in the bay, called Haiyong Hill, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing. After consistent constructions and renovations one dynasty after another, it became a scenic spot. Walking through the screen wall with characters “HAIYONGLIUHUI” and the inscribed tablet “DAWUSHENGRANG” at the hill gate and passing through the Yongcui Villa and the Hanhan Spring, and then the giant rhyolite rock “A thousand people’s seat” and the White Lotus Pond, guided by the Two-well Bridge aside the Sward Pond Spring scripted with “FENGHEYUNQUAN”, you will reach the Snow-white-wave Pavilion, leading to the top, where the Yunyan Temple Pagoda stands. This round-about route on the mere 30-meter-tall hill takes one on a time-crossing trip from the age of Spring and Autumn Period 2,000 years ago to the present. One can only marvel at the glamourous fusion of man-made works and the nature.

Man explores the nature for his living environment, his activities of production, his beliefs and aesthetic and also cultural values. Recognizing and praising nature from an artistic perspective to create an “humanized nature” are part of the Chinese tradition and specialty. Like a famous poem depicts, “the spring green is awaiting in-between the gate of mountains”, as people born in the mountainous country, our ancestors’ knowledge about nature might arises with the mountains at the front door. By integrating human’s own feelings and emotions with the natural landscapes, the conception of nature called “Object and emotion forming an organic whole” was gradually formed. The ode describing the Kuaiji Mountain by Gu Kaizhi of the Jin Dynasty, is a good example of the Jin people’s admiration of nature: “Thousands of rocks compete for beauty, thousands of gullies strive for rapids, the grass and trees are hazy above the landscape, alike the shining clouds”. As Mr. Zong Baihua pointed out, the people in Jin Dynasty discovered the beauty of outward nature while inwardly they found the deep feelings and emotions of man themselves, feeling an association of their ideas and feelings with natural scenes and symbols. Such a knowledge of nature from a thousand years has created rich and colorful cultural treasures and inscriptions on the earth, forming famous mountains and rivers and numerous places of historical interest and scenic landscapes.

In the West, the Enlightenment Movement went from an admiration of picturesque scenery to a rediscovery and new knowledge of nature at the end of the Romantic Period. People began to feel nature through dynamic experience and began to show an interest in solemn majesty. They started to explore and admire the landscape of high mountains. The German painter Caspar David Friedrich’s famous paintingThe Hiker Over the Sea of Fog (Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer)portrays a gentleman in hat and formal dress, standing on top of the mountain overlooking the summits flickering in the clouds. The traveler’s formal dress is more like the attires of strollers in cities rather than hikers, which shows both an admiration of the mountains and forests and the demonstration of a symbolic nature. In the same period, a British writer published the workA Guide to the Lakesand called people to appreciate the virgin beauty of natural scenery.

The Americans showed an instinctive love of the wild, praising the majestic wild landscape. People’s re-cognition of nature and their call for reformation of land management system resulted in the establishment of North America’s nature reserves in the early stage. As the industrialization accelerated at the end of the 19th century, with the tension in man-land relationship, an emergence of environmental issues, and the development of biology and ecology, people realized the significance of the protection of the representative natural and ecological systems and habitats in safeguarding regional ecological security and maintaining social development. To contain the overdevelopment of nature, protected areas were established systematically. Charles W. Eliot even worked to protect all the mountains, forests, the wild, and the beaches in the Greater Boston Area, linked by the rivers and roads, shaping a regional nature system. People of different times view nature from different perspectives. From the enclosure movement, the reclamation of farmland, the city and rural construction to the protection of land with biodiversity and cultural value, the transition is actually an echo to the pressure on the ecological environment, and also a progress in human civilization.

In China, there has been a system of various types of protected areas including nature reserves, scenic areas, geological parks, marine parks and wetland parks, classified according to their departmental functions, resource classification and administrative zoning to identify land with value for protection. However, due to the multi-values character of land, the overlapped inclusion and multiple management were hard to avoid. Yet currently the more unified land management system of protected area has provided new opportunities for a more scientific and systematic development of nature reserves. Still, a better knowledge of land diversity is needed to avoid a focus on single field, along with a better understanding of the typical value of protected areas in the ecosystem and in preserving historical and cultural traditions will also help to improve the current system of protected area.

Since the publication of the first issue of this journal in 2005, guided by the founding editor-in-chief Dr. Wang Xiangrong, a clear vision of the journal’s principals and ideas have been gradually outlined. Throughout the 15 years, with the nature of an academic journal, it has provided the profession with a widely acknowledged platform for communication, and has now become increasingly influential and a journal in CSTPCD. We will continue to work align with the editorial board, all the editors, authors, and readers, strive to be a powerful media force which strongly supports the development of this industry, living up to this good era for Landscape Architecture.

