

文化软实力研究 2019年4期

1. 逍遥/xiāoyáoCarefree


The term refers to a state ofmind totally free from all constraints.Itwas first proposed by Zhuangzi in one of his most well-known essays.According to him,people's minds can go beyond predicament in a way that their bodies cannot,somentally they can be independent of material concerns and free of all worries.Guo Xiang of the Western Jin Dynasty had a new definition of the term:By acting in accordance with its own nature,everything can be free of troubles and worries.




People should seek carefree enjoyment beyond the constraints of the human world.(Zhuangzi)



Things, big and small, are different from each other.But when they are placed where they should be, each of them will develop as its nature dictates, shoulder their proper responsibilities,and ultimately achieve the same degree of freedom.(Guo Xiang:Annotations on Zhuangzi)

2. 兴寄/xīnɡjìXingji(Association and Inner Sustenance)


The term means the use of analogy, association, and inner sustenance in writing a poem to give implicit expression to one's sentiments,thus enabling the poem to convey a subtlemessage.The term was firstused by the Tang Dynasty poet Chen Zi'ang.Xing(兴)means the development of inner feelings invoked by external objects, and ji(寄)means finding sustenance in them.Later itwas extended to mean that poetry should be written to convey a message of praise or satire.The term carried on the pre-Qin poetical tradition of creating inspiration by writing about a subject and stressed that while depicting sentiments in poetry,the poet should find sustenance in it.The term represented an important developmentof the theory of analogy and association.It played amajor role in ensuring that poets in the prime of the Tang Dynasty broke away from the poetic style of the Qi and Liang of the Southern Dynasties, which pursued ornate language instead of inner sustenance,thus enabling Tang poetry to develop in a healthy way.




When I read the poems of the Qi and Liang of the Southern Dynasties in my leisure time,I found them full of ornate rhetoric heaped together without sustenance.Ioften feel resigned as I can well imagine that the ancients were always concerned about poetry becoming decadent and the tradition of objectively reflecting reality as shown in The Book of Songs getting lost.(Chen Zi'ang:Preface to My Poem “The Bamboo”Composed with Inspirations from Dongfang Qiu)



Iwas concerned that the works based on association and inner sustenance would get lost and thatwritings with only elaborate rhetoric would prevail.We really need works that have substance.(Liu Zongyuan:Letter to Scholar Shen Qi)

3. 行己有耻/xínɡ jǐyǒu chǐConduct Oneself with a Sense of Shame


The term is from The Analects.From the point of view of Confucius,the cultivation ofmoral conduct is not only words and deeds in accordance with social norms,butmore importantly one should have a sense of shame about personal inadequacies and violations of moral conduct.Moreover,stimulated by a sense of shame,one can correct and perfect self-conduct in accordance with moral and social norms.The establishment of a sense of shame is an important goal of Confucian teaching.




Zigong asked, “What qualifies a person to be called a shi(roughly referring to those at the social stratum between the aristocracy and the common people)?” Confucius said, “He who conducts himselfwith a sense of shame, and does not disgrace the tasks entrusted by his sovereign when dispatched elsewhere, may be called a shi.”(The Analects)



Confucius said, “If people are guided by governmental decree and made to behave themselves through punishments, they will avoid punishment, but will have no sense of shame.If they are guided by morality and behave themselves in accordance with social norms,they will have a sense of shame and will follow rules.”(The Analects)

4. 南戏/nánxìSouthern Opera


Nanxi(南戏), the Southern Opera, refers to the Han ethnic opera from the late Northern Song to the late Ming and the early Qing dynasties.The opera was created in the Wenzhou region when the Song government fled south.At the time,itwas also known as chuanqi(传奇,drama),xiwen(戏文,play)as well as Wenzhou Zaju(温州杂剧,Wenzhou Opera),Yongjia Zaju(永嘉杂剧,Yongjia Opera),and Yongjia Xiqu(永嘉戏曲,Yongjia Play).Drawing on local folk singing styles,the Southern Opera first developed on the basis of village operas without any traces of palace styles and rhymes,and itwas noted for being natural and smooth in singing.A Tale of the Pipa, a play by Gao Ming(1301?-1370?), marked the maturity of the Southern Opera.The Southern Opera inherited the Song zaju and heralded the emergence of chuanqi of the Ming Dynasty.Chuanqi plays were long enough to accommodate multiple roles and all performers sang.The Southern Operamasterpieces include The Romance ofa Hairpin,The Story of theWhite Rabbit, The Moonlight Pavilion, and The Killing of a Dog.Many operas in southern China were created based on the Southern Opera.




Longloujing and Danchixiu were both daughters of Jinmengao.They were beautiful and good at giving South Opera performances.(Xia Tingzhi:Pleasure House Collection)



The Northern Opera was known as zaju and the Southern Opera as xiwen in the Jin and Yuan dynasties.(He Liangjun:Works from the Four-scholar Study)

5. 年/niánNian/Year


In the literal sense, the Chinese character nian(年)means the ripening of crops.As crops are mostly harvested annually, the Chinese character nian has gradually come to refer to the period of one year, and later it is used to refer to the annual Spring Festival.When it comes to the calendar,it refers to the period of one year on the lunar calendar(lunisolar calendar),which has 12 months:7 months each of 30 days and 5 months of 29 days, altogether 354 or 355 days.A leap year has 13 months, altogether 383 or 384 or 385 days a year.As a lunar calendar, it is closely related to agricultural production cycles in ancient China, and it epitomizes ancient Chinese people's awareness of time and concept in an agrarian society.The Gregorian calendar from the Westwas adopted by the Republic of China in 1912,ushering in a dual system of lunar and solar calendars.As a result, nian(year)refers to a year on the solar or lunar calendar, depending on the context.




Blossoms look the same season after season;but people enjoying the flowers look different from year to year.(Liu Xiyi:Feeling Sorry for a White-haired Old Man)

6. 品题/pǐntíMake Appraisals


This concept means appraising someone's character, ability, conduct and approach, which was a common practice from the late Han through the Jin and Weidynasties.The practicewas considered a good one when it was first introduced, as people were judged by their moral character and ability, not their family background,making it an important means of selecting officials based on their competence.Appraisal of others was a popular conversational topic among the people in the Wei and Jin dynasties.However,such appraisal gradually shifted towards people's family status,power and influence in the late Wei and early Jin dynasties,which led to the establishment of the nine-rank system for selecting and appointing government officials.There was also a shift in making appraisals away from people towards poetry,paintings and calligraphic works.Thusmaking appraisals played a less important role in selecting officials while assuming a more significant role in the appreciation of art.This influenced literary criticism in the Southern and Northern Dynasties and led to the creation of works of literary critique on poetry,paintings and calligraphy.




Xu Shao and Xu Jing were both celebrities in Runan who liked to comment on their fellow townsmen and changed the subjects they commented on everymonth.What they did was referred to by the locals as“making monthly appraisals.”(History of the Later Han Dynasty)



Compilations ofworks of famous authors are meant to bring works together on an extensive basis rather than comparing their literary attainment.The Critique of Poetry I have compiled, however, is a selection of five-character regulated verses only.As almost all the poets and their masterpieces are already included in other compilations, mine just includes the works of 120 poets, with comments on the merits and demerits of their works.(Zhong Rong:Preface to The Critique of Poetry)

7. 奇正/qízhènɡQi or Zheng/Unexpected or Frontal


Qi(奇)means surprise while zheng(正)means direct and normal.First advanced by Laozi, the concept has twomain meanings.First,it is amilitary term about two opposing ways of fighting.Zheng means meeting the enemy head-on based on an understanding of its intention,while qi means keeping one's intention to oneself and launching surprise attack and laying ambush on the enemy in order to secure surprise victory.Z heng and qi need to be applied in a coordinated way.While a military term,qi and zheng is also used to deal with daily affairs.Second, as a term of literary and art criticism, itmeans an article is pure and original in terms of theme and elegant and stylish in terms of diction.Liu Xie(465?-520)of the Southern Dynasty first introduced qi and zheng in literary criticism to oppose attaching excessive importance to form and novelty,a trend which was popular in the literary circles in the Qiand Liang dynasties.Liu Xiemaintained that literary creation should be based on Confucian classics in terms of theme,to be embellished by stylish rhetoric.He believed that pure thought(zheng)must come before rhetoric(qi)so that an essay would be original in terms of theme and beautiful but unexaggerated in terms of diction.The term qizheng was later also used in literary criticism of poetry and opera.




A state should be ruled by the normalway, fighting should be conducted in a surprised way, while ideal governance should let people handle their own affairs.(Laozi)



In all warfare, the directway is tomeet enemy attack head-on, but surprise attack should be launched in order to secure victory.One who is good atusing surprise attack will have at his disposal a rich reservoir of such tactics as inexhaustible as Heaven and Earth and as unending as the flow of rivers and streams.(The Art ofWar)



Six criteria should be applied in reading and commenting on an article:structure, diction, continuity and change, use of new and traditional techniques(qi and zheng), use of allusions, and rhythms and prosody.(Liu Xie:The Literary Mind and the Carving ofDragons)


