摘 要 “读后续写”不仅是写作促进手段,近年又成为浙江省高考新题型之一。“读后续写”应建立在对原文准确分析基础上,同时续作是否有效也可通过语篇分析得到验证。
关键词 读后续写;高考新题型;叙事语篇分析
中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2019)10-0161-02
从高考读后续写的评分标准来看,要求与原文和所给段落的首句融洽,内容、语法和词汇要丰富,文章能有效衔接。对读后续写题型的续作评价包含几个关键词 :内容、衔接、连贯、修辞。这符合《现代英语修辞学》(胡曙中,2004)中关于有效的语篇要考虑的最基本的五个因素:目的、内容、统一、连贯和强调。单纯评价续作是无意义的。读的材料和续写的段落共同构成了一个语篇。在读后续写题型中,作为续作者的身份具有双重性,既是受话人又是发话人。他完成的是对既有语篇的解构,对续写段落的建构以及篇章整体的重构。所以语篇分析不仅要运用于原作中,也应扩展至结合了续作的整个语篇中。
黄国文(1987)在《语篇分析概要》一书中介绍拉波夫(Labov,1972)的叙事语篇分析模式:(1)点题(abstract)(2)指向(orientation)(3)进展(complicating action)(4)评议(evaluation)(5)结果或结局(result or resolution)(6)回应(coda)
1Once upon a time in a faraway land,lived two young men,much like many young men you may know today…
The two brothers were likeable,but undisciplined(不守纪律的),with a wild character in them.They behaved badly,which turned serious when they began stealing sheep from the localfarmers—a serious crimein this rural5place,so long ago and far away.In time,the thieves were caught.The local farmers decided their fate:The two brothers would be branded on the forehead with the letters ST for“sheep thief”This sign they would carry with them forevermore.The younger brother was so embarrassed by this branding that he ran away;he was never heard from again.
The elder brother,filled with deep regret,accepted his fate and chose to stay and try to makeamends(改過自10新)to the villagers he had wronged.At first the villagers had doubts about his behavior and would have nothing to do with him.But this brother was determined to make reparation for his wrongdoing.Whenever there was a sickness,the sheep thief came to care for the ill with soup and a soft touch.Whenever there was work needing to be done,the sheep thiefcame to help with a lending hand.It made no difference whether the person was rich or poor.The sheep thief was there to help.Never accepting pay for his good deeds,he lived his life for others.
15Many years later,a traveler came through the village sitting at a sidewalk caféeating lunch.He saw an old man with a strange brand on his forehead seated nearby.The stranger noticed that all the villagers who passed the old man stopped to share a kind word,to pay their respects;children stopped their play to give and receive a warm hug.
Curious,the stranger asked the caféowner after the old man left,“What does that strange brand on the old20mans forehead stand for?”
“I dont know.It happened so long ago…”the caféowner replied.Then,pausing briefly for a moment ofreflection,he continued:“…but I think it stands for‘saint.”
23Just at that moment,another old man came in.________________________________________________________
24Thevillagers looked at him curiously.__________________________________________________________
这篇文章属于叙事体,它没有出现点题,首段的作用是指向,交代了故事开始的背景。L3开始至L22大部分为故事进展,部分评议穿插其中。例如:L3的The two brothers were likeable,but undisciplined,with a wild character in them.L4behave badly,turn serious,a serious crime.L8The younger brother was so embarrassed by this branding that he ran away.L9The elder brother,filled with deep regret,L11the villagers had doubts…But this brother was determined to…L15he lived his life for others.评议对叙事语篇非常重要,通过穿插的评议,读者能了解两兄弟面对因当年犯下的罪所遭受的惩罚的态度截然不同,弟弟因觉耻辱而远走高飞,哥哥则诚心改过并获得他人原谅。原作者借此表达,犯了过错,应用于担负起责任,以善行悔过,重新赢回他人的尊重。
再分析两段需续写段落的开头句,L23续写的第一段开头句Just at that moment,another old man came in.属于指向,开启了一个小的新的叙事结构。整个故事是由若干小的叙事结合起来,原文中L15Many years later,a traveler came through the village sitting at a sidewalk caféeating lunch和L19Curious,the stranger asked the caféowner after the old man left也是指向。结合原文材料时间与地点指向顺序,所以无论新来的old man是谁,他不能当时与哥哥见面,因为他已经走出咖啡馆了。L24续写第二段开头句The villagers looked at him curiously.属于延续上一个叙事结构的进展,其中look at him curiously属于评议。暗示第一段中的内容有某种悬念,引起了村民们的好奇。第一段开头句为固定的指向句。第二段开头带有评议。两段续写段落在篇章中的位置相当于进展、评议、结局和回应部分。这里全文推向高潮。随着悬念的解开,作者的写作意图应得到贯彻和体现。
Just at that moment,another old man came in.There was the same brand on his forehead as the former old man.The stranger thought to himself,“What does this brand stand for?Does it also stand for‘saint?”Out of curiosity and doubt,he came up to the old man and said,“I feel sorry for asking you such an impolite question but I couldnt hold back my curiosity.I really wonder what the brand on your forehead stand for.Does it stand for‘saint?”After hearing his question,the old man responded with a tough smile on his face.“Everyone can be saint if Im saint.Actually,Im a thief.”
The villagers looked at him curiously.The old man told them the story which happened long ago.After telling the story,he said,“Im the younger brother who stole sheep but didnt make amends for my wrongdoing,so Im not saint at all.”He buried his face in his hands and said in a regretful tone.“In the past several decades,I felt regretful for running away and I was guilty for my wrongdoing.So I came back and I hope I can make reparation for what I have done.”Tears slid down his face.The stranger gave him a hug and said,“It will never be late as long as you realize your fault.”
在習作第一段中the traveler因为对新来老者额头的刺字感到好奇,作者点出he came up to the old man…,由此顺利展开了两者之间的对话,符合原文指向。同时主体的情节推动由the traveler完成,承接原文中L16Many years later,a traveler came through the village sitting at a sidewalk caféeating lunch的指向。第一段的结尾处,作者以“Everyone can be saint if Im saint.Actually,Im a thief.”这样出乎the traveler及村民预期的陈述设置了悬念,与续作第二段中开头句形成了衔接过渡,推动情节发展。续作第二段中作者对原文中已经叙述清楚的情节以The old man told them the story which happened long ago带过,与上文形成照应关系。在结尾处,借the traveler之口,告诉弟弟,正视错误,勇于改正,为时未晚。对原文作者意图有较好的领会贯彻。同时,对照上文哥哥赢回尊重的过程和结果,给读者留下了弟弟的改过之路留有想象空间。作者在续作中穿插的评议如a tough smile,in a regretful tone很好的传达了弟弟内心的悔意和纠结,使得结局顺理成章。整个续写与原文融洽度高,有效。