

西部论丛 2019年29期



木版年画是中国的传统民间艺术形式, 有着一千多年的历史。年画中,门神的历史最为悠久,早在汉代就已经出现了“守门将军”的门神雏形。唐代以来佛经版画的兴起、雕版技术的成熟和宋代市民文化的发展都大大促进了木版年画的繁荣;北宋时期出现了专门售卖年画的“画市”,当时称为“画纸儿”;宋金时期,已经出现了“四美图”这样精美绝伦的木刻版画,它是现存最早的木版画。清代道光年间,李光庭在他所著的《乡言解颐》一书中,正式提出了“年画”一词。从此,“年画”就拥有了固定含义:即指木版彩色套印的、一年一换的年俗装饰品。其工艺制作过程是:第一步:起稿,即绘出画稿。过去一些有实力的画店请著名画家来绘制。第二步:刻版,即将画稿的墨线稿粘贴在杜木或梨木上,刻工以刀刻线,   墨线版刻出后,再根据需要分出不同的颜色印版,称为色版,有几个颜色就要刻制几块色版。   第三步:印年画。其过程是:先印墨线稿,再换不同色版套色印制。有的地方,在印后采用手绘和描金加强装饰效果,个别的也采用手工填色方法或脸部、手部采用手工填色方法。

经过近千年的发展,到了清代中晚期,民间年画达到了鼎盛阶段,不仅内容包罗万象,  形式多种多样,还出现了大大小小几十个产地,其中著名的有:天津杨柳青、河北武强、山东 潍 坊 、 陕 西 凤 翔 、 河 南 朱 仙 镇 、 四 川 绵 竹 、 苏 州 桃花坞、福建漳州、广东佛山、湖南滩头等地。清末民初年间,年画的使用地区覆盖了除西藏以外的全国各地,包括台湾在内。

Woodcut New Year Pictures

Woodcut New Year Pictures is a traditional Chinese folk art with a history of more than one thousand year. In the New Year paintings, the door god has the longest history. As early as in the Han Dynasty, the prototype of the door god has emerged.The prosperity of the Woodcut New Year Pictures should thank to the rise of Buddhist scriptures, and the maturity of engraving techniques in Tang Dynasty, as well as the development of civic culture in Song Dynasty . During the Northern Song Dynasty, the "painting market" has emerged to sell New Year pictures, which was then called "Painting  the Song and Jin Dynasty . During the Daoguang Period of the Qing Dynasty(1821-1850), Li Guangting  proposed the term "new year pictures" in his book "my hometown". Since then, the Woodblock New Year picture referred to colored print decorations in New Year changing annually.The making the process of Woodcut New Year Pictures is as following: firstly, drawing the draft. In the past, some powerful painting shops invited famous painters to draw. Secondly, pasting the ink line draft on the dumu or pear wood, and engraving lines on the wood, then, the ink line templates are done. After that,according to the  needs to make the  different color templates. Thirdly, printing the ink line draft, then using the color template to print. After printing, the hand-painted and gold-plated ways are used to decorate the pictures,except these, the manual color filling way is also always used.

With the development of one thousand year, the folk new year pictures has reached its peak stage in the middle and late Qing Dynasty.  which were not rich in its contents, but also the forms and places. The famous places including Yangliuqing, Tianjin, Wuqiang, Hebei, Weifang, Shandong, Fengxiang, Shanxi , Zhuxianzhen, Henan, Mianzhu, Sichuan, Taohuawu, Suzhou, Zhangzhou, Fujian and Foshan, Guangdong etc.During the late Qing dynasty and the early Republic of China, the paint were used all over the country except Tibet.


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